How do my fellow escapists feel about guns? (The real kind)


New member
Aug 18, 2009
They're fun in games, but I think in reality, as few people as possible should own them.
They seem to cause more problems than they solve.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
CanHasDIY said:
spartandude said:
You guys can say its for self defence and that if there were more restrictions on guns criminals would still get them because they brake the law any way and blahh blah blah

compare the amount of gun murders from the USA to places like UK, France, Austrailia, Canada and such, you know thet places with gun restrictions and suddenly America doesnt look so good
How silly... I can name another society that didn't think an armed populus was a good idea... the Nazi's. One of the first things Hitler did was round up all the guns, so the citizens couldn't defend themselves against his armies.

As for criminals, lemme drop a little knowledge on ya - if someone has the intent to kill, they're gonna do it, whether by gun or sword of bomb... take the Tucson shooting for example. As a result a lot of the busy-bodies in this country are calling for a handgun ban. Personally, I would much rather be assaulted by someone with a handgun than, say, a high-powered hunting rifle... at least with the pistol they would have to get within sight range; the rifle shot you may never hear coming, a la the D.C. sniper incident. Not to mention, had the shooter been unable to acquire a firearm, who's to say that he wouldn't have throw together an incendiary device, which would have had a much greater area of affect, thus causing greater damage?

As the saying goes, an armed society is a polite society. Makes me glad I live in the "concealed-carry and proud of it" Midwest.
sorry? im silly for not assuming that the US is on the verge of declaring a dictatorship where Obama is going to round up and kill any political enemies and groups he doesnt happen to like. how very retarded of me!

as for your second point. i imagine it would be difficult to get hand gun let alone a high powered hunting rifle if guns were banned or had much tighter restrictions about carrying them and using them.
and im not going to deny that gun crime is going to dissapear if guns were more restricted but if other countries are any indication it would significantly reduce

btw im not 100% sure but if hitler and nazis get mentioned in an argument on the internet then shouldnt this be ending soon? thank god im sick of replying to the half-wits here


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Ultratwinkie said:
EllEzDee said:
Armyguy0 said:
EllEzDee said:
Civilians and cops with guns = stupid.
Cops with guns = stupid why?
Why does a police officer need a gun? So they can kill people? I think the number of videos of American cops shooting unarmed civilians demonstrates this perfectly. If civies didn't have guns, there'd be absolutely no reason for a cop to have one. (Obviously not including specialist teams like SWAT)

Criminals have guns, and the police don't have guns = A criminal run area.

See the problem here?

The picture alone describes the amount of fail i read in that post.
Yeah,but in the UK the police don't have guns (excluding SWAT and the like) last I checked we we'ren't run by criminals


New member
Sep 3, 2010
I don't like them. Having been nearly shot at by a drunkard one night, I find those things scary as hell.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
People will kill one another no matter what you do to take away their weapons. If they cannot get guns then they get knives, hammers, etc etc. If someone wants to kill someone then they will find a way because it is an obsession and fills their minds. Yes, in the UK with gun restrictions there has been a drop in gun murders but they do now have a big problem with stabbings.

Guns in America have several legit reasons, first off I want all you people who say there is no reason a person can carry a handgun, go fishing in Alaska or other places with brown and grizzly bears. I would feel better with a gun on my hip just in case I needed to use it on a charging bear. There are dangerous animals that attack people, kill livestock here in the USA and guns are used for protection, which is totally reasonable.

Second part which is what the founding fathers of the USA had in mind after living under tyranny from Imperialistic Britain. If the citizens have firearms then the government has reasonable fear of the people and should put some restraint in their actions. If you remove the fear from the government then a democracy or republic can turn into a police state with tyrannical leadership. Why do people obey laws? Is it that they are good nature and to the right thing, or is it fear of punishment? I think it is a mixture of both. If you remove the fear that the citizens of a country can unite and stop a corrupt and out of control government then what keeps them from going even further?

This is just my belief that firearms do have a purpose, hunting guns are designed to hunt, handguns are designed for protection, assault weapons are designed for war. A gun is a tool that can be used for great evil or for great good, but is just a tool. Combat knives are just the same, tools designed to kill, but a person chooses for good or evil.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
obscurumlux01 said:
@ Azrael the Cat:
Australia, the country founded by the scum of the old-world Europe? All the liars, rapists, murderers, molesters, and con-artists? Really? You want me to believe that we give a rat's ass about you being all self-righteous with that kind of lineage?

*laughs* Right...and Yahtzee is a really NICE guy once you get to know him, right?

@ Topic
I'd love to get a gun, just too cheap to actually BUY one. Meh, there's always a knife and the much more visceral thrill of making sure that whoever messes with you will feel as much pain as you want to inflict before they finally die from their injuries. Yeah, and plus no stupid concealed carry crap necessary. :)
and yet look at Australia's crim rate (including gun crime) compared to america

also given your second poin, i feel that people like you should definately not be allowed to have a gun

Gentle Dementia

New member
Aug 8, 2010
I'm divided. I know society would be better without them ("illegal guns means only criminals have guns" is false in every way). But on the other hand, I want one!

