I haveth received information betwix the innocent folds of this butterflesh brain matter today - or some day that feels close enough to this day - of this new type of store for overly-paid under-educated freakazoids known as Gwyneth Paltrow's gloop...store? Goop shop? Goopy market?? Something gooey and less trustworthy than homeopathic tumour removal in your mate's uncle's basement anyway. Slapping a vaguely feminist-looking kooky sticker on some dirty new age healthcare scam does not the scam improve. Apparently there are videos, but I'm not in the mood for encouraging further nausea these days. What was once a neutral position on a fairly accomplished actor has now dropped to a solid "regulate that fucker plz someone before they harm more unsuspecting r...wait, is it only rich people buying into this? Hmmm....conflicting emotions...Still, that ain't a wholesome person there."
Also, trying to cancel a Prime subscription unleashes a defense mechanism within the website more robust than "the final 3 confirmations" of a self-administered euthansia machine.
Also, an inventor of a couple of suicide machines known as Jack Kevorkian appears to be a major fan of decepticon naming conventions, with the machines being titled "Thanatron" and "Mercitron" respectively. Are they rivals in the pyramid scheme of assisted suicide business??