So, while this is not related precisely to this topic, I think it fits good enough.
I was thinking, do transgender people identify more as transgender than the sex they wish to transition to?
Because that is the only way it makes sense for someone to choose to be transgender and not just the sex they feel they should have been born as in a game, right?
Nonbinary I guess is different cause that doesn't identify with neither so picking it over either sex is at least internaly consistent but in self insert character creation games when for example you have people complaining that you can't play a trans dude with a female voice in cyberpunk 2077, that just makes me think why wouldn't they just make the char they wish to play as be who they should have been. Wanting NPCs and other chars in the story to be trans is one thing but if the char you play and you wish to identify with is in question, I'd figure someone trans wouldn't wanna be suffering the same dysphoria and whatnnot in a game too, they'd rather actually experience what it's like to be the other sex as best as possible.
I guess it has value in a sheer roleplaying sense, but it is never through this angle that this case is made. People aren't complaining about limited roleplaying options, they're complaining about things like representation or identifying with the char, only those sorts of things. So that leads me to think that trans people identify more with being trans than with the sex they wish to have been, which kinda makes them their own separate thing at this point if we wanna follow that logic down the path it sets.