Trump admits to Bob Woodward that He Knew How Deadly Covid-19 was back in February of this Year.

Nick Calandra

Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist
Escapist +
Mar 13, 2020

Literally every politician does this across every level of government, and has since the genesis of the 24-hour news cycle. It's not even a "politics" thing, that's an "anything newsworthy" thing. Obama fucking did that too.

This is why I give you shit about "orange man bad", you're singling out that Trump does something universal and trying to act like it's some unique, unprecedented, especially dangerous, or even noteworthy at all, thing. That's BEC level shit right there. If Trump dropped a toilet-clogger in Mar-a-Lago, would you be in here talking about how Trump's trying to single-handedly destroy Palm Beach's sewage treatment system?

At some point you just gotta realize, that's how politics works in the age of the 24-hour news cycle, and let it the fuck go. That's not manipulating the media, that's everyday operation.

That's not Trump manipulating the media, that's the media manipulating you. Most of these stories are about alphabet agency deregulation in which the MNC's that own the media -- and their advertisers -- have a vested interest in not reporting. Between Comcast, AT&T, and the FANG's which collectively control over half all news media consumed by Americans, do you think they were gonna report on net neutrality deregulation when they could have instead distracted the public with "covfefe"?

And even if they did report it, it's mostly boring administrative law shit that doesn't drive ratings, when "lol orange man bad" topical/fluff bullshit brings in the stupids in record numbers. These are for-profit companies, what do you think's going to be the bigger crowd-pleaser: an investigative story about Chevron deference in the Trump era and its impact on juridical relief from EPA deregulation, or goddamn Maddow yowling like a cat in heat about whether or not borscht is detectable in Trump's stool samples?

Goes right back to Woodward dropping this shit in September, seven months after it might have saved lives in the earliest parts of the pandemic. He's not trying to inform the public or advance the cause of public health, he's trying to sell a goddamn book. Because the news media isn't a poor, innocent, bystander led about the nose by Trump in all this as you would claim, they're an active participant and beneficiary of it
There's merit to the argument that the media is complicit in all this considering they directly profit from it. I wish more people would take classes to learn about how mass media / propaganda operates.

Trump plays the media like a fiddle and he knows it and he benefits from it. He knows saying all this crazy shit is going to get him media attention and they give it to him on a silver platter every day. It's so much that people are in fact becoming desensitized to it and why, I think personally, he keeps getting away with all the stupid shit he does, because the media does indeed make a huff about every little thing he does.

Heck, for as much as outlets like CNN don't want Trump to win the next election, 99% of their coverage is focused on him and not Biden. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but I distinctly remember not at all being surprised when he won just due to the media coverage he got (yes, I know popular vote, etc).

Anyways, as someone that really cares about journalism, I'm utterly dismayed at the current state of things and that journalism has become more about individual personalities and injecting a "voice" into the news rather than just reporting the facts.

Someone in games media a couple years ago defended adding their own thoughts into each news story by saying it gave their writers a "voice" and that's stuck with me since as something that's truly screwed up journalism as a whole. It sucks.

Nick Calandra

Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist
Escapist +
Mar 13, 2020
He didn't refuse to wear a mask even symbolically. He refused to wear a mask only symbolically. He wore masks in situations where people weren't taking pictures of him, and didn't wear a mask in front of the press (until they eventually caught him), suggesting it'd be unpresidential to appear that way. That's something that can be agreed or disagreed with, but it's a relatively minor point, because once they started making the mask wearing into a partisan conflict, he started putting on masks in front of cameras and touting their goodness. Sure, it's because people told him to, but that's why Trump does literally anything. He listens to people telling him what to do. It's one of his very few redeeming qualities as a person, he listens to smarter people.

Could I trust Fauci on this one?
The figurehead expert has said time and again that Trump follows their advice. Why would I believe the media, who I can frequently disprove with just the information available to regular people like me, and not the experts?

If you already know why you're quoting it out of context, why are you doing so? He only said the part you quoted after saying "I would have said."

would: (expressing the conditional mood) indicating the consequence of an imagined event or situation.

