it is a shame that from software didn't give them guidance.Bluepoint lacked the dignified aesthetic of the soul games. And they really messed up with the atmosphere of the boss battles. They shoehorned in lots of unnecessary noises and background music that goes against the somber tone of the original. They messed up on the fools idol, Maiden Astrea, False King Allant, and Adjudicator jsut to name a few. I will still get it and play it, but
Seriously, did anybody on the dev team even play the original???Judging from everything I've seen from it thus far, my interest in this game (which was only slight to begin with) has actively plummeted with the new gameplay videos. I watched one video which said the game has "a gorgeous new coat of paint", and that's what it looks like, and not in a good way. The approach Bluepoint seems to have taken with this remake is "warts and all", which is truly baffling considering how the original had some serious issues that were later ironed out with Dark Souls and Bloodborne.
So yeah, this definitely isn't a console seller for me. Gonna wait at least a while, and maybe pick it up like a year from now if I decide to get a PS5.
- Keeping item weight and inventory limit. WHYYYYYY??? This is easily the most aggravating aspect of Demon's Souls and it was gone by Dark Souls for a good reason. Who in the world asked for this to remain?
- Health is still halved upon death, meaning most players will spend the game with half (or 75%) health. This is one of those aspects that never felt like it added anything to the game, instead feeling like a constant middle finger to the player. What makes it worse is that DS3 did essentially the same thing with Embers giving you extra health, yet it never felt aggravating.
- Grasses are still the healing system, but I don't know if there's a cap to carrying them now. Still, it was a clunky system at best and borderline broken at worst in the original, so keeping it unaltered after so many better systems were implemented seems totally bonkers.
- The absence of the Land of Giants, which was cut from the original. This would have been the perfect opportunity to see the "true Demon's Souls" as it was originally intended, but again, the approach here was "warts and all", so no snowy mountains for any of us.
- The darkness, as in literal lighting conditions. I replayed Demon's Souls this year, and realized that the reason why so many of the environments are so hard to remember is that they're literally too dark to see anything. Stonefang Tunnel and Prison of Hope being the worst offenders. Here they seem to have taken it a step further and reduced the player's field of vision to about 3 feet in front of you. Which is just stupid. The game looks gorgeous as hell, so why are we barred from appreciating the visuals?
- World tendency is back, and again I ask: why? It remains one of the most obtuse and confusing mechanics in gaming history, and there's no reason its effects couldn't have been implemented into sidequests with NPCs or something. The only thing I've heard thus far is that it's easier to tell what tendency the worlds are in now, which is definitely damning with faint praise.
- The XP balancing seems to remain exactly the same as in the original, ie. fucked. In the same area mob enemies grant single digits worth of souls, while others grant triple digits, leading inevitably to farming the few enemies that grant XP worth a shit.
Edit: God, I even forgot about them keeping even the absolutely awful upgrade system!
It’s ironic where the point apparently wasn’t to go in and change the game, but they still ended up doing so in the dumbest ways with some of the characters’ appearances as well as the music. They should’ve just reproduced the original score with an orchestra, and took the original artwork to a higher quality.
At least they got the 8 way rolling in there, which will help more than anything. The rest of the game - tendencies, inventories, item/equip burdens, etc. is best left alone though imo. Getting rid of it all or making it more like Dark Souls means it wouldn’t feel like Demon’s Souls anymore. And also without FROM’s involvement, I’d kinda cringe to think of how they’d handle the broken 6th arch stone world, considering FROM doesn’t even know since they never finished it themselves.