Poll: American sentiment


New member
Oct 19, 2009
InnerRebellion said:
Also, there is a point I would like to make. During my time here, I've noticed a lot of members are of the view point that Republicans are stupid, narrow minded people. Please stop thinking like that. You are listening to stereotypes. Some of the most open minded and philosophical people I know are all members of the Republican party. I have enough trouble having to listen to my extremely democratic-independent U.S. History teacher call us that; I don't like seeing it all over the internet too.
While I don't doubt that alot of republicans are open minded and well-educated. You aren't exactly making a good impression, at least not to me, as the most I know of the Republican party is George W. Bush, Sarah Palin and protesting against the health care reform.

If you want to make a name for yourself to the rest of your world as open minded you should try to avoid putting people like Sarah Palin in charge.
May 28, 2009
Met a lot of dicks from there, but also some pretty cool fellows, and that's how most of the world seems to operate.

The system? Hard to tell. Every system has advantages and disadvantages. Only really notice, or stop taking for granted, the advantages when you no longer get them. Yeah, not really an answer eh? But I can't call it shit, nor brilliant either.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I like it here, sadly its the same people voting for the same two parties over and over again. But I have faith for in my nation and hope.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Ok am not gonna make a whole resume on this.
In short, I hate your system, and what it makes from your people. I do recognize that there are sensible and goodhearted people in that country, but give in, those are surrounded by morons.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
The people are fine, the system as it stands is being politically exploited and turned into a farce and an embarrassment.

The two party political system is by far the largest failure to the American people, it forces division and the voice of the groups is so extreme and so far away from the voice of the average American that sensibility is never heard. Republican or Democrat, I would rather vote Human instead of radicalized opposition in the name of opposition.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
I live in Ohio.
The people are stupid, and the system is screwing us left and right.

But, I can't really go anywhere else at this point and time, so, I'll settle.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Personally I dislike certain parts of the system and certain people. For example the neo-con, xenophobic, FOX news supporting, pro-gun, anti-abortion backwards hillbilly wankers are the ones I despise.

You know the sort, they'd accuse someone left handed of being a dirty communist who hates America.

Just to clarify I know full well that not all Americans are like that, not in the slightest. Even though I live in the UK it fucking scares me that people like Sarah Palin are allowed anywhere near politics or Bill O'Reilly anywhere near mass media.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
I was going to vote "hate the system, not it's people" but reading through the various comments has seriously made me consider voting for both.

But then, it's easy to overlook on the good and focus on the bad, america's full of dicks and peeps who seriously don't deserve their freedom of speech but that's just like anywhere else really, and with a population as large as america's, can't be surprised to find out loads of them are dicks. Otherwise most of ya are allright methinks ;)

But that whole "god's chosen country" crap makes me seriously considering rooting for china sometimes ¬¬


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Americans are like sushi, there is so much variety, I guarantee there is a type you will love.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I like people in general, but I do indeed dislike the American system. Unfortunately, this will in turn means I will end up disliking a fair share of American people even when I really don't want to become the stereotype 'American-hating Brit'.


New member
May 13, 2010
I think I accidentally pressed the wrong selection :S

Like the people, hate the system.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Frankster said:
I was going to vote "hate the system, not it's people" but reading through the various comments has seriously made me consider voting for both.

But then, it's easy to overlook on the good but focusing on the bad, I have to remind myself america's full of dicks and peeps who seriously don't deserve their freedom of speech, but that's just like anywhere else really, and with a population as large as america's, can't be surprised to find out loads of them are dicks. Otherwise most of ya are allright methinks ;)

But that whole "god's chosen country" crap makes me seriously considering rooting for china sometimes ¬¬
American here.

Most Americans are not dicks, its just that dicks stand up straight and erect, making them very noticable.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
RicoGrey said:
American here.

