Cyberpunk 2077 Review thread - Umm....


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
Eurogamer ultimately recommends Cyberpunk, but with some caveats. Aside from the bugs, there's some polish lacking in other areas that detracts from the overall experience. The game is very easy to get through with very few skills unlocked or cybernetic parts installed, which technically balances out the fact that exp and money are handed out so slowly you won't have very many of either by the end. The UI is badly designed, especially the map, and the tone often veers between the profound and puerile in a way that doesn't quite feel cohesive. Basically, it sounds like all the hours spent working overtime haven't paid off because the game's still not quite finished. A diamond in the rough, but presented as cut.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
I have a solid first impression of the game so far. Played it on PS5 with the 25GB launch patch and haven't really noticed any serious bugs or performance issues. These are just the first few hours ofcourse. But I really dig the setting and atmosphere. I agree with the Eurogamer review; it's very much late 80s Paul Verhoeven sci-fi which I absolutely love. But yeah, can't wait to really dig into it after I've done my daily chores.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Now that's a man with some discipine!
I was half thinking of just doing an all nighter cause the preload opened up last night at midnight but I didn't. Damn man I feel my age now XD.

But yeah all these cosmetic issues don't bug me and I've not seen any bugs on ps4 either, awesome atmosphere and world so far. I can see why you'd lose yourself in this for 200 hours or however much it takes.

Not sure about the pc version bugs and whatnot, maybe they didn't get the day 1 patch or something yet?

Hey, a man's gotta eat!
I cooked a huge pasta casserole dish with a ton of shrimp and mushrooms and 3 kinds of bacon yesterday so now house has food for the next 2 days. Planning elegance at its best.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
So a couple more hours into the game now. Fuck this game crashes a lot. I've had fucking crashes. However it autosaves like every 4 steps so i don't think i ever lost much time at all.

Also now that things are starting to open up for me....the fucking game is starting to get it's hooks into me. The locations, the people you meet, it's all extremely interesting to just see, the items are interesting as well but your inventory gets cluttered quite easily and thats a problem.

Another big problem with the loot I think also stems from the futuristic setting. You see the thing about fantasy settings, even those with their own terminology, have a universal sense of understanding. A sword is a sword after all and there is never too much different in a fantasy world that you can't easily understand.

Futuristic games don't have this same luxury. Because there is always a feel that they have to reinvent the wheel. So in games like Cyberpunk 2077, in which there is a lot of loot, you end picking up shit without any clue as to what it could be without digging into your menu. This is an exceptionally high problem for me in this game, because I'll pick up something new with some bullshit future name like "Cyber Servo Inhaler" and by the time im in the menu i fucking forgot what the thing i just picked up was even called.

It's frustrating because I don't want to be hunting around the menu all the time, especially considering the UI fucking sucks. It's a stylized menu to be sure, but that style is painful to look at and I feel like someone should have maybe brought that up during development.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I think you are coming into it not considering their perspective in a glaringly obvious way. As someone who was gaming in the mid 90s on, I legit, legit, had no female gaming friend or even knew any girls who didn't think gaming was weird or dumb or later in life around high school would make fun of you for playing with a child's toys. It was not until I moved to the US and went to college that I would meet any normal gaming girls, and by then I was online enough to not be surprised by that. Now, my disposition generally is to just be above petty interpersonal grievances, so instead of taking it out on them or growing bitter, I just pitied them for being ignorant of the awesomeness of gaming, it wasn't just girls mind you, boys also had this facade of "growing out of gaming" thing going at that age, though they secretly would play em and just lie about it which I actually took way bigger issue with.

But yes, if at that age group with that background you came over in the early 00s and claimed you played games, and not only that, but you played in the same way I did, I would look at you like I was seeing an alien riding on a unicorn. Not because I hate anything about it, but just out of sheer incredulity borne out of a lifetime of counterexamples.