When someone says they would have done something, you can correctly deduce that they didn't actually do it. That is the purpose of "would".
Yea, I understand what you're saying. It was like the thing on Twitter that was trending yesterday about him telling a member of the press to take their mask off as if he was doing it to harm someone, when he was just asking them to take it off so he could hear the question. I get all that and how a lot of it is overplayed and taken out of context. I studied this stuff in college, and it's why I just don't engage in it typically and do my own digging to decide what I believe.

Either way, he made a big deal out of masks and he didn't need to do that, but he can't get over his ego and just be decent for once. He keeps stoking the fires for his own personal benefit, no matter what issue is going on.

As for Fauci, who knows, everyone says different things at this point. Could be he's just making sure he stays on Trump's good side so he can continue doing his job. He went against Trump before and then he wasn't invited to the press briefings, as far as I know, so really who knows.
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020

Literally every politician does this across every level of government, and has since the genesis of the 24-hour news cycle. It's not even a "politics" thing, that's an "anything newsworthy" thing. Obama fucking did that too.

This is why I give you shit about "orange man bad", you're singling out that Trump does something universal and trying to act like it's some unique, unprecedented, especially dangerous, or even noteworthy at all, thing. That's BEC level shit right there. If Trump dropped a toilet-clogger in Mar-a-Lago, would you be in here talking about how Trump's trying to single-handedly destroy Palm Beach's sewage treatment system?

At some point you just gotta realize, that's how politics works in the age of the 24-hour news cycle, and let it the fuck go. That's not manipulating the media, that's everyday operation.

That's not Trump manipulating the media, that's the media manipulating you. Most of these stories are about alphabet agency deregulation in which the MNC's that own the media -- and their advertisers -- have a vested interest in not reporting. Between Comcast, AT&T, and the FANG's which collectively control over half all news media consumed by Americans, do you think they were gonna report on net neutrality deregulation when they could have instead distracted the public with "covfefe"?

And even if they did report it, it's mostly boring administrative law shit that doesn't drive ratings, when "lol orange man bad" topical/fluff bullshit brings in the stupids in record numbers. These are for-profit companies, what do you think's going to be the bigger crowd-pleaser: an investigative story about Chevron deference in the Trump era and its impact on juridical relief from EPA deregulation, or goddamn Maddow yowling like a cat in heat about whether or not borscht is detectable in Trump's stool samples?

Goes right back to Woodward dropping this shit in September, seven months after it might have saved lives in the earliest parts of the pandemic. He's not trying to inform the public or advance the cause of public health, he's trying to sell a goddamn book. Because the news media isn't a poor, innocent, bystander led about the nose by Trump in all this as you would claim, they're an active participant and beneficiary of it.

Same reason people think the Obama admin replenished SNS PPE supplies (most notably N95 masks) during his terms in office. He didn't, the media openly lied about it to pin it on Trump.

Same reason they think the tea party were who consistently cut CDC, NIH, and HHS funding for the duration of Obama's administration. They didn't, those budget proposals came from the White House, the media lied about it to pin it on Trump and the tea party.

Same reason they seem to have memory holed that China, during the early months of the pandemic, bought out global PPE supplies en masse for import, then price gouged once the virus spread globally. They did, the media openly distracted from that trying to pin PPE shortages on Trump, and shifted blame for trying to bring attention to it by making accusations of racism.

Which they did because it made them a shitload of money. That's how "this" works.
They didn't manipulate me, I was too busy reading medical journals and reading about what was actually happening from the Physicians and nurses on the front lines instead. I posted on here a great deal about that btw,. I don't read twitter.

Germany bought their supplies in December and January, like the US should have done, but Trump chose not to. Trump sold US supplies while we were already low instead when we should have been stockpiling them. He chose to do that, no one made him do it. Trump wasn't supposed to buy any supplies from China that late into the game here, He was supposed to use the defense production act to make them ourselves to use here. Healthcare workers across the country petitioned him to use the defense production act, they protested in the streets..TRUMP didn't want to. He belatedly made a small amount via DPA , and complained about it actually accusing healthcare workers of stealing them, he only made a tiny amount and then stopped because he didn't even want to make those in the first place. You can't blame what Trump actually did on the media here.

