They already do that, they have been doing it for decades and literally no one gave a shit about it until it had to do with trans people
Nobody cared about something illegal that people have been doing for decades?
Like how nobody cares about murder because it's already illegal?
No, we already care about it... that's why we made it illegal.
"Hold on", you'll say, "It'll still be illegal afterwards!"
"Yes", I'll reply, "but now it's more likely to happen".
As a general rule, it's bad to make illegal things easier to do.
Think about the creepy stalker who'll follow around a woman. Now you've allowed him to follow him into the bathroom so he can record her tinkle sounds and smell her farts. And now he'd have plausible deniability for being there, when normally he wouldn't go in there.
Like I said, just because one occasionally drinks, it doesn't mean that one should take up smoking too.
Just because someone drinks and smokes, it doesn't mean they should try cocaine.
Just because a lot of the population in the US has guns, it doesn't mean we should hand them out for free.
You're just increasing the danger. You agree with this, right? True or false, it would increase the danger? Answer me that.
Tell me Houseman why would a cis-man rapist go to the trouble of medically and socially transitioning into a woman just to be a rapist when it would be both easier and also less likely for them to be caught if they remain as they are?
Who said anything about medically and socially transitioning into a woman just to gain access to a woman's bathroom? I certainly didn't.
Why not just put on a wig?
Heck, why not even do anything and just
claim to be female?
You don't want to "dehumanize" people just because they don't pass, right? So where do you draw the line? What are the rules?
This is the flaw in your argument, where you have to assume all these prerequisites are met, but you never cleared that with your interlocutor first, so it seems like you're just making up requirements on the fly, which seems like moving the goalposts, or at least obscuring them and then revealing them at the last second.
So, what do you want? Are we proposing that all bathrooms be unisex? Do we require someone to "pass"? No requirements at all? Tell me what you want the rules to be and I'll tell you how they would be worse than what we currently have.