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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Dark Souls III

Yep, I'm finally getting around to this. So far I'm picking my way through the High Wall of Lothric trying to find a path and bonfires and such. I've found a lot of locked doors or doors that open from the other side I haven't been able to figure out how to open yet but so far the amount of implied interconnectivity in the level design is impressive. Also, the game is very beautiful as far as apocalyptic landscapes go and reminds me of Yarnhem but with a lot more daylight as well as callbacks to the first game(the Cemetery of Ash feels very much like the graveyard in DS1 and it's proximity to firelink shrine would suggest it's the same place).

I will admit I died WAY TOO MANY TIMES to Index Gundyr then I care to admit. I figured the first boss shouldn't be that bad, especially as a Dark Souls vet but he proved a bit of a roadblock. I think the fact I spent a lot of time getting used to the controls was a factor, but I also haven't played a Souls game since Bloodborne back in 2017. My last FROM game was Sekiro but that's a different dynamic with different controls and combat. Also, his giant monster form is quite intimidating so it was hard to figure out how to approach it(apparently, hugging his ass is still a legit tactic here).

Update: I took out the naked sword dude near Firelink Shrine. For a dude sitting right outside the hub area and guarding nothing in particular, he was very difficult to take down. Reminds me of when I bumped into Havel(or someone wearing his armor) in DS1 on accident and got wrecked.

I also got to Bad Doggie Knight near the Cathedral near the bottom of the wall. I haven't beat him yet but I'm sure there's a rolled up newspaper somewhere around here....
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
It kinda reminds me of that game PAIN on PS3, but with a goat. Haven't tried it yet but did add it to my library when it was a PS+ game.
That actually looks like more fun than goat!
I'm guessing you are not in the USA or this came out for + at the very beginning of Gen 8. I have had + since 2014 or so and I don't have it. Reviewing! For cheap, I would want to try it.
EDIT: Pain reminds me of an N64 game, Pilot Wings, where you get shot from a cannon.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
That actually looks like more fun than goat!
I'm guessing you are not in the USA or this came out for + at the very beginning of Gen 8. I have had + since 2014 or so and I don't have it. Reviewing! For cheap, I would want to try it.
EDIT: Pain reminds me of an N64 game, Pilot Wings, where you get shot from a cannon.
Yeah I got PAIN way back when (US too), but honestly would need to double check if I paid for it or got it as a PS+ game. I know I paid for some of the extra characters, as it was one of the more uniquely fun games on the system. Hell it still is!

Pilot Wings...ahhh the days when it was either that or Mario 64 owning an N64 at launch. Still a fun game though and was a pretty impressive (and wonderfully challenging) contrast to the more popular plumber. Makes me wonder why Nintendo doesn’t make another one of those, or even just remake that classic.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Yeah I got PAIN way back when (US too), but honestly would need to double check if I paid for it or got it as a PS+ game. I know I paid for some of the extra characters, as it was one of the more uniquely fun games on the system. Hell it still is!

Pilot Wings...ahhh the days when it was either that or Mario 64 owning an N64 at launch. Still a fun game though and was a pretty impressive (and wonderfully challenging) contrast to the more popular plumber. Makes me wonder why Nintendo doesn’t make another one of those, or even just remake that classic.
My bet: there will be an N64 Classic with that on it soon.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I haven't but I might take a look at it. I assumed it was a joke game but then again so is Goose game and it was fun for the 3 or so hours I put into it.
It is a joke game, with joke objectives, but good for about a couple of hours. Mostly it's running around wreaking havoc and laughing at the physics but there's a checklist of goals going from ridiculously simple to ridiculously obscure or convoluted, if you feel like something close to a challenge. You make Goose Game sound more disciplined by comparison.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
It is a joke game, with joke objectives, but good for about a couple of hours. Mostly it's running around wreaking havoc and laughing at the physics but there's a checklist of goals going from ridiculously simple to ridiculously obscure or convoluted, if you feel like something close to a challenge. You make Goose Game sound more disciplined by comparison.
It's more disciplined only in that you have objectives, which you have to figure out how to accomplish. Granted, all are more or less things a goose could plausibly do though. Stealing things, grabbing things, some manipulation of objects. Actually come to think of it, I'm not sure a goose could turn a valve for a water spigot but eh...