Now, some people are less magnanimous and let these lifetime worth of experiences get to them, they grow bitter and hateful, and they approach this issue with "well, if you're gonna call me weird and immature, screw you and everyone like you". I don't think it's odd. This is legit a lifetime of bullying manifesting here. I think expecting kids to be as mature as an adult is an unreasonable standard.

You need to stop thinking about you and think about what experiences drove that person to be the way they are. If you think they're just automatically evil and sociopaths then you are doing the same thing they do when they treat girls like the enemy because they were being met with scorn for just having a hobby just like you were.
This statement reminds me of the time, after some bullying inflicted upon me by another student got a smidge out of hand and my mother had to be summoned. The teacher explained the bully kid had it a bit rough - and to be fair he did - and a lot of his behaviour was reflective of that. So I shall say to this what my mother said to the teacher

“Yes, I agree that’s very sad. It’s also not my fucking problem”.

Geth objects rightly to ill treatment she other aspiring enthusiasts received by expressing an interest in good faith. And frankly most of this shit is moot: it isn’t 1995 any more and most of these hobbies are no longer niche.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Apparently you can customize your dick in this game. Fun times. Uncircumsized people were being left without representation for long enough I guess.

So a couple more hours into the game now. Fuck this game crashes a lot. I've had fucking crashes. However it autosaves like every 4 steps so i don't think i ever lost much time at all.

Also now that things are starting to open up for me....the fucking game is starting to get it's hooks into me. The locations, the people you meet, it's all extremely interesting to just see, the items are interesting as well but your inventory gets cluttered quite easily and thats a problem.

Another big problem with the loot I think also stems from the futuristic setting. You see the thing about fantasy settings, even those with their own terminology, have a universal sense of understanding. A sword is a sword after all and there is never too much different in a fantasy world that you can't easily understand.

Futuristic games don't have this same luxury. Because there is always a feel that they have to reinvent the wheel. So in games like Cyberpunk 2077, in which there is a lot of loot, you end picking up shit without any clue as to what it could be without digging into your menu. This is an exceptionally high problem for me in this game, because I'll pick up something new with some bullshit future name like "Cyber Servo Inhaler" and by the time im in the menu i fucking forgot what the thing i just picked up was even called.

It's frustrating because I don't want to be hunting around the menu all the time, especially considering the UI fucking sucks. It's a stylized menu to be sure, but that style is painful to look at and I feel like someone should have maybe brought that up during development.
When you get a new thing it has a little yellow dot to signify it being new so you should be able to see it. Also the category of thing it belongs to will get this dot as well until you highlight all new things in it once.

And wew crashing sounds like a pain. No issues or bugs of any kind on ps4 so far at about 4 hours in.

So far I'm taking it super slow with this game. I read EVERYTHING it throws at me, I was in an elevator watching the various ads it had for like 10 minutes straight on one bit. That ad about some sorta moon candy was an attack on titan inspired piece haha. Also wow they do have a ton of katana-related perks in this, my Gray Fox fantasy will be realized!

This statement reminds me of the time, after some bullying inflicted upon me by another student got a smidge out of hand and my mother had to be summoned. The teacher explained the bully kid had it a bit rough - and to be fair he did - and a lot of his behaviour was reflective of that. So I shall say to this what my mother said to the teacher

“Yes, I agree that’s very sad. It’s also not my fucking problem”.

Geth objects rightly to ill treatment she other aspiring enthusiasts received by expressing an interest in good faith. And frankly most of this shit is moot: it isn’t 1995 any more and most of these hobbies are no longer niche.

By that logic, since I never bullied anyone and I am welcoming of everyone in my communities personally, it's not my fucking problem what other people had done to them by somebody else. Ok then, if that's acceptable of an outlook to have for society, lets go with that.

If you wanna collectivize the responsibility, such that you can utter generalizations about gamers without being a terrible hypocrite, however, you do NOT get to individualize the duty of giving fuck about others' problems and being understanding instead of selfish. If you wish to paint people collectively, be prepared to participate in the collective when it has to do with you achieving something, and not only when something can be achieved in your behalf by others.
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Played it for a bit last night.

