Election results discussion thread (and sadly the inevitable aftermath)

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Adam Jensen

Elite Member
Apr 3, 2020
If that's a legitimate question, where would one actually begin? It was a common rallying cry for the right during the Obama years.

I wasn't political back then, but supposedly the same was done for Bush during his terms. Where would you actually stop?
Trump was nobody's president. People who believed in him, and who still believe in him are fuckin' idiots. Trump does not give a single fuck about any of them and would gladly see them all dead if he could make a quick buck out of their deaths. So no, he was nobody's president but his own. Absolutely every single thing that he did during his term was for himself. He's a deranged psychopath. An empty husk that looks like a human being (barely), but ultimately lacks all the qualities that make normal people, well, normal.
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Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
I'm frightened that some of you can have so much hate in your hearts for another human being. I shudder to think what that hate would do if turned to action.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
Hey look everyone. We're all hateful for disagreeing with someone. Haopy days
The strong use of language in Adam's posts, including dehumanizing language, causes me to believe that Adam hates Trump.
Of course, we could just ask him.

@Adam Jensen do you hate Trump?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
The strong use of language in Adam's posts, including dehumanizing language, causes me to believe that Adam hates Trump.
Of course, we could just ask him
You know, its funny. We asked for people to do something about Trump's hateful remarks for 5 years. Even Republicans and Fox said they were hateful... before they fell in line.

But here we are. Complaining about lefties 'being hateful'. If you make hatred as the winning strategy for the presidency, what do you think the rest of the population should do? Im suprised it took 4 years.

Why would we be worried about your comments? You did nothing to stop the hate of Trump. In fact, you cheerlead it. Defended it. We were told hate was good and righteous.

Maybe, you could start with hating on everyone here in this thread. Show us how not to be hateful yourself. Maybe don't imply that we dangerous and going to hurt you or someone around you. Because that's pretty damn hateful


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
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Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
Maybe, you could start with hating on everyone here in this thread. Show us how not to be hateful yourself
You mean "you could start with NOT hating on everyone here in this thread"?

I haven't been. I don't hate or hate on anybody. Why do you think otherwise?

As for whether or not Trump was "being hateful" for the last 4 years, I wouldn't know, but I haven't heard anything hateful from Trump since I've started paying attention, nor have I posted any tweet or video of anything hateful. It's all just been election fraud stuff, apart from the capitol-storming event.

We were told hate was good and righteous.
Not by me.

Please, what are you talking about?


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2020
As for whether or not Trump was "being hateful" for the last 4 years, I wouldn't know, but I haven't heard anything hateful from Trump since I've started paying attention, nor have I posted any tweet or video of anything hateful. It's all just been election fraud stuff, apart from the capitol-storming event.
Aw man, too bad everything on the internet gets periodically deleted every few months, and there's no way to check how much a jackass Trump was these couple of years.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
Aw man, too bad everything on the internet gets periodically deleted every few months, and there's no way to check how much a jackass Trump was these couple of years.
If you know of anything off the top of your head, please, show me.

Regardless, even if Trump was hateful in the past, I do not, and have not ever, supported Trump or even voted for him. I did not defend or cheerlead anything, except claims about election fraud, and the majority of those didn't come from Trump himself, but rather lawyers and witnesses.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2020
If you know of anything off the top of your head, please, show me.
No. You've been posting outside sources for quite a while now, proving that you're capable of doing basic internet research on your own. You'll just have to do it again.

Regardless, even if Trump was hateful in the past, I do not, and have not ever, supported Trump or even voted for him. I did not defend or cheerlead anything, except claims about election fraud, and the majority of those didn't come from Trump himself, but rather lawyers and witnesses.
Regardless, if you don't strive to know more about Trump's presidency, it doesn't matter whether you supported him or not. By your own admission you have less to say about him than people that did pay attention.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
No. You've been posting outside sources for quite a while now, proving that you're capable of doing basic internet research on your own. You'll just have to do it again.
Okay, I found Forbe's list of top 10 most offensive tweets:

10. Clown
“The hatred that clown @krauthammer has for me is unbelievable – causes him to lie when many others say Trump easily won debate.”

9. Dummy
"How can a dummy dope like Harry Hurt, who wrote a failed book about me but doesn’t know me or anything about me, be on TV discussing Trump?"

8. Phony
"My plan will lower taxes for our country, not raise them. Phony @club4growth says I will raise taxes—just another lie."

7. Lightweight
"Lightweight Senator @RandPaul should focus on trying to get elected in Kentucky--- a great state which is embarrassed by him."

6. Dopey
"Every Poll has me winning BIG. If you list en to dopey Karl Rove, a Trump hater, on @oreillyfactor, you would think I'm doing poorly."

5. Truly weird/Spoiled brat
"Truly weird Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky reminds me of a spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain. He was terrible at DEBATE!"

4. Pathetic
"The president of the pathetic Club For Growth came to my office in N.Y.C. and asked for a ridiculous $1,000,000 contribution. I said no way!"

3. Terrible/Angry Obnoxious
".@MeghanMcCain was terrible on @TheFive yesterday. Angry and obnoxious, she will never make it on T.V. @FoxNews can do so much better!"

2. Low class slob
".@FrankLuntz is a low class slob who came to my office looking for consulting work and I had zero interest. Now he picks anti-Trump panels!"

"Huma Abedin, the top aide to Hillary Clinton and the wife of perv sleazebag Anthony Wiener, was a major security risk as a collector of info"

Is that all?
This is immature playground name calling at most.

Regardless, if you don't strive to know more about Trump's presidency, it doesn't matter whether you supported him or not. By your own admission you have less to say about him than people that did pay attention.
I'm not saying people can't have their own valid reasons to dislike trump, I just reject Trunkage's claims that I supported and cheerled him.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Basically nobody thinks there is literally zero voter fraud of any sort. That's an obvious straw man.

I don't remember him ever claiming that, be weird if he did tbh.

No one claimed that. Except dwarven, who insists that because phrases like significant or widespread weren't used every single time, that it defaults to saying there was 0. Trolls gonna troll.

No evidence

If there is any real evidence

Most secure in history. No evidence of Voter fraud.

Now you can argue they meant not organised choreographed fraud but specificity is rather important.

I'm sure I could find other examples too.
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