I've played far more weeb things than Kingdom Hearts. I haven't played 3, but in 1 and 2 you can kinda ignore most of the BS story. Sora doesn't even care or is particularly affected by all the convoluted bullshit machinations of Organization XIII, Xehanort, Nobodies or whatever. And I don't know if that rubbish is exclusive to weeb stuff really, it's just cringy crap writing.
Fundamentally what the player is going to mostly experience, is visting various Disney worlds, hanging out with Goofy/Donald and token Disney leads and slapping Heartless/Nobodies around. It's basically going to Disneyland and fighting off monsters alongside mascot characters. That isn't very weeb.
No matter how convoluted the lore and story is behind the scenes, ultimately Sora shows up, slaps things with a keyblade and saves the day. Yeah sure it's written like a bad anime half the time, but it's so... pointless as well and easily disregarded.
KH is pretty tame on weeb stuff if you compare it to like.... God Eater lets say.