I can see the argument for calling SAO post-cyberpunk, as the world is somewhat functional and the punk elements are largely in the background, but it is still a setting with extreme social division, bottomless government corruption and totalitarian media manipulation. Well and truly cynical. I'll compromise and say that it's somewhere in-between.
It is basically the posterchild for Post-Cyberpunk. A lot of truly horrible stuff goes on and the situation of the world is pretty bad with the recent wars, lack of democracy basically everywhere, corporations and gouvernment organisations trampling rights and no one caring etc. But the protagonists are generally trying to work with the system, they don't reject it at all, even if they dislike this or that. And technology has its good sides as well. Most regular people just live their daily life which is in some aspects better, in others worse, but overall just a tad different.
Okay, I can get GitS, but are you sure you aren't spraying "post" in the examples of cyberpunk you like?
DEUS EX is a whole series. It is a bit difficult to classify. But i don't see much Punk there either, nor is the setting nearly as bleak as in neuromancer. It has this "whole secret societies running the world" in some installments which fits neither, but overall i understand it as Post-Cyberpunk as well.
Cyberpunk need pure, hopeless dystopia and (fruitless) rebellion against the system(which is evil) by the protagonist. And Punks are heavily encouraged.
I agree with Transistor though. Not that i would have called that Post-Cyberpunk.