Impeachment 2, the reckoning revenge redemption.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
...I get the feeling Trump might be willing to say he’s sorry now and play along...
You, sir or madam, have a promising career in stand-up comedy. What's your take on airline food?

What about this sociopathic demagogue leads anyone to believe any semblance repentance is anywhere on his menu? Ask him, and he's done nothing wrong ever. The fact that his antics actually led his cult to storm the Capitol only emboldens his position that he can do/incite anything with abandon. Impeachment at this point will largely be symbolic given there's not the time to see it through to any appreciable result, but even so, how big a victim will he play to his cult followers to make that "the biggest injustice in American history?"


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
You, sir or madam, have a promising career in stand-up comedy. What's your take on airline food?

What about this sociopathic demagogue leads anyone to believe any semblance repentance is anywhere on his menu? Ask him, and he's done nothing wrong ever. The fact that his antics actually led his cult to storm the Capitol only emboldens his position that he can do/incite anything with abandon. Impeachment at this point will largely be symbolic given there's not the time to see it through to any appreciable result, but even so, how big a victim will he play to his cult followers to make that "the biggest injustice in American history?"
Eh, he’s said he’ll accept a peaceful transition, and so long as they let him keep saying “actually I think I won” he may be willing to go along with anything. I’m not expecting him to suddenly be “presidential” or whatever. I’m expecting him to not want prison.

There’s all kinds of other possible outcomes of course. He could vaguely play along then get mad later. Honestly seems the most likely now that I think of it. When he gets mad later he’ll be given more rope to hang himself with, which he’ll use to hang other people, vaguely play along, get mad again, etc. Eventually more people die. But I’m being a little hopeful today.

Edit: also, if he’s impeached and found guilty he goes to jail. That’s how impeachment works I believe.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Eh, he’s said he’ll accept a peaceful transition, and so long as they let him keep saying “actually I think I won” he may be willing to go along with anything. I’m not expecting him to suddenly be “presidential” or whatever. I’m expecting him to not want prison.
The question is how much has his 4-year-long power trip led him to believe himself beyond reproach that he'd even consider such a concession?

There’s all kinds of other possible outcomes of course. He could vaguely play along then get mad later. Honestly seems the most likely now that I think of it. When he gets mad later he’ll be given more rope to hang himself with, which he’ll use to hang other people, vaguely play along, get mad again, etc. Eventually more people die. But I’m being a little hopeful today.
Agreed. The power will ultimately be transitioned, but he'll stay in the headlines for weeks and months, raising his unique brand of orange-scented stink and inciting his base to "action" despite the impotency of the effort because he gets off watching his puppets dance on his whim.

Edit: also, if he’s impeached and found guilty he goes to jail. That’s how impeachment works I believe.
If the impeachable offense(s) is(are) jailable, then yes, but any concession on his part to avoid such a thing would bring with it an admission of guilt and repentance, and that's where Trump is at his Trump-est: get on Twitter, bring out his indoctrinated masses and distract while he slips out the back door.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I would prefer the cabinet to declare him unfit, because otherwise it will only ever be portrayed as Democratic vindictiveness. I think he should be kicked out, just as a statement. His fans will hate it, but they're a lost cause anyway, at least in the short term. Changing them is the work of many years, and judging by the early reaction from the right wing media, they're not going to be changing so it's just a case of managing them.

Eh, he’s said he’ll accept a peaceful transition, and so long as they let him keep saying “actually I think I won” he may be willing to go along with anything. I’m not expecting him to suddenly be “presidential” or whatever. I’m expecting him to not want prison.

Trump has narcissitic personality disorder. I mean, lots of this stuff over the last four years was predictable. He cannot help himself. He has almost certainly realised that this time he's really shit the bed. I mean, tapping foreign governments for personal advantage is bad, obstructing justice is bad, but siccing a mob on the legislature... wowser. So sure, he's going to keep his head down, but if something prods him in just the wrong way, he's going to go off on one. He self-sabotages because he has a personality disorder, so he cannot help himself. I would strongly suggest the aim of all his family, aides and advisors for the next week and a half is to keep him out of the public eye, away from cameras, away from watching Fox or OAN, or anything else that's going to set him off.

