To be perfectly honest, i don't believe Trump's faking it - convincing his doctors to lie is quite a leap from him constantly lying about something. Plus, the man loves rallies, so i'm not sure if this would be the sort of political calculation he'd be down for.
Would be really funny if someone actually called it, tho.
I think you're forgetting we're dealing with a cult.
Imagine. Their stricken chosen Orange, downed by the plague of our time... healed by the miracle drug he touted for such a long time as the ultimate cure-all. Imagine the stride he'll walk on the stage with. The deafening applause. HE would barely be able to bring them down so he can talk.
The Rallies he would get after this will be packed with his faithful just needing to see him like he was their Pope. I understand he's not one for delayed satisfaction, but with that level of pop, I think he would be able to manage for a bit.
Not to mention I'm sure his twitter is full of heart felt messages and even Democrats wishing him well.
Again, I don't believe a word he says and that's because his own actions. But I went to sleep and woke up hoping he didn't die. I will continue to do so