Recent content by Arcobalen

  1. Arcobalen

    Post any song you want

  2. Arcobalen

    What is your AOTY?

    The year isn't over yet, so I suppose it could change later on, but mine would have to be Busdriver's Perfect Hair.
  3. Arcobalen

    Who's your favirote Musican/Band and what's your favorite song by them?

    Currently my favorite song is probably Cowboy Dan by Modest Mouse.
  4. Arcobalen

    Suggest improvements for Steam.

    Personally, I want the steam overlay to have a plugin system. It is a tad annoying to have to tab out to control spotify/itunes.
  5. Arcobalen

    Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix Gets Release Date and Trailer

    I'm looking forward to this so much. After having my last PS3 stolen, I haven't picked up another. This may make me do just that.
  6. Arcobalen

    Games you'd like to see ported to the PC

    What games would you like to see ported to the PC? Personally, I'd love to have Final Fantasy IX on PC without PS1 emulation.
  7. Arcobalen

    Flappy Bird To Return In August With Multiplayer

    Money pile must be running dry, but no, I don't think it will be anywhere near as popular.
  8. Arcobalen

    What was your first pc gaming memory?

    This is probably my earliest PC gaming memory as well.
  9. Arcobalen

    The last videogame character you played as is trying to kill you

    The Soldier from TF2 is trying to kill me, and the Heavy is defending me. Not too sure how this one will go.
  10. Arcobalen

    Favorite Doctor Who serial or episode?

    What is your favorite serial/episode of Doctor Who? 1963 or 2005, it doesn't matter. I think my personal favorite would have to be the second doctor's Fury from the Deep serial.
  11. Arcobalen

    Games you DON'T miss playing when you sold it or traded it in.

    For me that would be Red Faction: Armageddon. I just couldn't get into it.
  12. Arcobalen

    Favorite lets play? Tell us about who you love to watch or what makes somthing fun to follow.

    I think my favorite would have to be SSoHPKC.
  13. Arcobalen

    Name a dying game series/franchise and a way to save it

    Agreed, but I'd like the see IX over VII.
  14. Arcobalen

    If you could discover one doctor who serial

    That or The Myth Makers wouldn't be bad.