There's also some hidden objectives as well that get revealed when you "finish" the game" but aside from unlocking the next area when you accomplish enough of them they're just there to give you stuff to do.

But yeah, GOAT game sounds like something along the same lines.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I got Thems Fightin Herds and Blasphemous during the halloween sale. Both are really good, but I ended up hurting my thumb playing Thems Fightin Herds and needed something to play with K/M so I grabbed Control, which I had wanted to play for awhile anyway, its also quite good, but I think I prefer Remedy's other games a bit more.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Dark Souls III

Yep, I'm finally getting around to this. So far I'm picking my way through the High Wall of Lothric trying to find a path and bonfires and such. I've found a lot of locked doors or doors that open from the other side I haven't been able to figure out how to open yet but so far the amount of implied interconnectivity in the level design is impressive. Also, the game is very beautiful as far as apocalyptic landscapes go and reminds me of Yarnhem but with a lot more daylight as well as callbacks to the first game(the Cemetery of Ash feels very much like the graveyard in DS1 and it's proximity to firelink shrine would suggest it's the same place).

I will admit I died WAY TOO MANY TIMES to Index Gundyr then I care to admit. I figured the first boss shouldn't be that bad, especially as a Dark Souls vet but he proved a bit of a roadblock. I think the fact I spent a lot of time getting used to the controls was a factor, but I also haven't played a Souls game since Bloodborne back in 2017. My last FROM game was Sekiro but that's a different dynamic with different controls and combat. Also, his giant monster form is quite intimidating so it was hard to figure out how to approach it(apparently, hugging his ass is still a legit tactic here).
Ahah, I was wondering when you’d start this one. Did you get the complete (Deluxe) edition? The DLC is up there with the Old Hunters, imo; even surpassing it in some ways. Ashes of Ariandel has one of the better examples of FROM shortcut level design too, and overall while it’s definitely a late/end game endeavor the way it’s implemented into the base game is a big improvement.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Ahah, I was wondering when your start this one. Did you get the complete (Deluxe) edition? The DLC is up there with the Old Hunters, imo; even surpassing it in some ways. Ashes of Ariandel has one of the better examples of FROM shortcut level design too, and overall while it’s definitely a late/end game endeavor the way it’s implemented into the base game is a big improvement.
I did. I waited till there was a good deal on the full(DLC included) version and picked it up. I've wanted to play it for a while but wanted to knock some other things out first. I'm actually looking more forward to the Ringed City then the Ashes of Andriandel but I've heard both are good. I just liked Ring City more as a concept(and the art I've seen is awesome).

I do really love how MASSIVE Lothric looks even from the starting area even though the playable area is clearly not that big(for gameplay sake). FROM has always tried to do this but I feel they're getting much better at the illusion of size in a relatively small area.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I did. I waited till there was a good deal on the full(DLC included) version and picked it up. I've wanted to play it for a while but wanted to knock some other things out first. I'm actually looking more forward to the Ringed City then the Ashes of Andriandel but I've heard both are good. I just liked Ring City more as a concept(and the art I've seen is awesome).

I do really love how MASSIVE Lothric looks even from the starting area even though the playable area is clearly not that big(for gameplay sake). FROM has always tried to do this but I feel they're getting much better at the illusion of size in a relatively small area.
An interesting video if you don’t mind mild locational spoilers (which perhaps also serves as a preview of what to look for) -

Looks like there is a method to Miyazaki’s madness.
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Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
I never explored Old Hunters. I should have done it on my first and only playthrough. Now I'm just bored of the game and don't have the patience anymore for FromSoftware's game design. I could definitely play Demon's Souls again if I got a PS5, because "prepare to die" and being known for punishing gameplay hadn't gone to the director's head yet and become this expectation the fans have.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Finished Resident Evil 7. And yeah, for all the first-person P.T. business at the beginning, it's definitely a Resident Evil game. As such it peaks about halfway and two-thirds of the way, before a dramatic change in pacing and location does away with the macabre Southern Gothic angle and puts you through the usual gauntlet of secret labs, collapsing structures and choppers parachuting superweapons. Meh. If the whole game had been eluding the Bakers ala Haunting Ground I would've been much happier, even if it shortened an already short game. The whole ship/mine part just feels like wheel-spinning.

