Impeachment 2, the reckoning revenge redemption.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
The problem with just "being better than Republicans", is it's really easy to look good without doing anything of substance. Let's take a look at some of Biden's policies for example.

He put a moratorium on issuing new leases to drill on public land, good! He did not put a moratorium on the permits that you need on top of the leases, and there's a glut of leases out there, which is why there's over 30 new oil drilling sites on public land within a week despite Biden "banning" it. Net result: negligible.

Biden is stopping the troop drawdown in Germany and Afghanistan, will still be moving the embassy in Isreal to Jerusalem, will still sanction Iran for breaking the treaty despite us breaking it first. Basically on foreign policy he agrees with the bad things Trump did and is trying to stop some of the rare good things he tried to do.

He broke his promises on ending several horrible immigration policies and is continuing them while they're "reviewed". They could end, but he promised to end them immediately and he's not.

His order to ban federal private prisons (yay!) doesn't include ICE detainment camps, explicitly. So 81% of ICE detainees, the kids in cages, are a-okay for Biden! Another campaign promise broken btw.

And then of course there's the COVID relief nonsense to plaster the rest of the Democrats with. The big misunderstanding for the direct stimulus, erring on the side of not helping people, and then at this rate further planning to cut the number of people getting it for no good reason, then there's not helping people who lost their medical insurance over the past year, then there's the talks of walking back the raise in minimum wage, something that passes in red states that Democrats lost.

I'm giving the Dems at least the first full year of anything before I rag on them again. But in fairness, I gave Donald Trump that same year. They definitely have to prove themselves. They'll have plenty of chances. I see failures, I see hope. I see a lot of the old guard, but then I see stuff like what I've seen out of Jamie Raskin and think there's life somewhere in this party. So I'm giving them time to prove there's ability for growth now that they have power.

Not even a full month seems premature.
The problem is, now is when all the policies and personnel are being set. In a year it'll all be calcified and it'll be too late to change anything. Now is when you keep the toxic elements out of the administration and now is when you tell Biden his trajectory is wrong. A year from now is too late.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
The problem with just "being better than Republicans", is it's really easy to look good without doing anything of substance. Let's take a look at some of Biden's policies for example.

He put a moratorium on issuing new leases to drill on public land, good! He did not put a moratorium on the permits that you need on top of the leases, and there's a glut of leases out there, which is why there's over 30 new oil drilling sites on public land within a week despite Biden "banning" it. Net result: negligible.

Biden is stopping the troop drawdown in Germany and Afghanistan, will still be moving the embassy in Isreal to Jerusalem, will still sanction Iran for breaking the treaty despite us breaking it first. Basically on foreign policy he agrees with the bad things Trump did and is trying to stop some of the rare good things he tried to do.

He broke his promises on ending several horrible immigration policies and is continuing them while they're "reviewed". They could end, but he promised to end them immediately and he's not.

His order to ban federal private prisons (yay!) doesn't include ICE detainment camps, explicitly. So 81% of ICE detainees, the kids in cages, are a-okay for Biden! Another campaign promise broken btw.

And then of course there's the COVID relief nonsense to plaster the rest of the Democrats with. The big misunderstanding for the direct stimulus, erring on the side of not helping people, and then at this rate further planning to cut the number of people getting it for no good reason, then there's not helping people who lost their medical insurance over the past year, then there's the talks of walking back the raise in minimum wage, something that passes in red states that Democrats lost.

The problem is, now is when all the policies and personnel are being set. In a year it'll all be calcified and it'll be too late to change anything. Now is when you keep the toxic elements out of the administration and now is when you tell Biden his trajectory is wrong. A year from now is too late.
I find it funny the $1,400 check is for 4 months now.
This is the same party who tried to sue Trump for passing a $2,000 one with executive orders to block it happening and that was last year.
Trump may be a narcissist and a bit of a fool but is he's the sociopath people keep saying he is, he at least plays at pretending to care well enough people can get some benefit out of it too. Kids in cages didn't start with Trump and a lot of the images shared round were from the Trump Era e.g. the one of kids on mattresses on the floor? Obama era. The ones of kids holding bowls etc behind bars? A soup Kitchen in Israel. The kid in the blue top in a cage nearly in tear? A protest even against the cages.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
He broke his promises on ending several horrible immigration policies and is continuing them while they're "reviewed". They could end, but he promised to end them immediately and he's not.
Which ones are these specifically? Because he did end the Muslim ban, and establish a task force to reunify the families separated at the border. Those things aren't awaiting a review to happen.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
This is the same party who tried to sue Trump for passing a $2,000 one with executive orders to block it happening and that was last year.
What the hell are you talking about? Trump doesn't have the power to sign off $2000 cheques by executive order, it's a legislative power. Congress duly put a bill through, and after much wrangling the Republican Party slashed the amount to ribbons.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
The problem with just "being better than Republicans", is it's really easy to look good without doing anything of substance. Let's take a look at some of Biden's policies for example.

He put a moratorium on issuing new leases to drill on public land, good! He did not put a moratorium on the permits that you need on top of the leases, and there's a glut of leases out there, which is why there's over 30 new oil drilling sites on public land within a week despite Biden "banning" it. Net result: negligible.