Here is the kicker. This many months in and Trump STILL has not used the defense production act to address the shortages of PPE, disinfectant, and other resources in the US. He went through the motions and acted like he was but then stopped and acted like it was already over. Now we are heading into flu season crippled and still experiencing mass shortages and he still isn't doing anything about it.

You can only blame everyone else for so long. We have plenty of documented timelines on every event that happened here:


lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
There's merit to the argument that the media is complicit in all this considering they directly profit from it. I wish more people would take classes to learn about how mass media / propaganda operates.

Trump plays the media like a fiddle and he knows it and he benefits from it. He knows saying all this crazy shit is going to get him media attention and they give it to him on a silver platter every day. It's so much that people are in fact becoming desensitized to it and why, I think personally, he keeps getting away with all the stupid shit he does, because the media does indeed make a huff about every little thing he does.

Heck, for as much as outlets like CNN don't want Trump to win the next election, 99% of their coverage is focused on him and not Biden. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but I distinctly remember not at all being surprised when he won just due to the media coverage he got (yes, I know popular vote, etc).

Anyways, as someone that really cares about journalism, I'm utterly dismayed at the current state of things and that journalism has become more about individual personalities and injecting a "voice" into the news rather than just reporting the facts.

Someone in games media a couple years ago defended adding their own thoughts into each news story by saying it gave their writers a "voice" and that's stuck with me since as something that's truly screwed up journalism as a whole. It sucks.
Yea, I always tell people they should watch the BBC documentary "The Century of Self " so they see how it got this way. It basically goes into how the whole control over information as a form of thought control to control the masses happened. "The brainwashing of my Dad" was also good so they can see how the conspiracy nuts all got a foothold.

I knew Trump was going to get elected. Ranted about it on here at the time but people didn't take it seriously. I ALSO told them CNN was helping him get elected and has been a cash cow ever since. I am not convinced CNN dislikes him as much as they claim to given that it was their coverage that helped him more than most out there. They feed off each other like " the odd couple" as a form of entertainment. They often ignored his more serious offenses and focused on frivolous stuff that doesn't matter in the end. They helped him distract rather than address what he was distracting from.


Elite Member
May 28, 2020
United States
There's merit to the argument that the media is complicit in all this considering they directly profit from it. I wish more people would take classes to learn about how mass media / propaganda operates.
I mean the way I look at it, is there's a stark divide between the huge, vertically and horizontally integrated, cross-platform-ownership, conglomerates and the other 5%. Media's become so ridiculously hyper-consolidated in the past four years, News Corp isn't even on the map any more -- hell, Hearst is bigger nowadays.

When you start talking about the big four, my position is "they're absolutely complicit, let 'em burn". Three of the biggest winners out of the Trump tax cuts were AT&T, Comcast, and Disney, all of which famous for massive layoffs and buybacks after the cuts despite record profits. All three of which making an absolute killing selling Trump derangement to the masses.

Then you have the vanity project outlets -- the HuffPo's, the Politico's, the Hill's, sadly WashPo post-Bezos -- they're gonna do what they're gonna do, they're at the mercy of their handpicked editorial boards. They're still operating with profit motive, but it's profit motive plus advancing partisan cause. So, fuck them too as far as I'm concerned.

You want to talk about the smaller, legacy outlets..then yeah, they're not really blameworthy for the media's overall race to the bottom. NYT's #3 in circulation in the US, but compared to cable news it's freakin' peanuts. And yeah, NYT's suffered greatly in the past few years, but the outlet's more toxic elements rage quit after the Tom Cotton fiasco and the outlet has a chance of doing quality reporting again.

And, the media literacy thing in the "era of fake news" is pretty much the smoking gun of all smoking guns to me. The biggest and most prominent outlets, if anything, are actively promoting the cause of media illiteracy, simply by asserting audiences should merely trust and uncritically consume "approved" sources, whilst rejecting "unapproved" sources by identity alone. And, this is at the same time FANG's are openly abusing Section 230 protection to unilaterally name themselves sole arbiter of truth in online communication, when these corporations have each individual proven themselves the least trustworthy actors on the internet.

