It sounds like there are plenty of alternate, and probably better, ways to fill the head space than this is taking up. And maybe add a bit of a splash of "This doesn't affect me, so who cares" in there too. The world needs just a little bit more of that these days, regarding the highly opinionated towards things that don't, and shouldn't, matter to them.
Spend your time worrying about
actual problems, not this. For all you know there were people looking forward to this, and you're here all gleeful about "sticking it to the weebs" as it were.
Accurate to a shocking degree.
Edit: Furthermore, I have to ask...
This news is music to my ears, when people want more Japanese games people think of titles like Yakuza and Final Fantasy, not a game that represent the mistakes of the Vita and the Niche fanbase that rabidly defend this game.
I assume you are the ultimate and highly credited source to speak for all gamers in the world regarding this sort of thing? You have a link to all of their wishes and wants, and you know for a fact that the Gamers
TM are saying "DOWN WITH GAL GUN, MORE YAKUZA AND FINAL FANTASY!"... Or are you just imparting your own biased distaste for these games into your argument and treating it as fact?
Spoiler alert:
I know the answer to this even if you don't, the stuff I said above in the edit are trick questions