RBG’s dead and Mitch is gonna do it


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
And if I were the Democrats facing winning the Senate and presidency after Trump placed another very right wing Supreme Court justice to replace RBG, the first thing I'd be doing is drawing up plans to appoint the two most liberal justices I could find, increasing the size of SCOTUS to 11 (it's only 9 by convention). Aged ~50 or under, so they'll be there decades. Alternatively and slightly more cruelly, just impeach a conservative justice. For instance bring up the sexual assault / harassment charges against Kavanaugh or Thomas, and who gives a shit what the evidential standard is: Congress are judge and jury and final word. Then appoint an appropriate liberal justice.

Let it be known to the Republicans that if politics is to be an utterly honourless, brutal, knife fight, the Democrats are bringing their sharpest blade.
People have been talking about that for a while and now it's coming up again. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate...ing-filibuster-expanding-supreme-court-if-gop

I'm sure if it happens, the right will howl a lot, and conveniently forget how they were more then happy to fill a court vacancy when it most benefited them(after trump took office, 2018 and now).

There's also a lot of dicussion now how many GOP senator actually mean what they said a few years ago about waiting till after elections to fill Supreme Court Seats. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate...ans-face-tough-decision-on-replacing-ginsburg

A number of them currently serving said "Wait till the election is over" but who fucking knows if that means anything at this point. I do hope some of them have a shred of dignity left in them at this but with the raging dumpster fire 2020 has been.......
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
"Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time."

"People ask me sometimes... 'When will there be enough women on the court?' And my answer is, 'When there are nine.' People are shocked, but there'd been nine men, and nobody's ever raised a question about that."

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
This is honestly the first phase of the hellzone I was totally emotionally prepared for. It’s almost funny for me because at least it’s as mundane as a woman dying from her third bout with cancer after months of notice. The tragedy is entirely found in the ruin of a thing I never much believed in, the American system of government. Yes, the consequences are dreadful, but given how inevitable something like this occurring has been for decades, I have a hard time getting genuinely upset.
That is likely because you don't understand what she actually means to so many of us. She actually made it okay for millions of girls to imagine that they too could become a Lawyer, a supreme court justice, a doctor, or anything that only men were allowed to do. She didn't accept that men told her she was not allowed. She did not accept being told that she wasn't good enough. It was because of her that I, and millions of other girls, understood that we could even follow our dreams and not give up when told that there is no way possible for it to happen for us due to the way we were born. To many of us, she is irreplaceable, not because of what she means for the court, but that she actually changed the world so that it could include us too.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
That is likely because you don't understand what she actually means to so many of us. She actually made it okay for millions of girls to imagine that they too could become a Lawyer, a supreme court justice, a doctor, or anything that only men were allowed to do. She didn't accept that men told her she was not allowed. She did not accept being told that she wasn't good enough. It was because of her that I, and millions of other girls, understood that we could even follow our dreams and not give up when told that there is no way possible for it to happen for us due to the way we were born. To many of us, she is irreplaceable, not because of what she means for the court, but that she actually changed the world so that it could include us too.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
And if I were the Democrats facing winning the Senate and presidency after Trump placed another very right wing Supreme Court justice to replace RBG, the first thing I'd be doing is drawing up plans to appoint the two most liberal justices I could find, increasing the size of SCOTUS to 11 (it's only 9 by convention). Aged ~50 or under, so they'll be there decades. Alternatively and slightly more cruelly, just impeach a conservative justice. For instance bring up the sexual assault / harassment charges against Kavanaugh or Thomas, and who gives a shit what the evidential standard is: Congress are judge and jury and final word. Then appoint an appropriate liberal justice.

Let it be known to the Republicans that if politics is to be an utterly honourless, brutal, knife fight, the Democrats are bringing their sharpest blade.
Quite frankly, I wish you were the Democrats


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
You see, every time I think that I remind myself of self-assured, coastal NIMBY, liberals who think the electoral college and Senate should be abolished so blue states get all the power, and all their "opinions" on agriculture policy that make Lysenkoism look the epitome of competence by comparison.