Not once, in all my years of (admittedly elective) journalism education, poli sci and history education, activism, organization, and political activity, have I ever heard a journalist -- current, retired, scholar, lecturer -- say in all seriousness "yeah, you should just trust the news" the way talking heads have the past four years to a decade. In fact, what I've heard the most is the exact opposite -- that if someone says that to you, and they're not encouraging you to use your own judgment and engage in your own rational inquiry, the last thing they are is a journalist and the last thing you should do is listen to them.

And I used to work with my campus' journalism department and campus newspaper, to co-host media literacy workshops and seminars for the public. And let me tell you, it was a hell of a fight getting my campus and state ACLU on board with electronic freedoms and media literacy seminars, because they didn't see the vested civil liberties interest in it and feel it was a priority issue at the time (bet they fuckin' do now).

Trump plays the media like a fiddle and he knows it and he benefits from it. He knows saying all this crazy shit is going to get him media attention and they give it to him on a silver platter every day. It's so much that people are in fact becoming desensitized to it and why, I think personally, he keeps getting away with all the stupid shit he does, because the media does indeed make a huff about every little thing he does.
I don't disagree, I just take issue calling it a scenario of manipulation as that implies a one-way relationship. To me, it's very much two-way, and the conversation needs to be centered on how the mass media benefits from the Trump administration to get a clear portrait of how and why the country is as fucked as it is right now.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but I distinctly remember not at all being surprised when he won just due to the media coverage he got (yes, I know popular vote, etc).
I mean, yeah. The bastard got nearly six billion in earned media. That wasn't just the single biggest source of campaign funding in American history, what Trump got in earned media alone for 2016 was as much if not more than the total cost of 2012, accounting for hard and soft money and independent expenditure for both parties, and the operational and administrative cost of the election itself. Hillary only got three and a half billion in earned media, and the total cost of the election itself was eleven billion if I remember numbers right.

That the US doesn't even count earned media as campaign funding let alone after 2016, or even discuss the topic as a salient issue in election finance, is absolutely criminal.

Nick Calandra

Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist
Escapist +
Mar 13, 2020
I mean the way I look at it, is there's a stark divide between the huge, vertically and horizontally integrated, cross-platform-ownership, conglomerates and the other 5%. Media's become so ridiculously hyper-consolidated in the past four years, News Corp isn't even on the map any more -- hell, Hearst is bigger nowadays.

When you start talking about the big four, my position is "they're absolutely complicit, let 'em burn". Three of the biggest winners out of the Trump tax cuts were AT&T, Comcast, and Disney, all of which famous for massive layoffs and buybacks after the cuts despite record profits. All three of which making an absolute killing selling Trump derangement to the masses.

Then you have the vanity project outlets -- the HuffPo's, the Politico's, the Hill's, sadly WashPo post-Bezos -- they're gonna do what they're gonna do, they're at the mercy of their handpicked editorial boards. They're still operating with profit motive, but it's profit motive plus advancing partisan cause. So, fuck them too as far as I'm concerned.

You want to talk about the smaller, legacy outlets..then yeah, they're not really blameworthy for the media's overall race to the bottom. NYT's #3 in circulation in the US, but compared to cable news it's freakin' peanuts. And yeah, NYT's suffered greatly in the past few years, but the outlet's more toxic elements rage quit after the Tom Cotton fiasco and the outlet has a chance of doing quality reporting again.

And, the media literacy thing in the "era of fake news" is pretty much the smoking gun of all smoking guns to me. The biggest and most prominent outlets, if anything, are actively promoting the cause of media illiteracy, simply by asserting audiences should merely trust and uncritically consume "approved" sources, whilst rejecting "unapproved" sources by identity alone. And, this is at the same time FANG's are openly abusing Section 230 protection to unilaterally name themselves sole arbiter of truth in online communication, when these corporations have each individual proven themselves the least trustworthy actors on the internet.

