Recent content by 5stringedbandit

  1. 5stringedbandit

    Zero Punctuation: Holiday 2009

    Just so happens to be the only week where I wasn't waiting from 4 o clock for it come out =D
  2. 5stringedbandit

    Practice Your Putt With Japanese Women's Underwear

    Lets make it happen. NAWGL Nude Asian Woman's Gold League.
  3. 5stringedbandit

    Practice Your Putt With Japanese Women's Underwear

    Does this mean Japanese women play golf nude?
  4. 5stringedbandit

    8-year-old's Uzi death at gun show

    Guns are dangerous full stop. This is really screwy. I ust can't think of anything else to write about the matter.
  5. 5stringedbandit

    Greatest Video Game Ending Of All Time

    "Your princess is in another castle, haha not really."
  6. 5stringedbandit

    Zero Punctuation: Washington DC

    That's weird him complementing me for getting him in the eye.... I got him on the mouth.
  7. 5stringedbandit

    Shape-Shifting Robot Blob Has Emerged From Your Nightmares

  8. 5stringedbandit

    3D Dot Game Heroes Trailer Is Zelda-ishly Good

    This looks so awesome. Just like an original Zelda pixilated game but in 3D. So simple, yet so complicated.
  9. 5stringedbandit

    Scientists Levitate Baby Mice For Science

    Am I the only one that lol'd so hard when imgioning disorientated spinning levitating mice? "It actually kicked around and started to spin, and without friction, it could spin faster and faster, and we think that made it even more disoriented," said researcher Yuanming Liu.
  10. 5stringedbandit

    Adult Themes

    Basically grow up. You bastards. *angry face*
  11. 5stringedbandit

    The BNP are misunderstood...

    If I say anything from either point of view someone will no doubt hate me.
  12. 5stringedbandit

    Play 'Em Off, Keyboard Sam Fisher

    Well that was excellent I must say. Bravo Sam Fisher!
  13. 5stringedbandit

    MGS: Rising and Peace Walker Teams "Aren't Friends"

    All he has to do is give the Peace Walker team a new team. Of tigers.