But here in lies my point. There's something that feels wrong for many of the people feeling this but the answer people put forth does not work. An adult that chooses to change their body is perfectly fine, people are free to do what they wish to themselves. It is the pushing of this onto others that I greatly disagree with. You should be free to do what you think is best for yourself but people that are still having decisions made for them should not be told to make these kinds of decisions when the effects can be so damaging.
And all of us vent on the forums. So long as we don't start actively attacking each other then I see no problem with it (And honestly, if that's you venting then you don't even rate in the top ten angry venters on this forum, me being one of them. You're fine.)
Well I've already addressed this with Houseman, but I don't think removing access to hormone therapy (Whether that's puberty blockers or HRT) for minors is really going to solve the problem you're complaining about, let's keep in mind that a lot of these "trans-trenders" are actually not that but just different types of non-binary people that were given a binary treatment that doesn't help them and it's also a term used by bigoted trans people that don't recognise non-binary genders and is technically therefore kind off a slur bur whatever.
Anyways let's say we make sure that minors don't have access to HRT nor puberty blockers, what now?
So what would likely happen would be as follows, all the trans kids that need the treatment will have it denied leading to depression and in many cases suicides as well as many mental health problems (I've discussed my own in pretty extensive detail in this thread), non-binary trans kids would still be screwed and the "trenders" don't get access to legitimate medical treatments, so what? Is that a success?
You basically just screwed
all of these demographics.
Let me elaborate on why, we live on the information age, everything you want to know is at one google search away, so let's say kids that are any of these three groups want HRT because they read about it on the Internet, which isn't hard I've spent the past month doing so in addition to seeking professional help, so here we ask ourselves how hard is it to get one's hands on grey market hormones?
The answer is not very hard at all, seriously just google it, you can buy these things online fairly easily with nothing more than a credit or debit card and they are over-the-counter medications at pharmacies, it wouldn't be hard to fake your mother's writing to get your hands on estrogen for example, or to steal your grandma's estrogen if you wanted, same with testosterone, so really all you'd be doing is leaving these kids with only the option of self-medicating which many of them will take, hell many of them already do that because they do it in secret because they don't want their parents to know, so congratulations by removing legal access to it you've made the problem worse for everyone for which the situation is relevant, especially because taking the wrong doses of these hormones can have pretty bad medical repercussions in the long term.
Of course to combat this one could always make access to these hormones harder, but in doing so you would be making things more difficult for those that need them for Hormone Re-affirmation Treatments, such as people with testicular cancer or people suffering from menopause, so if you do that you would be making things harder for yet more people.
The truth of the matter is that what you guys are proposing doesn't solve any problems it just creates more, the thing is here both you guys and us trans people agree that the current system is bad and that needs to be addressed, but you are approaching this from the completely wrong angle, we should think of how can we best address the majority of these problems.
For me what sounds like the most sensible way to address this, is to make access to gender therapist more available to kids and to make it a requirement for kids to receive extensive psychological evaluations and treatment before the time comes to decide what treatment is right for them, this way we can make sure that binary trans people can keep receiving the treatments they need, non-binaries receive the actual treatment they need (For many of them it will be simply psychological, for others actual medical treatment is required) and the "trenders" or "fakers" or "confused kids" or whatever you want to call them could more easily be spotted before any treatments are given, I honestly think this is the most logical way to address all problems, this does still leave some issues out there as if the Therapist isn't good one could get the wrong answer (Though that's always a risk, even for adults), grey market treatments would still be available for those desperate enough to seek them and so on, but I think it will be far more effective than simply removing access to these treatments completely.