Recent content by bluepilot

  1. bluepilot

    kind of a mid life crisis at 27

    I think all of us get lost at one point, it is pointless to compare yourself to others, cause they get lost too at some point. I can remember when I was made redundant someone I knew sent me a really nasty email, this person works in the oil industry, guess what happened? And you know what I...
  2. bluepilot

    Escapists; Do you think I have a problem?

    You just need to put a little anti-fungal cream down there and if it does not clear up go and see the doctor xxx.
  3. bluepilot

    Poll: Would you have sex with a non-human?

    Something non-human? Something with extensive vascular throbbing squirmy tentacles? Yeah, totally.
  4. bluepilot

    Common pitfalls for content creators on the internet

    Cool, I will check it out. When you mentioned brand marketing it reminded me of another pitfall. The one where marketing forces become a bigger drive than the original intent, and it just somehow makes you as the viewer die a little bit on the inside and need to take a shower. Wish I could think...
  5. bluepilot

    Common pitfalls for content creators on the internet

    I think that since the internet moves so quickly, the content can get dated very quickly and some content creators fail to keep up with current trends and their audiences. I used to really like the nostalgia critic but in a short time my own nostalgia has changed and he no longer feels relevant...
  6. bluepilot

    Thoughts on The Amazing World of Gumball

    I think that it is really funny and I really enjoy the different animation techniques. I don't follow it as closely as a lot of the other cartoons that I watch cause there is no need to watch in sequence but I certainly enjoy it.
  7. bluepilot

    Japanophiles - WARNING: Essay on the Real Japan

    You raised a lot of issues in the post, so it is quite hard to think of a good comment. I like your post, and I enjoyed reading it, but for the sake of discussion I think that it would have been better to place focus on one particular point. I will speak from my own experiences of living in...
  8. bluepilot

    You Find $2,000 on the Sidewalk...

    Buy the Jimmy Choo handbag that I have been after for a while. Capatcha: Good Work. Yes thank you, I think so too
  9. bluepilot

    Poll: How Would You Cope With A Change Of Sex?

    Oh, it is a thing, there was even a porn movie made (now banned because the BBC sued). I think that quite a lot could be achieved with those plungers. Daleks are quite phallic really, in various different directions.
  10. bluepilot

    Poll: How Would You Cope With A Change Of Sex?

    I think that I would find ways to have lots of fun with my new penis. I could do things that I have never been able to do very well before, like....pee in the snow. I would also rely on my awesome male metabolism to allow me to eat like a pig. In the end, I would end up like Lister from Red...
  11. bluepilot

    If you could say anything to yourself from the past, what would you say?

    To myself in 2002 "Drop flute, drama, art and everything artistic, and channel all that energy into getting into medical school. I know that your desire to be a doctor right now is nothing more than a fleeting thought, but despite all your achievements, it will remain, it will grow, it will...
  12. bluepilot

    Why Do People Like Batman So Much?

    Because Batman goes from gritty "I will not be able to sleep for weeks" gothic darkness to creepy "I will not be able to sleep for months" gothic camp. It is, was, and will always be, beautiful.
  13. bluepilot

    Weirdest thing you have ever encountered in a public bathroom.

    Oh, good god, ew. Well, I lived in Japan, and the toilet seats are heated, play music, and also, after you have finished your business, shoot soothing jets of water to clean your underside. I guess is is pretty weird in a wonderful way but knowing how nice toilets can be, I am now afraid...
  14. bluepilot

    Have any odd visual Quirks?

    I have buck teeth and one eye higher than the other...this is probably why I am single...
  15. bluepilot

    Three years on... what would be your three wishes?

    1) To own every plushie from Japanese anime and rock music from the 90s 2) To have a date with Gene Simmons 3) To have the bag I want from Jimmy Choos Life complete