Do you think your view might be colored by your antipathy towards that group? Because whether its pundits or just posters its mostly the same.
I think the big misconception you have is that you seem to think this group would even try looking for more ''legitimate'' reasons to hate on the game after it offends them. That is not how these people (be they posters or pundits) typically behave. They believe things like transphobia or lack of representation are already extremely legitimate complaints against a game and they are absolutely not shy about it. Their insistence that these things are not just legitimate complaints but extremely important topics to talk about is exactly why their opponents hate them so much and why they occasionally go a bit too far and lose the mainstream.
Someone who believes Cyberpunk is transphobic wouldn't seek for a more ''respectable'' complaint to attack the game on. They would already consider the transphobia problem an extremely respectable complaint. They would heavily criticize cyberpunk on that complaint alone rather than find the need to try and attack it on a less controversial talking point.
Its also important to consider that there may by overlap, and that such overlap is in fact extremely likely. Say what you will about the woke crowd but they seem sincere in their support for the downtrodden. Its why they so often support sexual minorities who are only rarely ever considered by society, and if they are considered its usually in very negative forms. Its why they tend to be more economically left wing in terms of healthcare and social safety net that might help the poor and why they feel the need to speak up for racial minorities that have traditionally gotten the short end of the stick. Opposing crunch is just a continuation of that. If you already support groups that are struggling like the poor or the oppressed then its fairly easy to also extend that support to game designers who are traditionally overworked and underpaid, something crunch exacerbates to extreme forms. Its a complaint that fits in pretty naturally with complaints about transphobia rather than being an alternative to such complaints.
I understand that, I also happen to notice, however, that people are trying to shield themselves from criticism, oftentimes internal criticism, by employing the trusted ole sour grapes tacting of "well, this game is transphobic and....and it's not a good game anyways!!!" as a way of assuaging their own thoughts in the back of their mind that make them aware that they're missing out.
And no, they're not out for the downtrodden, they're out for a specific subgroup of the downtrodden that they can support as they act in furthering of their overall political narrative. If you have white folks being downtrodden in south africa or gays downtrodden in islamist countries or if black people are removed from starwars posters in China cause they hate black people there that's all not something they take up arms over but if some polish game lets you have a manly voice and treats you like a man THAT is what you take issue with? Please.
Oh and I'm totally economically left wing too. I just don't care for the cultural marxist stuff. Help people on an economic metric based on their financial situation and needs. If it happens to help more people of certain groups or of others is of no concern to me. I'm for universal help to everyone equally.
Crunch is a different issue because I know what it's like to be super passionate about something and not caring if you have to sacrifice something to get your creation done. Also you're not forced to work there. And I support, say, some kinda financial support to people who quit because of crunch-like conditions on top of the regular one everyone gets, so it's not like I have some issue with helping people who are actually being exploited. I just don't care to damn everything made in this situation because I respect people's decision to tough it out enough to not substitute my judgement over theirs and force them to believe they're being exploited when they may not see it this way.