It's going to be really tough. Trump, being a narcissist and chronically inscure and attention seeking, wants to see that he is being talked about, and that people love and admire him. He'll hate not looking at the news at most fawning networks. And he'll be itching to phone them up, Tweet, get ratings and attention, be listened to and feted. But if he goes live, he's going to be driven by his psychological inadequacy to say stuff some of which is likely to do nothing but damage himself.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
Trump has narcissitic personality disorder.
As diagnosed by a medical professional after a private session?

Because, if not then this is on the same level as "data analyst looks at data and declares votes were switched", claims that you disagree with.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
I would strongly suggest the aim of all his family, aides and advisors for the next week and a half is to keep him out of the public eye, away from cameras, away from watching Fox or OAN, or anything else that's going to set him off.

It's going to be really tough. Trump, being a narcissist and chronically inscure and attention seeking, wants to see that he is being talked about, and that people love and admire him. He'll hate not looking at the news at most fawning networks. And he'll be itching to phone them up, Tweet, get ratings and attention, be listened to and feted. But if he goes live, he's going to be driven by his psychological inadequacy to say stuff some of which is likely to do nothing but damage himself.
Why are you concerned for his wellbeing? Why not let him dig his own grave?


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
As diagnosed by a medical professional after a private session?
You know what? It was fun for a while, but I''m bored playing your stupid games. Go bug someone else with your bullshit and bad arguments.

Why are you concerned for his wellbeing? Why not let him dig his own grave?
I'm not expressing concern for him, just explaining what I think is going on in Trump's inner circle: attempts by that ever-shrinking inner circle to stop him from more self-destruction (and taking them down with him). This in context of Revnak's post, where Revnak said he will be cease to be obstructive because wants to avoid prison - I disagree, in that I think he might compulsively damn himself if he gets prodded the right (/wrong) way.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
You know what? It was fun for a while, but I''m bored playing your stupid games. Go bug someone else with your bullshit and bad arguments.
Seems like I hit the nail on the head and caught you in a double-standard.
Don't worry, nobody is perfect. Even I admit to being wrong.

I want you to know, you're one of the users I most respect on here.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I'm not expressing concern for him, just explaining what I think is going on in Trump's inner circle: attempts by that ever-shrinking inner circle to stop him from more self-destruction (and taking them down with him). This in context of Revnak's post, where Revnak said he will be cease to be obstructive because wants to avoid prison - I disagree, in that I think he might compulsively damn himself if he gets prodded the right (/wrong) way.
Yes, but also fuck him? He deserves way worse than he's ever going to get. And the guy is narcissistic beyond self-awareness. It's not the kind of pathology your start nursing at 74.


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
I've said it before: if the senators think the president has committed an impeachable offense they have a moral duty to try to impeach him.

And I've only scanned the headlines on what degree Trump was involved in the storming of the capitol, but if he was directing or encouraging them that is such a flagrant attack on the democratic process that impeachment is the way to go.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Seems like I hit the nail on the head and caught you in a double-standard.
Don't worry, nobody is perfect. Even I admit to being wrong.
I'm afraid my ego is not so fragile that that is going to successfully bait me.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
And I've only scanned the headlines on what degree Trump was involved in the storming of the capitol, but if he was directing or encouraging them that is such a flagrant attack on the democratic process that impeachment is the way to go.
Welp, he was not. He did not say anything about breaching the capitol. Anyone who says otherwise is either mistaken or lying, as nobody can quote him saying anything like that.

But that doesn't stop these wild and baseless accusations anyway.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I've said it before: if the senators think the president has committed an impeachable offense they have a moral duty to try to impeach him.

And I've only scanned the headlines on what degree Trump was involved in the storming of the capitol, but if he was directing or encouraging them that is such a flagrant attack on the democratic process that impeachment is the way to go.
He didn't directly tell them to storm the capital but he did directly tell them to go there and get the republicans to vote his way.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
I would prefer the cabinet to declare him unfit, because otherwise it will only ever be portrayed as Democratic vindictiveness.
Vindictiveness isn't the right word. Spite maybe.