Being genuine for a moment here: I think i miss fixed camera angles more, than i miss tank controls specifically. I wish someone would make another atmospheric horror game utilizing them.
Games should be fair. Getting my face eaten off by something my character (and by extension, I) should have been able to see, but could not because of the camera angle, is not fair.Being genuine for a moment here: I think i miss fixed camera angles more, than i miss tank controls specifically. I wish someone would make another atmospheric horror game utilizing them.
1. The games with free camera are still allowed to exist.Games should be fair. Getting my face eaten off by something my character (and by extension, I) should have been able to see, but could not because of the camera angle, is not fair.
Those are still tank controls. In both games, pushing the left button doesn't make the character move left. It makes the character turn left. Then you push forward to make them move forward. The difference is that, in tomb raider, re4, and god hand, the camera moves with your character. In RE1, it doesn't, because the camera is fixed. But the characters themselves still control the same. Thus, both are tank controls.I just gotta say that tank controls are when you have to stop to turn the character (like the old Tomb Raiders) because that's how tanks control. RE1 does not have tank controls.
But you responding to my topic in my threadYou forgot the part where I give 0 shits on what you think. Thank you and have wonderful night!
Scientifically speaking, they are, as you can see in this graph:Perfection is an illusion, perfection is subjective.
With this in mind: no. Tank controls are not the objectively perfect control scheme.
I think this is an interesting point. How do you think one would have fixed camera angles without tank controls? Wouldn't the game be either too easy, or not work well?Being genuine for a moment here: I think i miss fixed camera angles more, than i miss tank controls specifically. I wish someone would make another atmospheric horror game utilizing them.
In your opinion. Everyone's got a similar or different opinion. Welcome to life.In any case, those games are actually fantastic. I love deadspace 2. They're just not the best in their respective genres.
I admit it was amazing for the time (played and borrowed from a friend back in the day) and is in certain aspects, but other games have come and gone, and made similar impacts. I always prefered 3 any way. Not SH2's fault, but nearly every SH game after 3&4 tried to copy 2's twists or monsters verbatim or in some fashion that 2 does not come off as unique anymore.No game has approached the narrative quality of SH2.
I agree, but I still prefer REmake2. Also, that liquid nitrogen section can still go fuck itself. Hence when I said REmake perfected the tank controls. There is not much you go afterward, and even Shinji and Capcom knew it. Hence why RE4 went through so many revisions and builds. DMC1 was gonna be RE4 originally.The level design in REmake is some of the best in the entire medium, and the atmosphere is the pinnacle of the entire franchise.
In your opinion. I actually dislike the pacing in RE4, and the game just drags late in the castle and when you get to the island. Evil Within 2 has the perfect pacing for me.The pacing in RE4, from an action game play perspective, is perfect.
When you make silly statements 100% unironically such asBut you responding to my topic in my thread
You lose my attention. I'm assuming that was supposed to be sarcasm, but I figured you're being 100% serious.You see, here's the problem. You all claim the analogue controls are better, but all of the game you listed are weaker then RE4, or Godhand. I am forced, therefore, to conclude that tank controls are obviously superior.
I would not know because I am not big on Mass Effect, and I hate Gears of War and GTA5. But I am sure if asked fans of either franchises they will come up with a whole bunch of rebuttals and their own examples.Who can say the same for Random Guy From GTA 5? Or Big Robot from Mass Effect 2? Or a random segment if Gears of War that no ones played in 15 years?
You need to watch Big O now, if you have not already.Giant robots shouldn't be able to ninja flip and pirouette, they should be huge lumbering block of metal powered by giant engines and with an input lag.
Yes, but some opinions are right, and some are wrong.In your opinion. Everyone's got a similar or different opinion. Welcome to life.
