Trump misunderstands concept of free speech


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I'm curious what you think an investigation into Twitter would uncover or what your hoped results would be? I mean, its a private company, if they want to remove some users then its their deal and the fed really has no legal grounds to prevent that. I think when it comes down to it, my question is, do you think Twitter and companies like it should be nationalized?
I personally don't like the idea of Twitter being Nationalized. But that doesn't mean it's not a good idea to be fair to everyone. If they come up with good points. My personal thoughts is the conservatives who do think social media is being unfair are just victim blaming. But I'm willing to listen... with the caveat that Trump lies and will make stuff up. So it may be pointless

Also, I'd prefer a government to develop their own platform rather than nationalise if it's such a good idea. I'd also really like Gab to be looked at and see how you deal with crimes being planned on your platform and what should be done about that


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Its weird Trump got so angry. Twitter has pretty much said that Trump is free to accuse people of murder just because he doesn't like them. What more freedom does he want?
Far too many times Freedom of Speech by people like hin sounds way too like Freedom from Criticism, which is not a thing. For some reason, some people think that if you say your thoughts in public 1. They are then made true 2. The public will automatically believe them without questioning and follow them into the Holy Land


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I personally don't like the idea of Twitter being Nationalized. But that doesn't mean it's not a good idea to be fair to everyone. If they come up with good points. My personal thoughts is the conservatives who do think social media is being unfair are just victim blaming. But I'm willing to listen... with the caveat that Trump lies and will make stuff up. So it may be pointless

Also, I'd prefer a government to develop their own platform rather than nationalise if it's such a good idea. I'd also really like Gab to be looked at and see how you deal with crimes being planned on your platform and what should be done about that
Well, I think in the end the conservative idea that they are being censored is mainly because they can't call people the nword, gays the f word, and can't monetize things that blame minorities for things. I mean I'm sure there is some nuance there but I don't really have it in me to do a deep dive into this.

I feel like a government social media platform would be a massive shitshow. Not really because of reliability but because then they would literally have to obey the first amendment, imagine /b/ but worse.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Huh, it looks like twitter was wrong:

Did anyone think that Twitter was trying to be perfect? Yes, they will get things wrong. No fact checker can get everything right. Twitter should be fact checked as well.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
So is Trump convinced the President, and he himself as a citizen, is entitled to a Twitter account? Like he has some legal backing here? What's to stop Twitter from just unverifying him, or just deleting the President's twitter account? You can't sue to have a social media account...
Twitter made a specific policy exception for world leaders precisely because Trump posed them the incredible headache of needing to sanction the serving US president for repeated code of conduct violations. Seriously.

Social media companies are in a difficult place: they've tried letting anyone say anything, and it turns to shit. Then they try moderating, and all they get is a different kind of shit. They're also not very good at it (which is I suspect where many of the problems emerge).

Firstly, moderating an entire world's worth of tweeting is a massive task. After that, you've got some poor sods on low salaries sucking up the misery of sifting through the worst of humanity's vile outpourings - and I hope for their mental health, professional psychological support comes with their job. Then they have to make subjective assessments of content compared to guidelines, plus confusion that those guidelines probably change not infrequently as the company and society constantly mulls over the torrent of shit flying through the interwebs and what needs to be done. So they ARE going to make mistakes, and probably plenty.

After that, lots of people are going to be noisy about censorship. But the right wing has a head start from its decades long war on mainstream media, and has long been in the business of calling anything left of Fox News liberal bias. Also the fact that whilst left-wingers can be plenty nasty, it's mostly right wingers who loudly advocate against homosexuals, racial minorities, etc. in ways that pluck at the strings of discrimination. Because if I've learnt anything about attitudes to free speech, it's that some people really think it's their ultimate, God-given right to fling around terms like "******" and "******" with total impunity.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Ooh, auto-blocking on rude words. We're being censored! ;)


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Isn't there meant to be some kind of organisations to I dunno fact check things etc who are paid to put out material and document it for future generations. Oh yeh journalists.

The issue here is or at least seems to be that lies on one side get fact checked while lies by others get nothing.

Trump likely is doing this for petty reasons but it kind of does need to be done or some level of neutrality imposed.

I mean giving all the power to corporations is how most dystopia Sci-Fi properties claim the problems start.

Trump, however, explicitly has threatened to control social media companies. He's certainly attempting to legally and financially punish them, in one of his typical, childish overreactions. And the draft plans are certainly also about the government using its powers to monitor and hold information on the public on what seem to me to be extremely weak grounds. I totally wouldn't put it past this early draft being a lot more severe than the end result. (I wouldn't put it past being deliberately OTT in order to seem what it does end up saying appear more reasonable.) But even still, this is astonishing stuff.

I should point out that I am not wedded by any means to social media's immunity from responsibility for the content of its users (in fact, arguably it very much is an unreasonable exemption compared to other media). However, I think this needs to take place as part of a much more considered approach to what social media is - whether it is the private space of the owning company to run as it pleases, or should be recognised as a de facto public space, because this is an extremely complex issue.

Nevertheless, this is plain authoritarianism and government infringement on free speech, potentially giving the executive branch powers to intervene with and punish media companies and individuals. Government departments with political appointees judging social media corporations. I suppose at least it's not the secret police, but I don't think being in plain sight makes it that much better.
The main thrust of the bill seems to be about removing the Platform vs publisher protections some sites enjoy which the idea is meant to be the site isn't liable for whatever users post. However in this case they are now publishing and adding their own information which would make them a publisher of a kind.

So then would you support companies not being able to ban users from their platforms for content?
I think the present rules are you can as a comparison prune the hedges but you can rip large portions of them out without good reason.

Its weird Trump got so angry. Twitter has pretty much said that Trump is free to accuse people of murder just because he doesn't like them. What more freedom does he want?
Maybe the issue in this case is it's about more than Trump.

He wants to stop being told that he’s in a Wendy’s drive-thru in his mentions. It’s very confusing and he doesn’t even like Wendy’s.
It was ruled Trump is allowed to mute people.

Also don't like 15+ people all jump on Trump's tweets saying that and have been doing so for months? It's a bit unoriginal by now.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
If you're Trump then its never about more than Trump. And the one throwing a hissyfit is Trump.
Possibly true but Twitter put their foot in it here by having the most prominent and one of the initial applications be done against Trump and apparently also contain the wrong info that had to be later corrected.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
Like, if someone tried to organize the next Charleston on a social media platform, I have some confidence they'd be blocked. If someone on the left does the same, I don't have that confidence.
There is no left-wing equivalent of that.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
There are no contentious left-wing protests that turn violent, eh?
No, the equivalent would be a left-wing extremist running over/shooting up a moderate right-wing protest. I don't recall such a thing in the past 5 years.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I think the present rules are you can as a comparison prune the hedges but you can rip large portions of them out without good reason.
Not sure what you are trying to say here.

The main thrust of the bill seems to be about removing the Platform vs publisher protections some sites enjoy which the idea is meant to be the site isn't liable for whatever users post. However in this case they are now publishing and adding their own information which would make them a publisher of a kind.
Its not a bill, the president can only sign bills, he cannot pass them, only congress can do that. This is an executive action and its really toothless, like, nothing in it matters, it doesn't actually do anything.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
There are no contentious left-wing protests that turn violent, eh?
You are merely sod and soil, we are the garden. We will take root in you and your ilk and spread into vast and beautiful greenery. The soil must first be tilled. The reckoning comes.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Possibly true but Twitter put their foot in it here by having the most prominent and one of the initial applications be done against Trump and apparently also contain the wrong info that had to be later corrected.
Really, they should have deleted the tweets.