Warfighter is a generic term applying to soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, etc. Don't call a marine a soldier unless you want to piss them off, and vice versa. It's a slightly more professional word than "troops" and shorter than writing all of the above. It's more that the title is using a...
I played the crap out of World at War and Modern Warfare 2. I think I was halfway through my fourth prestige or something like that when I finally got fed up with the COD multiplayer. It's addicting, but there's too many niggling frustrations in the whole experience.
Sometimes, bullshit...
A little of column A, a little of column B.
I hate the game when there's stuff that's just broken - Call of Duty's "Infinite Grenade Rain" that others mentioned comes to mind as it lets you get around the whole "ammunition" thing. Also, some stuff in CoD is just plain underpowered to the...
1. What age group do you fall under?
2. How many hours a week do you spend playing strategy games?
3. Do you prefer graphics or game play?
3.5 Please explain your reasoning
Games should always be about gameplay over graphics... if all...
1) Some people are stupid.
2) Some people don't know when to shut the fuck up.
3) Some stupid people don't respond well to proof they're wrong and run for any exit they can.
4) Current social rules make it a major faux pas to question someone's religion. Regardless of proof, "faith" remains...
A few of the things I'm looking for:
4-player splitscreen co-op / versus: Because sometimes, you just want to have the fun of playing with a party of 4. Halo is one of the few series to preserve this that I can think of off the top of my head (at least where you have the option to go online)...
I have two pairs I use regularly:
I use these Sony headphones for running/working out because they hook around the ear and stay in regardless of what I'm doing:
I use these SteelSeries headphones for gaming/at work because they are the most comfortable headphones I've ever worn.
I liked playing tanky classes in MMO's (okay, WoW) as I found tanking properly was probably the most complex job and your skills can singlehandedly make or break the attempt on the boss. Managing aggro on multiple targets while taking care of yourself and positioning a boss: good times.
All those players have probably seen the cutscenes already, dug in that same corner for a collectible, etc. You're generally just slowing them down for things you could accomplish on your own.
It baffles me why you would try and be getting into the story in the company of other people who can...
I'm thinking the same thing. I've heard that Cell architecture is tough to program for, and the opportunities to use that knowledge elsewhere are limited: some programmers won't bother to learn cell programming simply because they doubt they'd use it in other jobs.
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