Not once, in all my years of (admittedly elective) journalism education, poli sci and history education, activism, organization, and political activity, have I ever heard a journalist -- current, retired, scholar, lecturer -- say in all seriousness "yeah, you should just trust the news" the way talking heads have the past four years to a decade. In fact, what I've heard the most is the exact opposite -- that if someone says that to you, and they're not encouraging you to use your own judgment and engage in your own rational inquiry, the last thing they are is a journalist and the last thing you should do is listen to them.

And I used to work with my campus' journalism department and campus newspaper, to co-host media literacy workshops and seminars for the public. And let me tell you, it was a hell of a fight getting my campus and state ACLU on board with electronic freedoms and media literacy seminars, because they didn't see the vested civil liberties interest in it and feel it was a priority issue at the time (bet they fuckin' do now).

I don't disagree, I just take issue calling it a scenario of manipulation as that implies a one-way relationship. To me, it's very much two-way, and the conversation needs to be centered on how the mass media benefits from the Trump administration to get a clear portrait of how and why the country is as fucked as it is right now.

I mean, yeah. The bastard got nearly six billion in earned media. That wasn't just the single biggest source of campaign funding in American history, what Trump got in earned media alone for 2016 was as much if not more than the total cost of 2012, accounting for hard and soft money and independent expenditure for both parties, and the operational and administrative cost of the election itself. Hillary only got three and a half billion in earned media, and the total cost of the election itself was eleven billion if I remember numbers right.

That the US doesn't even count earned media as campaign funding let alone after 2016, or even discuss the topic as a salient issue in election finance, is absolutely criminal.
Yea, I think the absolute scariest thing I've seen come from social media and the manipulation of mass media is that people believe the first thing they hear and don't do their due diligence to find the facts for themselves. This is a whole other conversation, but social media is extremely dangerous in that regard in that, while it can be used for good, more often than not misinformation spreads like wildfire and then nobody knows what the true narrative is.

Not to harp on the "blue checkmark" train, but to critique that for a moment, how many people that are "verified" actually have the credentials to back it up? In my experience, very few do, and the amount of influence that they wield as untrustworthy sources of information baffles me daily.

Long story short though, until ad dollars are taken out of the equation for mass media, corruption is always going to be present. It's our education system that needs to be updated and start teaching kids as early as possible to learn how to research and make decisions for themselves, and also learn about the pitfall of media manipulation.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Yea, I think the absolute scariest thing I've seen come from social media and the manipulation of mass media is that people believe the first thing they hear and don't do their due diligence to find the facts for themselves. This is a whole other conversation, but social media is extremely dangerous in that regard in that, while it can be used for good, more often than not misinformation spreads like wildfire and then nobody knows what the true narrative is.

Not to harp on the "blue checkmark" train, but to critique that for a moment, how many people that are "verified" actually have the credentials to back it up? In my experience, very few do, and the amount of influence that they wield as untrustworthy sources of information baffles me daily.

