Recent content by biggles1

  1. biggles1

    You have the power to bring back one cancelled TV show...

    Firefly! So... much.... firefly....
  2. biggles1

    Charlie Brooker's review of CoD:MW3

    Violent video games are violent, they are MEANT to make you go "holy shit this is evil". I liken it to the part of world in conflict, where [SPOILERS!!!!] you find out that Bannon not only killed civilians, but he also killed the wife and child of one of the russian commanders who you play...
  3. biggles1

    Endings You Didn't Like (Expect Spoilers)

    Black ops. Whatever faults the game had, I generally foudnt eh game intriguing, what with all the codes and stuff. However the ending stuck me as silly. The way you come up and the WHOLE DAMMNED US FLEET IS SITTING THERE BECAUSE FUCK YEAH AMERICA! Just no, if you're gonna make a game on...
  4. biggles1

    Poll: Do you lower the difficulty setting if you find a game too hard? (Somewhat Skyrim related)

    Personally, I play virtually all games on the most basic easy level at the start. This means I get to enjoy the story and game play of the game, without being troubled by insta-death. This also crucially means I can gain experience in the game levels. After finishing said game on easy, I will...
  5. biggles1

    MW3 Minor Spoiler, (A Death scene)

    I have to agree with you on the homefront one, That scene actually made me have to pause the game and take a moment away from it. I hate seeing physical and mental suffering, especially in kids. At least in this, as people say, you don't actually see anything. It's a quick, painless affair.
  6. biggles1

    Poll: Would you take a one way trip to mars?

    No-one except for maybe china would consider sending a person on a one-way trip to mars. This is where the mars direct idea comes from, with sending 2 spaceships, one filled with fuel for the second one with people in it to use for the return journey.
  7. biggles1

    Opinion on age of smexy time

    wow, lots of people here seem to be mis-understanding a lot of things. First off, the age of consent is there to PROTECT young people from abuse, having an age of consent too low or non existent makes it much easier for people to then take advantage of young people. I won't go into detail on...
  8. biggles1

    So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"

    Its her office, why wouldn't she leave her stuff there? I know teachers who do it all the time.
  9. biggles1

    So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"

    maybe they both left for lunch, and he/she came back during lunch when they were out of the office?
  10. biggles1

    So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"

    stupid government and social systems, nothing ever works properly does it :/
  11. biggles1

    So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"

    I was talking more about the procurement of information and labelling of certain beliefs/likes/skills as certain things, Surely labelling atheists as lacking empathy is pretty discriminatory?
  12. biggles1

    So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"

    That's pretty weird, are they even allowed to do that? Also, since when does interest in science, metal and a lack of caring for religion make you a psychopath? I love science, violent video games, world-domination plans, metal/rock music and don't give two hoots about god or religion, but I'd...
  13. biggles1

    The CLOSEST you've ever been to death, without actually getting injured?

    Closest for me i'd say was when a friend who was driving me home from swindon lost control on the motorway and was swerving across 2 lanes of traffic for a good 10 seconds before she got the car under control. Not really life-threatening but scary as shit
  14. biggles1

    Poll: Appropriate physical affection between heterosexual men.

    I find that I dont care what other peoples sexuality is, as long as people, hetro or homo, dont do too much in public, kisses are fine, proper making out in public is just gross.