Because here's the real deal: The whole argument that it is disrespectful to the people of the time to not go full hog on historicity is flawed. If we go by that metric, the very fact that we have fictional movies, shows, games, books and comic books about any war is inherently disrespectful. The fact that I in 2002 played MoH:AA and enjoyed a fictional recreation of Omaha Beach, a place where a thousand American soldiers died, is much, much more disrespectful then the inclusion of a Non-Binary option in a fictional game about fictional events in the 80's. The fact that we have all played Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty: World at War or Red Orchestra and enjoyed playing fictional recreations of the Battle of Stalingrad, where tens of thousands of soldiers died in some of the most brutal warfare in human history and thousands of civilians starved to death, should upset you so much more for how disrespectful it is to all those dead people and their surviving relatives or descendants. Until you have the moral fiber to denounce Call of Duty: World War 2 for making a depiction of the Holocaust a cheap Friendship For Life feel good story as disrespectful to Holocaust victims, you've got no leg to stand on when you think the line is drawn at Non-Binary people in Call of Duty: Cold War.