Long story short though, until ad dollars are taken out of the equation for mass media, corruption is always going to be present. It's our education system that needs to be updated and start teaching kids as early as possible to learn how to research and make decisions for themselves, and also learn about the pitfall of media manipulation.
Here’s my problem with this whole mess. It’s still way better than like 4 decades+ ago. All the major media companies had to toe the line with the administrations. Lies like the war in Iraq were commonplace but nobody reported on them. There wasn’t honesty in journalism back then, just being a propaganda machine. It would have made Stalin proud.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Here’s my problem with this whole mess. It’s still way better than like 4 decades+ ago. All the major media companies had to toe the line with the administrations. Lies like the war in Iraq were commonplace but nobody reported on them. There wasn’t honesty in journalism back then, just being a propaganda machine. It would have made Stalin proud.
it is like a double edge sword though.
More lies than truth can be spread via the internet though social media, making massive disinformation blitz's EXTREMELY effective.
At the same time, people filming cops and what not can use social media to reduce other's ability to lie about it.
The problem we have now though is people are refusing to believe the truth even when confronted with it because they would rather believe disinformation blitz and conspiracy theories than the truth. They think they " know better" than reputable sources.
A perfect example is people still thinking that Clinton was having people assassinated or that they took money from the Clinton Foundation.
If they still believe that they fell for the disinformation blitz and refuse to acknowledge reality after it was shown that wasn't true. There was plenty of bad things about Clinton that were actually true, but those were not one of them.
We have had so many ridiculous things spread at this point, people no longer know truth from fiction. They are more likely to believe fiction due to the number of times it was repeated rather than it actually being verified.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
People have taken it extraordinarily seriously in this country. Infections were never going to be prevented, that was literally the point of "flatten the curve", just as many people get sick, but you try and spread them out to not overwhelm the healthcare system. No place that takes Trump seriously overwhelmed the hospitals, not a single one.
An old couple drank fish tank cleaner because they heard Trump talk about a drug with a similar name, I assure you, if these sorts of people knew he was worried they'd act differently and prevent the spread of the virus considerably.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
An old couple drank fish tank cleaner because they heard Trump talk about a drug with a similar name, I assure you, if these sorts of people knew he was worried they'd act differently and prevent the spread of the virus considerably.
Ah, what about these guys, who, if I remember correctly, have 7 deaths to their name

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You have no authority here, Jackie Weaver
Mar 3, 2009
When we compare the press coverage of the presidents, where are the pictures of Trump working a homeless shelter?

Rebuilding a home?
To be fair, I wouldn't want to really guarantee Obama and Bush didn't think they had better things to do with their time. But they're willing to do it, and able to converse with regular people in a relatively natural way.

But can you really see Trump doing that sort of thing? I think the idea of mixing with the plebs in that sort of way is not only something he actively wouldn't want to do, it might go as far as something that would disgust him - the idea that he, billionaire president, should take himself down to their level. He has no humility.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
To be fair, I wouldn't want to really guarantee Obama and Bush didn't think they had better things to do with their time. But they're willing to do it, and able to converse with regular people in a relatively natural way.

But can you really see Trump doing that sort of thing? I think the idea of mixing with the plebs in that sort of way is not only something he actively wouldn't want to do, it might go as far as something that would disgust him - the idea that he, billionaire president, should take himself down to their level. He has no humility.
I don't think Obama and bush thought they had better use of their time because they still do it. Both have always been down to earth get their hands dirty sort of guys. After Bush was out of office he was dirt bike racing on trails all the time running into regular people all over the place, putting in volunteer work is just something he has always done before he was in office and after. Obama STILL volunteers at the food pantries, he too did this before going into office and has since. Biden came from a working class family, he doesn't see anything or anyone as beneath him as well and has been seen repeatedly interacting with the homeless, and not just for photo ops. Trump just sees all of that as being beneath him and views the poor with disdain as weak and dirty.

You're spot on with Trump it completely disgusts him.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
If you already know why you're quoting it out of context, why are you doing so? He only said the part you quoted after saying "I would have said."

would: (expressing the conditional mood) indicating the consequence of an imagined event or situation.

When someone says they would have done something, you can correctly deduce that they didn't actually do it. That is the purpose of "would".
Yes, the conditional mood. What's the condition, here?

Donald Trump said:
"When I was hearing the amount of people that died with the flu, I was shocked to hear it. Over the last, long period of time when people have the flu, you have an average of 36,000 people dying. I've never heard those numbers, I would've been shocked. I would have said, 'Does anybody die of the flu?' I didn't know people died from the flu."
The only "event or situation" he describes is the one that happened: the one in which he's informed of the death toll.

Also note that before he ever uses the word "would", he says "I've never heard those numbers". His first expression of surprise is not in the conditional mood. So you're expecting us to believe that he suddenly introduces a hypothetical situation (one which he never describes, and which has no conditions attached to it) halfway through a sentence?

This whole thought process really is incredible.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
I don't think Obama and bush thought they had better use of their time because they still do it. Both have always been down to earth get their hands dirty sort of guys. After Bush was out of office he was dirt bike racing on trails all the time running into regular people all over the place, putting in volunteer work is just something he has always done before he was in office and after. Obama STILL volunteers at the food pantries, he too did this before going into office and has since. Biden came from a working class family, he doesn't see anything or anyone as beneath him as well and has been seen repeatedly interacting with the homeless, and not just for photo ops. Trump just sees all of that as being beneath him and views the poor with disdain as weak and dirty.

