It's not just 40K fans, there are remote Amazonian tribes that hate DoW 3.Like take the Dawn of War series. DoW 3 is hated by 40k fans and all but destroyed the franchise, but if they announced DoW 4 I'd be excited as fuck. Take that need for a good game, remove the franchise uniqueness of 40k and just apply it to entire genres like RPG or FPS.
I wasn't hyped for this, but CP2020 was my RPG when I was a teenager, so the game turning out a mess is a bit of a sad day for me. It feels like CPV3 all over again.
But it probably won't be by the time play it 6 months down the line. The Bethesda FPRPGs are pretty much my favourite game series and I always wait for the GotY version because I know they are buggy pieces of shit on launch and you need to wait a year before Bethesda and modders to have fixed them and added a load of quality of life improvements. Not to mention it's cheaper and you get all the content.