For those interested,
here is the article that Jim quotes.
Scalpers bulk-buy items at MSRP, which limits the stock available for legitimate customers, and then they try to resell the items for an unreasonable markup. I fail to see how any 3rd party can see scalpers as anything but assholes.
The article quotes one scalper who claims to be simply acting as an innocent middle-man, who tries to defend himself by saying that supermarkets do the same thing, and they resell produce bought from farmers for a significant profit, and his business is no different. Obviously this analogy doesn't really work, because he is already buying the items from large retailers, who likely have a wider reach than his scalping operation.
The same person also apparently has a heart of gold though, as he helps people resell their consoles for an inflated price, and he can be quoted as saying “I mainly just try and help others now, that’s all that really matters to me.". Sure.
They also try to spin it as some kind of benefit to the community, as he claims that he donates a large portion of his profits to charity, including a food bank - but failed to substantiate his claims. What an angel.
Ultimately, as one person quoted in the article put it: "he is deluded. -- He's not Robin Hood."