I'm running an Ryzen 3600X with a 5700XT. The game defaulted everything to ultra settings. "Cool!" I thought, assuming the game was going to default to 30fps and that I could tweak just a few things like turning off motion blur, film grain, turning down shadows and reflections just a little to hit 60fps. Boy was I wrong.

Started the game and it was hitting like 24 fps. Not sure why the game decided to default everything to ultra if it barely runs at that. I turned basically everything down to medium to get it to a solid 60. Still not that bad, but I'm now realizing I should probably have updated my drivers before playing. Just updated the drivers so we'll see if that helps and I can turn model detail back up to high.

If I need to I might OC my card a little. Usually not a huge fan of doing this since it causes more fan noise and some coil whine, but I'm willing to play this with headphones on if need be.

So far though, no crashes, bugs or texture issues, but I've barely gotten to the city proper.

One thing I ran into, is it possible to change the "use" key to something other than F? I checked the keybinds and couldn't find that one to remap.

What are people choosing for their backstory? I went nomad to start, and will probably pick corp if the game is good enough to do a second play-through. Corp was tempting but I figured I already kinda played that in Deus Ex as Adam Jensen.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
One of the things I don't get about this game is why the right-wing is defending it. When the left-wing defends Last of Us 2 from subjective story/plot based attacks at least that game had good production values, this game is basically class warfare or warfare against causals who can't refresh online market place pages for graphics cards, and next-Gen consoles.

This game sucks, and I had high hopes for this game.

Oh, and for those who will call me too "poor" to afford a next-gen console at eBay prices or an RTX 3070/3080(3090 in my opinion is diminishing margin returns). No, I could afford most of these, and I could wait in line or spend hours refreshing IGN deals, but those are entertainment goods, and in a pandemic in the US, if you lack the cushion for healthcare you're dead or bankrupted, and will never get a loan ever again so I won't pay 1500 for a PS5, or wait in the early mornings for an RTX 3080 computer for that reason.

And yes Game politics is a thing.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
One of the things I don't get about this game is why the right-wing is defending it. When the left-wing defends Last of Us 2 from subjective story/plot based attacks at least that game had good production values, this game is basically class warfare or warfare against causals who can't refresh online market place pages for graphics cards, and next-Gen consoles.

This game sucks, and I had high hopes for this game.

Oh, and for those who will call me too "poor" to afford a next-gen console at eBay prices or an RTX 3070/3080(3090 in my opinion is diminishing margin returns). No, I could afford most of these, and I could wait in line or spend hours refreshing IGN deals, but those are entertainment goods, and in a pandemic in the US, if you lack the cushion for healthcare you're dead or bankrupted, and will never get a loan ever again so I won't pay 1500 for a PS5, or wait in the early mornings for an RTX 3080 computer for that reason.

And yes Game politics is a thing.
Would you be more or less upset if the game was a next gen exclusive and only came on the PC, PS5, and Xsex?

Honestly, they shouldn't have supported the PS4 and Xbone. The game doesn't look or play very good on those systems and caused them to have to build the game for like 5 additional skews for almost no benefit. the right wing defending this game? The game where you can play as a gender non-binary robo-sexual woman with a penis?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
One of the things I don't get about this game is why the right-wing is defending it. When the left-wing defends Last of Us 2 from subjective story/plot based attacks at least that game had good production values, this game is basically class warfare or warfare against causals who can't refresh online market place pages for graphics cards, and next-Gen consoles.
Because most of the people being painted as the right aren't actually the right but people thrown in the proverbial pit by people who argue you're either with them or their enemy?


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I seem to be one of the lucky people who hasn't had a single crash in about 6-7 hours of game time. There aren't nearly as many bugs yet as I had expected, I've had some guy float into a conversation, animations that didn't track and a hilarious instance when Evelyn Parker showed her ventriloquism skills and threw her voice to Judy during an early main mission. There's also been some problems with getting the conversation options back after I (accidentally) looked away, but it has always been resolvable by walking away a bit and coming back and the occasional script trigger that took too long to fire, meaning I looted someone's entire apartment before the script triggered and they pointed a gun at me as if I just broke and entered.