You're spot on with Trump it completely disgusts him.
C'mon this is just ridiculous. Bush jr is New England elite and has never come into contact with 'the working man' in his entire life with his old man having paid off Harvard for his son's MBA after junior then runs senior's oil company into the ground with his alcohol problem but then ''found the lord'' started wars in Afghanistan and Iraq because ''god told him so'' that costed hundreds of thousands of people their lives and maimed countless more for absolutely no reason other than the sick enjoyment of ideological warmongers. The guy should stand trial in Neurenberg for war crimes. Even during his tenure as governor of Texas he used to mock people on death row. But yeah, please believe the oil painting, dirt bike riding kind old grandpa act there.

Trump is just a real estate proletarian but atleast what you see is what you get. The least you can say is that he has no hidden agenda or that he is anything other than himself. He even called off a drone strike in Iran because it would cost too much collateral damage which is something Bush jr would have never done. Trump is not one for bloodshed or war. Even with this particular issue he acted by closing down the airports from Chinese flights when the coronavirus escalated there which was a more pro-active approach than that of his European colleagues. So I think his actions show how much he saw it as a threat. I don't see it as inconsistent if he then months later declares that the virus might slow down in the summer months because that is exactly what happened in many countries. More social activity is outside, the air is more humid and less people are spending time indoors with dry airducts and the heater on.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. are obese, have high blood pressure, diabetes or otherwise poor health for which coronavirus is the final nail in the coffin. But that is hardly Trump's fault. When the virus broke out he did what he could and afterwards pretty much every country struggled. Not a Trump fan but I find it a bit silly he gets blamed for things completely out of his control.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
C'mon this is just ridiculous. Bush jr is New England elite and has never come into contact with 'the working man' in his entire life with his old man having paid off Harvard for his son's MBA after junior then runs senior's oil company into the ground with his alcohol problem but then ''found the lord'' started wars in Afghanistan and Iraq because ''god told him so'' that costed hundreds of thousands of people their lives and maimed countless more for absolutely no reason other than the sick enjoyment of ideological warmongers. The guy should stand trial in Neurenberg for war crimes. Even during his tenure as governor of Texas he used to mock people on death row. But yeah, please believe the oil painting, dirt bike riding kind old grandpa act there.

Trump is just a real estate proletarian but atleast what you see is what you get. The least you can say is that he has no hidden agenda or that he is anything other than himself. He even called off a drone strike in Iran because it would cost too much collateral damage which is something Bush jr would have never done. Trump is not one for bloodshed or war. Even with this particular issue he acted by closing down the airports from Chinese flights when the coronavirus escalated there which was a more pro-active approach than that of his European colleagues. So I think his actions show how much he saw it as a threat. I don't see it as inconsistent if he then months later declares that the virus might slow down in the summer months because that is exactly what happened in many countries. More social activity is outside, the air is more humid and less people are spending time indoors with dry airducts and the heater on.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. are obese, have high blood pressure, diabetes or otherwise poor health for which coronavirus is the final nail in the coffin. But that is hardly Trump's fault. When the virus broke out he did what he could and afterwards pretty much every country struggled. Not a Trump fan but I find it a bit silly he gets blamed for things completely out of his control.
LMAO! I ran into Bush at an outdoor picnic concert by the lake once. I have had a friend run into Bush dirt bike racing while he was training for an iron man competition a few years ago. You really don't know much about the guy. I believe it because it is actually true. You keep hearing this all the time because so many people run into him here because he really does this shit. I promise you, it isn't a stunt, the people are real. According to my friend, Bush left his secret service in the dust, they were struggling to keep up with the old man. The old man is still hanging in there with the rest of them:

