I love that you said this. Specifically because I had a similar experience, but with the novels. Back when I was in highschool, in the 90s, I tried, multiple times, to read Fellowship, but, FUUUUUUCK was it boring. Chapter after chapter after CHAPTER of the Shire, and all the wacky hijinx of the hobbits! Ooooh, look at those silly Bagginses and Floppinsens, and Toodleflipperies! They have a "heated, generations long -rivalry-" over a set of teacups!! OOOooh, isn't that just so quaint and delightful!! No...no it's not, it's fucking boring. And petty, and spiteful. Oh good, we're leaving the Shire...fucking FINALLY!!! ....wait...who is this prancing, dancing, rhyming shitbag who's literally just dancing his way into the scene like a streaker at a sports game? Tom Bombadil? Oh god....oh god no. He...he thinks he's in a fucking musical. Oh god please make it stop. *puts book down and swears to pick it up again later* *years pass* Hmm, maybe I should give it a try again, but...I don't remember anything, so I'd better start at the beginning again......oh god.....oh god I remember why I stopped reading this. That happened like 3 different times, before I literally had to be TRIPPING ON ACID, and needed something to occupy my mind while I was alone in my dorm room, for several hours. THAT was finally how I was able to get through that fucking book, and then continue the series later when I was no longer tripping. I just, I really don't think the books are as amazing as people make them out to be. And the films are good films, but still, nothing that I really think is amazing.