So far, the intro that kicks off the main story proper (which comes in at about 5-6 hours) has been one of the best sequences I've ever had in a computer game. the female V's voice actor absolutely sells the entire thing and it was a wonder to behold. Sadly, Keanu Reeves low key, monotone delivery hasn't really sold Johnny for me yet.

I am/was playing Fo76 prior to starting CP2077 and boy, do I miss the ability to track multiple quests at the same time. The UI isn't great and the map is atrocious.
Give it a week or two. There’ll be a mod for that. Which is weirdly apropos.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
So a couple more hours into the game now. Fuck this game crashes a lot. I've had fucking crashes. However it autosaves like every 4 steps so i don't think i ever lost much time at all.

Also now that things are starting to open up for me....the fucking game is starting to get it's hooks into me. The locations, the people you meet, it's all extremely interesting to just see, the items are interesting as well but your inventory gets cluttered quite easily and thats a problem.

Another big problem with the loot I think also stems from the futuristic setting. You see the thing about fantasy settings, even those with their own terminology, have a universal sense of understanding. A sword is a sword after all and there is never too much different in a fantasy world that you can't easily understand.

Futuristic games don't have this same luxury. Because there is always a feel that they have to reinvent the wheel. So in games like Cyberpunk 2077, in which there is a lot of loot, you end picking up shit without any clue as to what it could be without digging into your menu. This is an exceptionally high problem for me in this game, because I'll pick up something new with some bullshit future name like "Cyber Servo Inhaler" and by the time im in the menu i fucking forgot what the thing i just picked up was even called.

It's frustrating because I don't want to be hunting around the menu all the time, especially considering the UI fucking sucks. It's a stylized menu to be sure, but that style is painful to look at and I feel like someone should have maybe brought that up during development.
Have you done the driver updates that came out?

I've put 11 hours in it so far and no crashes. A few minor bugs but nothing major that impacted progress or anything like that. Mostly just graphics glitches.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Would you be more or less upset if the game was a next gen exclusive and only came on the PC, PS5, and Xsex?

Honestly, they shouldn't have supported the PS4 and Xbone. The game doesn't look or play very good on those systems and caused them to have to build the game for like 5 additional skews for almost no benefit. the right wing defending this game? The game where you can play as a gender non-binary robo-sexual woman with a penis?
It was a business decision to do this. They knew that not everyone has a PC, PS5, or Series X. Still how come multiple games on Xbox One and PS4 performed better like RDR2, COD Cold War, and modern warfare. I will tell you why it's because those devs took their time, and learn to optimize.

I would have been fine had they limited it to only people with RTX 1060, or above(Also next-gen consoles). I would have just played God Of War, but I wasn't given any of this information on the PS4, instead, I was fed lies about it from CDProject Red, about how the base consoles worked fine, and I fell for the hype, and preordered on Sony's PlayStation store.

And yes the right is defending this game, the Quartering for example is defending it.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
It was a business decision to do this. They knew that not everyone has a PC, PS5, or Series X. Still how come multiple games on Xbox One and PS4 performed better like RDR2, COD Cold War, and modern warfare. I will tell you why it's because those devs took their time, and learn to optimize.

I would have been fine had they limited it to only people with RTX 1060, or above(Also next-gen consoles). I would have just played God Of War, but I wasn't given any of this information on the PS4, instead, I was fed lies about it from CDProject Red, about how the base consoles worked fine, and I fell for the hype, and preordered on Sony's PlayStation store.

And yes the right is defending this game, the Quartering for example is defending it.
Here's another question that should be asked........ wasn't this game meant to be out like February originally this year? Before the Ps5 was announced or even out. You'd think there would have been more done with the PS4 / Xbox One versions or are we just seeing the result of them pulling stuff out of the game and changing a lot since February?