The kind of absolute moron who thinks vertical hydroponics is the future of agriculture, not realizing hydroponics solution is literally one of the more environmentally-hazardous waste byproducts that can be and is handled in agriculture. People in agriculture handle high explosives, diluted nerve gasses, and raw fucking sewage, none of which can compare to the destructive potential of improperly-handled hydro solution. And these people are too damn convinced of their own political omniscience to ever listen to anyone who's seen a cow in person.

Practically everything west of the Rockies is on fire right now, and most of that isn't actually attributable to "climate change" regardless how much they want to whine about it. To what it's attributable is overpopulation, corporate yuppie morons having to be "hip" and "cool" pushing human habitation into biomes where fire is a vital and critical part of the ecology, and these same morons then protesting against necessary and proper fire prevention policy because firebreaks and controlled burns inconvenience them personally.

You think how Trump's handled coronavirus is bad, wait to see what happens if some dipshit like Cuomo who can't even sort out keeping dependent elderly homed and safe from the pandemic in one state, gets in charge of national agriculture and food policy with zero realistic check or balance. An American Holodomor is what you'll get inside a decade, as if Obama's dumbfuck, Wall Street-jerkin', "do the bare minimum but go to great effort to make it appear as if you did something" vestigial policies haven't already damned the country to one inside a decade already by way of zeroing out US strategic food reserves.
I live in Montana, but go off.

I'm also old enough to remember a time where conservatives could win a popular vote. But I guess having literally every national body of governance weighted towards rural areas is good because


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
There's also a lot of dicussion now how many GOP senator actually mean what they said a few years ago about waiting till after elections to fill Supreme Court Seats. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate...ans-face-tough-decision-on-replacing-ginsburg
McConnell has already made absolutely plain that what they said on it last time doesn't have to mean anything at all, feeble rationalisation about who controls the presidency and Senate notwithstanding. I will bet you right now what he's doing is asking all the senators what their appetite is to go back on their word, and hurriedly commissioning public opinion surveys to see what it will do to their electoral chances.

The thing about so many politicians being spineless chickenshits more concerned about their jobs than their supposed ideals is that effects on voting intention will remain the biggest factor deciding action, especially in election year.
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
She should have made a list of recommended successors the moment Trump took office. I'm not suggesting anyone would be obligated to honor that, but politics isn't all about bare minimum obligations.

Edit: Power move: Trump should decline to nominate a replacement before the election.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I'm sure if it happens, the right will howl a lot, and conveniently forget how they were more then happy to fill a court vacancy when it most benefited them(after trump took office, 2018 and now).
I'd imagine part of the howling will include the phrase "2nd amendment" and things could get pretty bad shortly afterwards.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
She should have made a list of recommended successors the moment Trump took office. I'm not suggesting anyone would be obligated to honor that, but politics isn't all about bare minimum obligations.

Edit: Power move: Trump should decline to nominate a replacement before the election.
I actually wouldn't be surprised if trump didn't nominate anyone yet. One of the things he was trying to run on was the court and this kinda blows those plans out of the water since he can easily give the court a super conservative majority and fuck it up for years to come. But, that would also mean that there is one less thing conservatives want from him and a lot of them think hes kind of a pos, but want that court stacked.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
I actually wouldn't be surprised if trump didn't nominate anyone yet. One of the things he was trying to run on was the court and this kinda blows those plans out of the water since he can easily give the court a super conservative majority and fuck it up for years to come. But, that would also mean that there is one less thing conservatives want from him and a lot of them think hes kind of a pos, but want that court stacked.
An interesting bit of calculus. The Senate Republicans on the other hand probably would like to be rid of him once and for all. Hard to call.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
I actually wouldn't be surprised if trump didn't nominate anyone yet. One of the things he was trying to run on was the court and this kinda blows those plans out of the water since he can easily give the court a super conservative majority and fuck it up for years to come. But, that would also mean that there is one less thing conservatives want from him and a lot of them think hes kind of a pos, but want that court stacked.
I'm not gonna try and predict the man. I'm sure he'll be taking someone's instructions, but we'll see if it's someone like Mitch pushing him to do it or someone smart in his campaign telling him not to. Acting like a patient adult while everyone else freaks out would be A+ undermining of the most common Trump criticisms.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I'm not gonna try and predict the man. I'm sure he'll be taking someone's instructions, but we'll see if it's someone like Mitch pushing him to do it or someone smart in his campaign telling him not to. Acting like a patient adult while everyone else freaks out would be A+ undermining of the most common Trump criticisms.
Probably depends on if fox news brings up the idea of him not nominating anyone and trying to hold it over the election.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
People have been talking about that for a while and now it's coming up again. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate...ing-filibuster-expanding-supreme-court-if-gop