That is, sadly, the fate of all flawless masterpieces. Many people have unsuccessfully copied the masterpiece narrative and monster designs of silent hill 2. Meanwhile, no one is attempting to copy The Evil Within, or Deadspace (not even their own sequels).I admit it was amazing for the time (played and borrowed from a friend back in the day) and is in certain aspects, but other games have come and gone, and made similar impacts. I always prefered 3 any way. Not SH2's fault, but nearly every SH game after 3&4 tried to copy 2's twists or monsters verbatim or in some fashion that 2 does not come off as unique anymore.
I mean, by that logic, we should stop making puzzle adventure games, since OoT perfected the formula. We should stop making soulsborne games, since dark souls 1 and blooborne perfected the genre they themselves created. Why make any more metroidvanias, since hollow knight exists? It's just a control scheme. It doesn't have to be retired because REmake was the perfect resident evil game (factually speaking).I agree, but I still prefer REmake2. Also, that liquid nitrogen section can still go fuck itself. Hence when I said REmake perfected the tank controls. There is not much you go afterward, and even Shinji and Capcom knew it.
And there's nothing wrong with having a different opinion, even if I disagree. A lot of times people are not wrong or right for having a different opinion. I want it that way. Makes life more interesting. If everyone had the same opinion, it'd be boring. I don't want everyone sharing the same opinion as me. I don't care for mindless sheep parroting the same opinions, because of some sarcastic guy on the internet.Yes, but some opinions are right, and some are wrong.
You say that like it's a bad thing. I don't care if everyone tried to copy it or not. If anything, I considered a good thing, because it makes them all the more unique and special. Besides, I found Evil Within games (more so EW2) to be better Resident Evil sequels than 4, 5, 6, & 7. They also double as better Silent Hills games han the sequels made after 3. Deal with it.Meanwhile, no one is attempting to copy The Evil Within, or Deadspace (not even their own sequels).
Actually, they can stop the souls born games, because there is already too many already. I don't care much for the genre, but even other people on this site are getting tired of them. As far as adventure games with puzzles, they're always going to be there, but that's a different niche that's fulfilled. Thankfully, Steam and Indie studios are the ones that's keeping it going. Like I said before, the best you're going to get is people doing throwbacks on steam. There was one game that tried to do the old school survival horror tank controls, and for what I remember, the game was horrible. They were just hoping to bank on nostalgia and nothing else. If you want traditional tank controls, you're going to be waiting for a long time. I prefer REmake2 to over Remake. I'm bigger fan of Leon and Claire. I do love Jill Valentine though. Both games are the best at what they do.mean, by that logic, we should stop making puzzle adventure games, since OoT perfected the formula. We should stop making soulsborne games, since dark souls 1 and blooborne perfected the genre they themselves created. Why make any more metroidvanias, since hollow knight exists? It's just a control scheme. It doesn't have to be retired because REmake was the perfect resident evil game (factually speaking).
It's a control scheme born out of necessity, from mid-'90s games that used pre-rendered backgrounds and fixed camera angles as a way to hide poor framerates and input responsiveness, and/or bypass hardware limitations. Particularly favored in the then-fledgling survival horror genre, where poor framerates and input response and the fake difficulty wrought from it, were rationalized by quasi-sufferers of vidya Stockholm syndrome as somehow immersive.Define 'tank controls'. introducing quick-look and over-the-shoulder view with mouse/analog stick aim, which effectively just gave it more cumbersome and less responsive third-person shooter mechanics that required more inputs than otherwise necessary....RE4 and the RE2make showed that games are perfectly fine without them.
No, obviously there should be a couple QTEs you need to succeed at after you've selected the place to move to really bring out the gameplay.This is ridiculous. The only valid movement scheme is for a UI option labelled "move" to appear on-screen, which gives you a few listed options of places to move to, like in Phoenix Wright. And yes, I also mean for action games like Devil May Cry or Sekiro.
Anything else is a bourgeois convenience, like that white tanuki suit in Mario that turns you invincible.
