Recent content by CanHasDIY

  1. CanHasDIY

    Poll: American sentiment

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who gets bent out of shape when people who have no idea what the fuck they're talking about start to diss on you and yours. I hope this was a learning experience.
  2. CanHasDIY

    Poll: American sentiment

    "On average?" There are 360 million Americans - am I to believe that you have personally encountered every last one, and met with them long enough to make a valid assesment of their cognitive abilities? Don't make me laugh! Sounds to me like you watch entirely too much television (and most of it...
  3. CanHasDIY

    Drugs R bad LOL!

    The War on Personal Freedom (aka War on Drugs) actually started with a man named Henry J. Anslinger, America's 1st "drug czar," wa back in the early 1930's. If you're truly interested in the history of drug laws (specifically in America, althoug other nations have modeled their drug policies...
  4. CanHasDIY

    Drugs R bad LOL!

    This. First off, a message to all who generalize that ever illegal narcotic user is just a lazy piece of shit who wastes all their money on drugs - piss off and stop being a closed-minded sheep who gulps down every propaganda video the schools force you to watch. FYI, prior to the mid-1930's...
  5. CanHasDIY

    Poll: Mac versus PC: Let's be nice about it

    Main machine - modded Gateway dual-booting Win7 and Ubuntu 10 wife's lappy - standard Dell, Win7 Media server - custom built "cloud" setup running a modified version of Ubuntu (what can I say, I like the taste of Debian). I've even got a couple of custom single purpose machines. (HAM radio...
  6. CanHasDIY

    Elder Scrolls V Similar to Mega Man With Dragons

    IDK, but I assume it has something to do with absorbing the ability of fallen enemies... Better than comparing it to Kirby...
  7. CanHasDIY

    Should You Have to Get a License to Raise Children?

    In a perfect world there would be no neglectful parents. That said, just like drug tests for people on welfare, it's a great idea in theory but ultimately not worth implementing for many reasons... a quick cost/benefit comparison will show that. A better idea would be to sterilize idiots...
  8. CanHasDIY

    What vigilante gadget/weapon would you keep with you at all times? (With a twist!)

    Sonic screwdriver... 'cause an ashandarei is out of the question...
  9. CanHasDIY

    How do my fellow escapists feel about guns? (The real kind)

    We've got a similar rule on automatics stateside; basically you can get a permit for damn near anything, provided you don't mind surrendering a bunch of other rights (privacy, freedom from unwaranted search/seizure). I do wish they'd make an exception for antiques... Also... Enfields are...
  10. CanHasDIY

    Poll: Who thinks that "Bodies" by Drowning Pool is an over-played piece of shit?

    'Bodies' falls into the same musical category as Limp Bizquick (or whatever) and ICP - music that's cool to pubescent males. I thought it was a cool song when I was 13 and didn't know any better, too. Plus Drowning Pool is about as metal as a pizza box.
  11. CanHasDIY

    How do my fellow escapists feel about guns? (The real kind)

    A) just mentioning historical fact as it is relevant to the conversation, I.e. the first thing most dictators do is disarm the populus. B) the UK may not have a lot of gun crimes, but that doesn't mean that they are free from violence, either. Ever hear of a group called.the IRA? They...
  12. CanHasDIY

    How do my fellow escapists feel about guns? (The real kind)

    How exactly is that 'false in every way?'
  13. CanHasDIY

    How do my fellow escapists feel about guns? (The real kind)

    A) what country are you from, he who pretends to know more about my country's history that I? I never said tyrannical oppression was just around the corner, but rather that the Second Amendment exists to prevent it... Sheesh... talk about only hearing what you want to... B) like I said, if...
  14. CanHasDIY

    How do my fellow escapists feel about guns? (The real kind)

    How silly... I can name another society that didn't think an armed populus was a good idea... the Nazi's. One of the first things Hitler did was round up all the guns, so the citizens couldn't defend themselves against his armies. As for criminals, lemme drop a little knowledge on ya - if...
  15. CanHasDIY

    What's a good way to lose weight?

    Cremation. LOL, j/k... I had a lot of luck with anorexia when I was a teenager, but I wouldn't recommend it... EDIT: oh, you wanted a GOOD way... in that case, healthy eating and plenty of exercise is the only way to fly.