Yes, cultural groups should need government paperwork, certification, and wear public identification for proper designation.
Oh yes, whenever someone gets diagnosed with something we're doing it to send them all to the camps. That's why we have no need of psychologists because we just gas all of those people right? Because I'm totally an actual ghost because they killed me after figuring out I'm autistic./s
And that's the thing. That's the thing that makes it so I will NEVER accept the argument of, "Because I say so." You know what MY childhood was like? My childhood was spent with my parents wondering what's different about me and how they can help me. I've been put on medication and had dozens of dozens of private meetings with myself, my teachers, and my parents, and gone to child psychologists throughout my childhood. That's how they found out what was going on with me. Because I have
observable traits that indicate I have Aspergers.
Does not engage in eye contact, can't read social cues or determine the nuance of facial expressions, sensitivity to loud noises, extremely narrow interests, engages in repetitive tasks or movements, poor social skills, difficulty learning through traditional methods, taking things literally
etcetera etcetera etcetera. And I expect that anyone who's ACTUALLY trans has gone through the same thing to reach the point where they can find the answer to what's going on with them, not, "Because they said so."
Autism also went through a "cool" phase where lots of people would make the claim they were autistic based on nothing but their say so but you know what those of us that are autistic thought of that? We said no, we didn't just take trend chasers at face value, so why do the trans people accept
obvious fakers now?! And the trans people here are not stupid, and because I know they are not stupid then I can only conclude that the only reason they don't admit that Yaniv and people like him are fakers is it "scores a point for the other side". You are willing to give him your "minority victim card" despite knowing he's a grifter that only says he's trans to grift, because it aint no coincidence that the way he's grifting can only be done by pretending to be trans. It's all because of political games!