The Medium just came out this year.Being genuine for a moment here: I think i miss fixed camera angles more, than i miss tank controls specifically. I wish someone would make another atmospheric horror game utilizing them.
Speak for yourself; I found it very useful. Especially for introducing quick-look and over-the-shoulder view with mouse/analog stick aim, which effectively just gave it more cumbersome and less responsive third-person shooter mechanics that required more inputs than otherwise necessary.
The Fatal Frames used fixed camera angles.Being genuine for a moment here: I think i miss fixed camera angles more, than i miss tank controls specifically. I wish someone would make another atmospheric horror game utilizing them.
Dat Dpad doh...You see, here's the problem. You all claim the analogue controls are better, but all of the game you listed are weaker then RE4, or Godhand. I am forced, therefore, to conclude that tank controls are obviously superior. The initial discomfort many feel while using tank controls for the first time is merely the result of our monkey brains coming into contact with a higher level control scheme. We have not evolved enough to appreciate them. It's the same reason the N64 had the best controller. Humans interacting with it is like the monkeys from 2001 a space odyssey interacting with the monolith.
Ok I think now it's gotten to the point ofThose are still tank controls. In both games, pushing the left button doesn't make the character move left. It makes the character turn left. Then you push forward to make them move forward. The difference is that, in tomb raider, re4, and god hand, the camera moves with your character. In RE1, it doesn't, because the camera is fixed. But the characters themselves still control the same. Thus, both are tank controls.
But you responding to my topic in my thread
In any case, those games are actually fantastic. I love deadspace 2. They're just not the best in their respective genres. The level design in REmake is some of the best in the entire medium, and the atmosphere is the pinnacle of the entire franchise. No game has approached the narrative quality of SH2. The pacing in RE4, from an action game play perspective, is perfect. Almost every encounter in the entire game is iconic and memorable. Who can say the same for Random Guy From GTA 5? Or Big Robot from Mass Effect 2? Or a random segment if Gears of War that no ones played in 15 years?
Scientifically speaking, they are, as you can see in this graph:
View attachment 3425
30 Minute video to be uploaded to youtube soon
Fox would never troll! How dare you, sir!Ok I think now it's gotten to the point of
View attachment 3457
Tank controls are also irrespective of the quality of other aspects of a game like story, atmosphere, characters, even playability depending on the genre.
Having said that, fixed camera angles with tank controls legitimately compliment each other often exceptionally well though, as you've shown with the other post above.
So I watched those videos, all three of them which are very long so it took me a while, mainly I just want to say thanks because he talks about quite a few games I didn't know about and that now I'll keep my eye out for because lately I'm really into that kind off game lately, I disagree with a lot of what he says, particularly that he uses the term Survival Horror & RE: Clones interchangeably which is weird, because like a lot of the games he talked about are wildly different from each other, and it's very arbitrary like he considers Koudelka a true survival horror and therefore an RE clone, even though the game is very different from RE, also regarding that RPG thing a better statement to make would've been that Koudelka does a much better job of fusing Survival Horror & RPG than Parasite Eve rather than saying one is that and the other isn't.Just so we're clear, Avalanche enjoyed and loved most of the games on the list in both videos, and mentions how he misses that style of gameplay, but understand and has no problem why the industry moved away that control style. Though I disagree with him heavily on Parasite Eve. He claimed it wasn't "true survival horror", because there is no backtracking and no limited inventory, which is bullshit on all counts. There are plenty of linear survival horror games for one, and two, a game should not go through arbitrary rules no one is in charge of. It's a survival horror rpg, and a fine one. While I agree games are art, other than a retro throwback on Steam, there is not much left with tank controls that can be done at this point.
There is nothing wrong with that. It's why I kept a lot of my old games, but most old survival horror games do nothing for me at this point.
Technically tanks can turn while moving by adjusting speed independently on each track.I just gotta say that tank controls are when you have to stop to turn the character (like the old Tomb Raiders) because that's how tanks control. RE1 does not have tank controls.