Biden is stopping the troop drawdown in Germany and Afghanistan, will still be moving the embassy in Isreal to Jerusalem, will still sanction Iran for breaking the treaty despite us breaking it first. Basically on foreign policy he agrees with the bad things Trump did and is trying to stop some of the rare good things he tried to do.

He broke his promises on ending several horrible immigration policies and is continuing them while they're "reviewed". They could end, but he promised to end them immediately and he's not.

His order to ban federal private prisons (yay!) doesn't include ICE detainment camps, explicitly. So 81% of ICE detainees, the kids in cages, are a-okay for Biden! Another campaign promise broken btw.

And then of course there's the COVID relief nonsense to plaster the rest of the Democrats with. The big misunderstanding for the direct stimulus, erring on the side of not helping people, and then at this rate further planning to cut the number of people getting it for no good reason, then there's not helping people who lost their medical insurance over the past year, then there's the talks of walking back the raise in minimum wage, something that passes in red states that Democrats lost.

The problem is, now is when all the policies and personnel are being set. In a year it'll all be calcified and it'll be too late to change anything. Now is when you keep the toxic elements out of the administration and now is when you tell Biden his trajectory is wrong. A year from now is too late.
If people wouldn't do this while Trump was still president then they aren't going to do it now. Just pull up a chair, get some shades, and wait for the plane to hit the ground so you can enjoy the explosion.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
But that's the problem, and that's why Democrats lose. Government is supposed to be doing the collective good what communities can't do. Communities didn't build the interstate system, they didn't create the water lines and power grid or build a damn. The Government did. That's what Obama's entire "You didn't build that' campaign was about, the bullshit idea Republicans have that small business and communities need to look after themselves because all the Government can do is fuck shit up.

And Democrats have already lost if we dont even expect basic competency from them. To do the basic function of Government, that being running the Government. Republicans are okay with the Government not being able to function at all, let alone properly. And as a result Democrats try to achieve the standards set by Republicans, when those self same Republicans standards are that the government shouldn't function.
The reason the Democrats lose is that they attempt to be the party of the people, yet the very people in question don't want to be a party with each other due to conflicting ideas.

The image and perceptions of what the Democratic Politicians are can be described best as wet nurses trying to make everyone play nice. When in truth, even Democratic Citizens want to fuck the other side up now, if not other Democrats who don't see the issues exactly the same way of they do.

This is where communities come in. Communities build on insisting infrastructure by electing those who will make the promises for revisions or new outlets to benefit the community. Communities allow infrastructure to fail for others because they don't see the personal benefit of devoting resources to certain groups of people. That is the voting power of the US Citizen, not the Politicians. Flint, Michigan is an example of when people started going to the Politicians, Politicians did what politicians do. They looked concerned, thanked them for bringing this to their attention, and shoveled the people off without actually caring.

It took the community to rise up, get anyone they could to get eyes on them, and show what the hell was happening to the people due to this cost cutting measure that affected children in ways we still don't know. Because the problem was first reported in 2014 and in 2018 did that Governor stop issuing water bottles because it "seemed" safe enough to drink. But the fact remains that Flint's politicians were more than ready to sit in their inertia than actually do something until the People Stood Up.

And that's why I say it IS up to us. Do you get how damning it is that you Silent Pony and I both dislike the democrats and yet we're near at each other's throats (not really, I don't dislike you and I assume you feel the same) because we don't agree with exactly how the Democrats are failing? Now what happens if we're in 2022, in the same state, and voting on the next senator?

Biden isn't failing by not being revolutionary enough. Biden is exactly what was promised on the tin. The fractured, damaged, and scared populous (and I will not say just Democrats because Biden even got the majority of the Independent Vote with 54%) wanted normalcy after 4 years of Trump. And Boring, Run of the Mill Biden was seen by the majority to be a good relief from Trump.

The community wanted relief. People did. That's why Biden got more votes than any President Ever did in history. As displeasing as it is to you or I, people wanted Mediocrity and they showed up in overwhelming numbers to get it. I personally wanted a Sanders/Warren or Sanders/Yang ticket to actually rocket us to something different, but I was out voted.

But my point is Biden didn't run as an extreme version of Bernie and we somehow ended up with a Biden instead. Biden ran as an extreme version of Biden and he's paying off in spades.

If we want the Democratic party to stop losing, we as a people need to stop voting in for losers. We need to learn to be uncomfortable. We need to embrace the shake up instead of the status quo. We don't get a radical for radical's sake just like with Trump. We get impassioned people with actual ideas to run, and you and I go to the People and start talking to them to show the benefits of these new faces in Politics instead of the old guard like Biden who's been in politics since 1973. Stacey Abrams has shown us the way, and it works wonderfully.

Because this, complaining about how horrible Democrats were and still continue to be... hasn't worked as long as democrats started failing in our expectations. We have the proven method. We set up our plans and guidelines. And we get out there and we get the communities to elect the true politicians who will bring changes that we can have a consensus on, which we can build on and point to why you must continue to vote Democrat if you want to see your lives improve.

Because if any in that line fails? The effort is wasted and we start in-fighting again. No one will want to unify if they didn't get what they want. People like you and I will leave the party and be disappointed that the only choices we have are the same Democrats we've seen over and over again. There will be no changes to celebrate or build off of. and the independent party grows instead of showing how the democrats have helped their lives and how they should consider joining up.
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