Also, miss when subscenarios were dished out as rewards for completing the game instead of being paid DLC.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Also, miss when subscenarios were dished out as rewards for completing the game instead of being paid DLC.
This is why I prefer Evil Within 2. You got a bonus game within the campaign you could go to anytime, once unlocking and going to Sebastian's safe house. Also, there were two free updates. One was the first person mode based off a mod in the PC version. The second update was adding Akumu difficulty from the last game (you die in one hit). I have no interests in it. Though the problem is you have to sign in through Bethesda.net to download Akumu mode. That is stupid. Also, EW2 has way more enemy and boss variety. The molded I find boring and I never ever want to see them again.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
This is why I prefer Evil Within 2. You got a bonus game within the campaign you could go to anytime, once unlocking and going to Sebastian's safe house. Also, there were two free updates. One was the first person mode based off a mod in the PC version. The second update was adding Akumu difficulty from the last game (you die in one hit). I have no interests in it. Though the problem is you have to sign in through Bethesda.net to download Akumu mode. That is stupid. Also, EW2 has way more enemy and boss variety. The molded I find boring and I never ever want to see them again.
Funnily I had to choose between RE7 and TEW2 to play for Halloween. Settled for the former because it looked scarier. And it did for a while. The tight claustrophobic enviroment and sound design go a long way. But the molded look like untextured mobs from an open source game, and once I was chucking remote bombs at them I was mentally checked out for the rest of the game.

Evil Within 1 had great visuals and variety but I'd say it does the same thing RE7 does of pretending you're gonna get one kind of game but delivering another. Because the switch happens quicker it's not as jarring as when RE7 does it about halfway through. But for a few tense cat and mouse encounters with a Not Pyramid Heads I didn't find it very scary. The nonsensical story and anime bishie villain completely took me out of it.

Aside, I thought a common criticism of TEW2 is that it jus repeats the bosses from the first game?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Aside, I thought a common criticism of TEW2 is that it jus repeats the bosses from the first game?
Only in one of next to last chapters of the game that is more of an awesome moment. I don't want to spoil it, but is a boss rush. But one that is not that hard. Way easier compared to their EW1 incarnations. I don't where you heard that criticism from. That was not the main issue people had. EW2 has a lot of original bosses unique and different from most of the ones in the first game. I highly recommend you give EW2 a chance. It's more player friendly, actually has some legit scares that will catch off guard the first time, unique side quests that are not a waste of time and are rewarded great items or weapons, and there is actual character development for Sebastian. When you do play, please do all of the side quest. Especially the ones that involve Sykes (one of the Mobius soldiers stuck in STEM) and Sebastians personal side quests that involve the mysterious specter, Anima.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Only in one of next to last chapters of the game that is more of an awesome moment. I don't want to spoil it, but is a boss rush. But one that is not that hard. Way easier compared to their EW1 incarnations. I don't where you heard that criticism from. That was not the main issue people had. EW2 has a lot of original bosses unique and different from most of the ones in the first game. I highly recommend you give EW2 a chance. It's more player friendly, actually has some legit scares that will catch off guard the first time, unique side quests that are not a waste of time and are rewarded great items or weapons, and there is actual character development for Sebastian. When you do play, please do all of the side quest. Especially the ones that involve Sykes (one of the Mobius soldiers stuck in STEM) and Sebastians personal side quests that involve the mysterious specter, Anima.
Oh I'll be playing it, already have it. It was more of a toss up regarding which of the two games I'd be playing first. I remember EW1 being pretty punishing (and not exactly fair, max level Sebastian felt like should've been the starting loadout) so decided to go with RE7 first. But it's good to hear the sequel is friendlier. Just don't have much expectation for story.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Oh I'll be playing it, already have it. It was more of a toss up regarding which of the two games I'd be playing first. I remember EW1 being pretty punishing (and not exactly fair, max level Sebastian felt like should've been the starting loadout) so decided to go with RE7 first. But it's good to hear the sequel is friendlier. Just don't have much expectation for story.
The story in 2 is definitely better, because Sebastian is the actual main focus and not just along for the ride. The first game is more about Ruvik and his relations with Mobius than the cops stuck in that nightmare. I still recommend you play 1 (even on Easy if you must. If you've already played and beaten it, just jump straight in to 2) as it makes everything in 2 come full circle and makes 1 more meaningful. Either that, or watch a playthrough with no commentaries and all cut-scenes included.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Dark Souls III