Most Americans are not dicks, its just that dicks stand up straight and erect, making them very noticable.
Muahaha well said good sir :) A lesson to remember for anyone judging the people of an entire country.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
AngloDoom said:
I like people in general, but I do indeed dislike the American system. Unfortunately, this will in turn means I will end up disliking a fair share of American people even when I really don't want to become the stereotype 'American-hating Brit'.
Did not realize there was a stereotype of the American hating Brit. Then again my uncle in law, who I view as a blood relative, is British, so I have had nothing but positive experiences with them.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
RicoGrey said:
AngloDoom said:
I like people in general, but I do indeed dislike the American system. Unfortunately, this will in turn means I will end up disliking a fair share of American people even when I really don't want to become the stereotype 'American-hating Brit'.
Did not realize there was a stereotype of the American hating Brit. Then again my uncle in law, who I view as a blood relative, is British, so I have had nothing but positive experiences with them.
Problem is, it's pretty prevalent. When most British people think 'American' they think this:

CanHasDIY said:

I read all this anti-American sentiment as noting more than unabashed jealousy, considering what we as a people are able to achieve in spite of all the mechinations against us.


So go ahead, piss and moan about how horrible people you've never met are, and I'll continue enjoying life in the most free nation on the planet ;)
That's the problem. Any time I've seen someone say they have a reason to dislike American, there will always be one person who will turns around and says "we are so awesome you hate us." The problem is, that sort of view is a lot louder and more memorable than a meek one saying "we all have problems, but so do you: we're different but equal."


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May 7, 2010
Ekit said:
CanHasDIY said:
fundayz said:
Dislike the people and the system. Now, there are lots of great American people but ON AVERAGE their population is waaay too ignorant. This is reflected in their government as well; corruption is rampant and many of their leaders choose inappropriate (re)actions out of ignorance or selfishness.

America has been on a downward slope for almost a decade, and unless the people and government are willing to admit that their own actions are causing their(and others') problems this trend is likely to continue.

Edit: Almost forgot about their freaking self-entitlement
As for our political system, yea, it has some serious flaws, but all-in-all we Americans still enjoy far more freedom.than probably 99% of the rest of Earths populations. Every government, especially one of significant size, has a corruption problem; at least in America, thanks to our being a constitutional republic, we have an opportunity to change our leadership every few years. I will concede.that the 'bipartisan' system tends to give credence to extremists morsel than is prudent.

So go ahead, piss and moan about how horrible people you've never met are, and I'll continue enjoying life in the most free nation on the planet ;)
You do realize that you being able to change your leadership has nothing to do with you being a republic? I live in Sweden and we're a monarchy and we can also change our leadership every four years. I think the word you're looking for is democracy.

Speaking of jumping to conclusions about people you've never met:
we Americans still enjoy far more freedom than probably 99% of the rest of Earths populations.
How exactly do you measure freedom?

And "99% of the rest of Earths populations"? What the fuck does that mean??? Are you implying that America makes up 1% of the worlds population?

As you stated yourself America has around 300,000,000 inhabitants. Earth's population is about
6 900,000,000.

100(300,000,000/6 9,000,000,000) ≈ 4,4

So according to this calculation the American people make up about 4% of the worlds population. Not 1%. Unless you meant that only part of the American people had freedom, which would make it strange of you to defend a nation on the basis that a minority of it's inhabitants were free.

But maybe you meant that 99% of the rest of Earths nations were less free than United States? That would mean that there are 100 nations total on Earth. And there isn't. There are 193 nations on Earth that are internationally recognized. So...

What the fuck are you talking about? Please explain.

Note: It's late and I calculated on my phone so I could have gotten it wrong
Glad to see I'm not the only one who gets bent out of shape when people who have no idea what the fuck they're talking about start to diss on you and yours.

I hope this was a learning experience.

Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Irridium said:
Crazy_Dude said:
America is dipshit. The only reason they even came to help us in WWII was because a Nazi Submarine was stupid enough to attack one of their vessels. And they were pissed as hell about that.

But before that they didnt care at all. Sounds pretty egocentric to me.
What? We got into WW2 because Japan bombed the shit out of Pearl Harbor, and because Japan, Italy, and Germany had a military agreement, they then declared war on us after we declared it on Japan.
Yeah, well, this guy clearly knows nothing about history and just wants to agitate folks. Move along.

I like this country. Built on democratic principles, benevolent (if a little condescending) towards other nations, and full of just as many intelligent, good people as idiots.

I'm curious, though: what, exactly, is our "system"? Like, our system of government? Our attitude towards international relations? Because those have their flaws, sure, but to "hate" that is pretty extreme.