My brother was 140lbs when he was put into the ICU with COVID-19. There are plenty of healthy people who have become severely ill or died from this virus and you do them a disservice by mocking and making false assumptions here. We have lost many first responders who were not obese. Pretending like nothing could have been done to reduce this spread when Trump withheld PPE from the first responders as well as withheld PPE, disinfectants and other resources from the general population so that we are now going into flu season and still unable to buy Lysol due to him failing to utilize the defense production act while we have had physicians, EMTs, nurses and others petitioning him, protesting in the streets and begging him to do so. Trump is being blamed for what he did and chose not to do to protect his people. We have a documented time line of events. Pretending like nothing could be done is crap. Trump mismanaged this at every level. Pretending it didn't happen doesn't change that it did and the entire world recognizes it as such.

We kept hearing this over and over again.. they couldn't get PPE and they died. They weren't allowed to be tested. This should have never happened.
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Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
LMAO! I ran into Bush at an outdoor picnic concert by the lake once. I have had a friend run into Bush dirt bike racing while he was training for an iron man competition a few years ago. You really don't know much about the guy. I believe it because it is actually true.

My brother was 140lbs when he was put into the ICU with COVID-19. There are plenty of healthy people who have become severely ill or died from this virus and you do them a disservice by mocking and making false assumptions here. We have lost many first responders who were not obese. Pretending like nothing could have been done to reduce this spread when Trump withheld PPE from the first responders as well as withheld PPE, disinfectants and other resources from the general population so that we are now going into flu season and still unable to buy Lysol due to him failing to utilize the defense production act while we have had physicians, EMTs, nurses and others petitioning him, protesting in the streets and begging him to do so. Trump is being blamed for what he did and chose not to do to protect his people. We have atime line of events. Pretending like nothing could be done is crap. Trump mismanaged this at every level. Pretending it didn't happen doesn't change that it did and the entire world recognizes it as such.
Again not unique to the U.S. The vast majority of countries have shortages. It has to do with dependency in the supply chain. In fact European countries blame the U.S. for slurping up resources. It's also a fact the vast majority of covid deaths already had underlying health or age related disorders.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Again not unique to the U.S. The vast majority of countries have shortages. It has to do with dependency in the supply chain. In fact European countries blame the U.S. for slurping up resources. It's also a fact the vast majority of covid deaths already had underlying health or age related disorders.
It shouldn't happen in the US, he actually turned down masks. He used the defense production act to make a few then stopped because he doesn't like masks. There is actually no reason we should have a shortage of anything here, he had the defense production act, he didn't need to rely on china for anything. Hell Bill Gates got so irritated with him he just bought a factory himself and made vials so they could test and will be able to distribute the vaccine because Trump wasn't doing his job. Of course the majority are going to have underlying conditions, That doesn't mean they or anyone else DESERVED to die due to it. You act like it was somehow okay that they were denied disinfectant and PPE and should die or something. I have breathing conditions caused by a different virus that destroyed my lungs while I was working with MSF, should I be forced to die as well? Trump could have prevented most of these deaths if he had accordingly.

What is stopping Trump from implementing the defense production act and making disinfectant for the general public in the US?
What is stopping Trump from implementing the defense production act and creating masks in the US?
Why did Trump turn down offers from companies willing to do so?
Why did Trump have no problem using the defense production act for building his wall?

He chose to only make a small amount of masks not what we actually needed. He chose to just pretend like it was all over instead.

The US actually has the ability to make all these things here, Trump just refuses to do it.


You have no authority here, Jackie Weaver
Mar 3, 2009
Yea, I think the absolute scariest thing I've seen come from social media and the manipulation of mass media is that people believe the first thing they hear and don't do their due diligence to find the facts for themselves. This is a whole other conversation, but social media is extremely dangerous in that regard in that, while it can be used for good, more often than not misinformation spreads like wildfire and then nobody knows what the true narrative is.
Something I find quite depressing is that I think an important part of a degree (certainly the ones I teach) is to train someone to research, analyse and evaluate information to a high standard; this is perhaps the highest level, key transferrable skill - it can be used absolutely anywhere for anything.

It's then dismaying to see people with such training pour onto social media (or even more traditional media outlets) and just run with whatever they read.
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