I'm sure if it happens, the right will howl a lot, and conveniently forget how they were more then happy to fill a court vacancy when it most benefited them(after trump took office, 2018 and now).

There's also a lot of dicussion now how many GOP senator actually mean what they said a few years ago about waiting till after elections to fill Supreme Court Seats. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate...ans-face-tough-decision-on-replacing-ginsburg

A number of them currently serving said "Wait till the election is over" but who fucking knows if that means anything at this point. I do hope some of them have a shred of dignity left in them at this but with the raging dumpster fire 2020 has been.......
Hell they don't even need to increase the size of the court, they could just impeach Trump appointment (both for supreme court and lower). Impeachment is 100% a political process, as the republican showed when they didn't convict Trump despite overwhelming evidence (ie Trump admitting everything). There would literally be nothing stopping democrat from impeaching whoever they'd want if they have control of the senate.

It's stupid and ugly, but currently the majority of the judicial branch is controlled by a party who hasn't won the popular vote in over 15 years. Until the system is fixed to be more representative (which will never happen without muscling and bending the rule) there's no reason not to.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
Let it be known to the Republicans that if politics is to be an utterly honourless, brutal, knife fight, the Democrats are bringing their sharpest blade.
That would be nice, and it's also not who the Democrats are (paid to be) at all.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
If Biden had any actually hope of winning he would be out there vowing that regardless who Trump nominates and who McConnell puts into the court they will be impeached. Just categorically they will be removed from the court. Make it a non issue.
But the problem is the supreme court will decide who the next president is, and a third seat is more than enough to swing it towards Trump.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I'm not gonna try and predict the man. I'm sure he'll be taking someone's instructions, but we'll see if it's someone like Mitch pushing him to do it or someone smart in his campaign telling him not to. Acting like a patient adult while everyone else freaks out would be A+ undermining of the most common Trump criticisms.
I'm sure that the decision whether to nominate or not is going to be decided on some frantic opinion polling that's going on right now for what difference it will make in the presidential and senatorial races.

I am not sure what the procedure is and whether they can, but maybe a lame duck "spite" nomination in November if they lose?

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
And if I were the Democrats facing winning the Senate and presidency after Trump placed another very right wing Supreme Court justice to replace RBG, the first thing I'd be doing is drawing up plans to appoint the two most liberal justices I could find, increasing the size of SCOTUS to 11 (it's only 9 by convention). Aged ~50 or under, so they'll be there decades. Alternatively and slightly more cruelly, just impeach a conservative justice. For instance bring up the sexual assault / harassment charges against Kavanaugh or Thomas, and who gives a shit what the evidential standard is: Congress are judge and jury and final word. Then appoint an appropriate liberal justice.

Let it be known to the Republicans that if politics is to be an utterly honourless, brutal, knife fight, the Democrats are bringing their sharpest blade.
Would it really be wise to bring up the clown show that was the Kavanaugh hearings again?

If Biden had any actually hope of winning he would be out there vowing that regardless who Trump nominates and who McConnell puts into the court they will be impeached. Just categorically they will be removed from the court. Make it a non issue.
But the problem is the supreme court will decide who the next president is, and a third seat is more than enough to swing it towards Trump.
Wow. You actually think that wouldn't hurt him to say he'd just impeach anyone for no reason other than them being appointed by Trump? Who exactly is supposed to be the fascist?


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
An impeachment requires a senatorial super majority while court stacking just takes a majority. Why would they do the impossible task over the easy one?