There was a certain point in the movie where something truly spectacular was teased. That being Kylo and Rey saying 'fuck all that Empire v.s. Rebelion and Light side v.s. Dark side shit, we're off to do our own thing'. It suddenly made me think of just the average shmuck-alien who has nothing to do with the Empire, the Rebelion, the Jedi, or the Sith, and who just lived their life trying to make ends meet, and how they must be thinking 'Is this shit STILL going on after 30+ years? Really?!'
Now I knew this wasn't going to happen, because this is Star Wars which can't NOT be about the Empire/Rebelion/Jedi/Sith, and is pretty much creatively banktrupt because of that, but still... Just that tease that something was actually going to happen, something was going to bring a sense of change, was enough to make my heart skip a beat. And I don't even really give a shit about Star Wars.