I don't disagree with what you write, ie, he' doesn't support anybody except when useful to him. If useful to him, I don't care their national origin, race, religion. He'll back them to the extent he needs to in order to achieve his aims.Trump is a coward. We could start at his shameful dodging of the draft during Vietnam with a bogus medical exemption, but that's a limited concept of cowardice.
He's a narcissist, and narcissists tend to be, deep down, cowards. You can see Trump's cowardice in his pathetic bullying, belittling of others and boasting. Here's a man who has risen to the highest office in the land, and he's an insecure weakling who can't take criticism without flying off the handle. Cowards repeatedly pick on people weaker than them. Cowards make empty threats they can't enforce. Cowards cannot tolerate disagreement, and need to surround themselves with cronies to feel safe. Cowards refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.
Trump needs to dominate. Powerful men are a threat, particularly to someone as insecure as Trump. You can see this by the way he's surrounded himself with toadies, how he drives his supporters to express their admiration for him, how he's demanded loyalty and obedience from them. He will challenge powerful men because it's the only way he can feel superior to them should he beat them, but it stems from fear, envy and resentment.
Of course he isn't. He doesn't support anybody except where they're useful to him.
Trump clearly surrounds himself with... a certain type of woman: attractive, preferably blonde, and that he can safely feel superior to. His daughter is under his power. He does not have a healthy attitude to women. When we looked for wives, I suspect most of us looked for women who are in many ways our equal, who we'd go through life with as partners. Look at Trump's wives (and also the many affairs he's had, the models he's ogled and touched up). The sexual assaults, the imposition of his power over them. Some of them will have been smart, but let's not ever pretend Trump was interested in them for their brains or talents. He's never wanted an equal, he wants someone pretty who is dependent on him, a trophy to indulge himself or show off. That's because he's a cowardly, insecure weakling. He cannot handle the idea someone may stand up to him, at times make him feel inferior. Especially a woman.
He has all kinds of flaws, especially a self serving narcissism.
But the guy also displays amazing raw courage. He took on the establishment against all odds with so many powerful resources all arrayed against him. The Bush family alone was a major threat. I'm amazed he has not ended up like Seth Rich. And he had to know the danger to himself. Even Chuck Schumer said the intel community had a 1,000 ways to Sunday to get back at him. And that isn't stopping him.
Trump is a lot of things but to call him cowardly and liken him to an incel or beta male just seems off the mark by far.