Yep, I'm finally getting around to this. So far I'm picking my way through the High Wall of Lothric trying to find a path and bonfires and such. I've found a lot of locked doors or doors that open from the other side I haven't been able to figure out how to open yet but so far the amount of implied interconnectivity in the level design is impressive. Also, the game is very beautiful as far as apocalyptic landscapes go and reminds me of Yarnhem but with a lot more daylight as well as callbacks to the first game(the Cemetery of Ash feels very much like the graveyard in DS1 and it's proximity to firelink shrine would suggest it's the same place).

I will admit I died WAY TOO MANY TIMES to Index Gundyr then I care to admit. I figured the first boss shouldn't be that bad, especially as a Dark Souls vet but he proved a bit of a roadblock. I think the fact I spent a lot of time getting used to the controls was a factor, but I also haven't played a Souls game since Bloodborne back in 2017. My last FROM game was Sekiro but that's a different dynamic with different controls and combat. Also, his giant monster form is quite intimidating so it was hard to figure out how to approach it(apparently, hugging his ass is still a legit tactic here).

Update: I took out the naked sword dude near Firelink Shrine. For a dude sitting right outside the hub area and guarding nothing in particular, he was very difficult to take down. Reminds me of when I bumped into Havel(or someone wearing his armor) in DS1 on accident and got wrecked.

I also got to Bad Doggie Knight near the Cathedral near the bottom of the wall. I haven't beat him yet but I'm sure there's a rolled up newspaper somewhere around here....
Dark Souls 3 is a great game, and probably overall most high quality of the souls games. Nothing in it quite reaches the highs of Dark Souls 1, but it also never reaches the low points of Dark Souls 2. It's the most polished of the games, and definitely the one with the most kinks worked out in terms of mechanics.

I would say the only real downsides of the game are

1 - Poise doesn't work worth shit.
2 - Some of the side quests are impossible to do without looking up a guide because the sequence of events has to be so perfect (moreso than Dark Souls 1 or 2).

A bit of non-specific advice...luck is a surprisingly powerful stat with the right equipment.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
An interesting video if you don’t mind mild locational spoilers (which perhaps also serves as a preview of what to look for) -

Looks like there is a method to Miyazaki’s madness.
Thanks. Not really a spoiler for me. I knew I wasn't gonna play DS3 off the bat so I watched plenty of VidyaVaati vids on the subject. It's not interfering with my enjoyment of the game thus far since seeing videos is far different then playing through the game.

But yeah, I was kinda wondering exactly where FIrelink Shrine was in the game world ,but figured since I couldn't see it from the high wall and the shape of the castle looked different from The High wall and Firelink Shrine, I figured they had to be on opposite sides of the castle from each other.

Dark Souls 3 is a great game, and probably overall most high quality of the souls games. Nothing in it quite reaches the highs of Dark Souls 1, but it also never reaches the low points of Dark Souls 2. It's the most polished of the games, and definitely the one with the most kinks worked out in terms of mechanics.

I would say the only real downsides of the game are

1 - Poise doesn't work worth shit.
2 - Some of the side quests are impossible to do without looking up a guide because the sequence of events has to be so perfect (moreso than Dark Souls 1 or 2).

A bit of non-specific advice...luck is a surprisingly powerful stat with the right equipment.
Yeah, I've heard one of the endings(not unlike Sekiro) requires some very specific steps to unlock.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Yeah, I've heard one of the endings(not unlike Sekiro) requires some very specific steps to unlock.
I don't even mean the endings necessarily. There's a ton of NPC side quests that I didn't even see my first time through the game, and there's plenty more that I got partly through but had no idea how to complete because I had accidentally missed a trigger by not backtracking to a previous area at the exact right time. Some of the NPC side quests are also mutually exclusive.

I think it's actually far easier to miss content in this game than it was in Dark Souls 1 and 2 just due to having more NPCs in general, and each NPC having a more involved storyline.