General BrEeZy

New member
Jul 26, 2009
you know the "guns dont kill people, people kill people." well, guns make it so much easier. and i think too many irresponsible jacka$$es have rights to guns. and its not something that one new law or anything can make right, but im just sick of stupid people being stupid. and sadly i cant really do anything about it, and whining doesnt help.
other than that, i love guns with a passion and i wanna be 21 now so i can get a concealed weapons permit or something, i love that shizz.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Ham_authority95 said:
Besides self-defense, hunting, and war, I don't see the point of them. My family has 3 of them, including a magnum right next my parents' bed.

When I start living alone, I'll probably just get a Tazer. Guns aren't fun for me to shoot, plus a Tazer would do away with all the nasty killing business if I never needed to defend myself.

Don't ask me about my opinions on gun laws because I couldn't give less of a shit about those.
That seems all well and good about using a tazer, but at some point a firearm might be needed. My dad had a friend (an alcoholic, a bull of a man) who started punching the hell out of a cop who was trying to take him in for driving drunk. It took two cops all unloading their tazers at full voltage to finally take him down.


New member
May 7, 2010
spartandude said:
sorry? im silly for not assuming that the US is on the verge of declaring a dictatorship where Obama is going to round up and kill any political enemies and groups he doesnt happen to like. how very retarded of me!

as for your second point. i imagine it would be difficult to get hand gun let alone a high powered hunting rifle if guns were banned or had much tighter restrictions about carrying them and using them.
and im not going to deny that gun crime is going to dissapear if guns were more restricted but if other countries are any indication it would significantly reduce

btw im not 100% sure but if hitler and nazis get mentioned in an argument on the internet then shouldnt this be ending soon? thank god im sick of replying to the half-wits here
A) what country are you from, he who pretends to know more about my country's history that I? I never said tyrannical oppression was just around the corner, but rather that the Second Amendment exists to prevent it... Sheesh... talk about only hearing what you want to...

B) like I said, if guns are banned then those with intent to kill will find other methods, likely using explosives... but hey, maybe that's what you're going for.

C) just because a country has a low rate of gun crime doesn't make it Paradise. Look at China, they have a standing weapons ban AND one of the worst human rights records in history. Then again, maybe that is paradise to you - a land where Big Brother makes all your decisions for you, undesirables are removed from society... is that the kind of world you want?

D) if you can't make your point without childish insults, you have no point to make.


New member
Jan 10, 2009
macfluffers said:
PS- France's gun ownership rate is 23%. America? 25%. Yeah, such a huge difference. /sarcasm
In France, guns are only allowed for hunting. You can't buy a shotgun or a desert eagle or something non-hunty.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
"The Nation Rifle Association says that "Guns don't kill people, people do" but i think the gun helps." -Eddie Izzard


New member
May 7, 2010
Gentle Dementia said:
I'm divided. I know society would be better without them ("illegal guns means only criminals have guns" is false in every way). But on the other hand, I want one!
How exactly is that 'false in every way?'


New member
Sep 10, 2010
danpascooch said:
many of the deadly shootings such as the recent one at Arizona could probably have suffered a lower body count if someone at the scene had a gun, and used it to stop the shooter.
So you believe that guns could stop gun crimes? Now I don't follow everything that happens in the news in USA, but when was the last time someone managed to kill/ incapacitate a potential murderer with a gun before the murderer managed to physically harm anyone else?


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Enormous thread, so I have only read the first page!

Some of the posts really scared me. Guns for protection? In England, getting a gun is damn near impossible and I am glad for it. The most common thing you will face is knife crime and with a few self-defence classes you will find yourself a lot safer from that as well.

Americans want guns. I get it. But why on earth you have stringent licensing laws for alcohol, drugs and even driving, but such lax gun laws, makes me think you have some kind of death wish. The Tuscon shooter, having been kicked out of school, denied a place in the military because of mental health issues and a number of other things which should have set the alarm bells ringing, was able to get a gun with an enormously oversized magazine (another thing I have an issue with) with total ease and do enormous damage.

I am glad England has few guns, and I hope this never changes. Americans will probably never get over their fetish, but they will soon find themselves with a choice between their love of lax gun laws and a real, violent, problem.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
CanHasDIY said:
spartandude said:
sorry? im silly for not assuming that the US is on the verge of declaring a dictatorship where Obama is going to round up and kill any political enemies and groups he doesnt happen to like. how very retarded of me!

as for your second point. i imagine it would be difficult to get hand gun let alone a high powered hunting rifle if guns were banned or had much tighter restrictions about carrying them and using them.
and im not going to deny that gun crime is going to dissapear if guns were more restricted but if other countries are any indication it would significantly reduce

btw im not 100% sure but if hitler and nazis get mentioned in an argument on the internet then shouldnt this be ending soon? thank god im sick of replying to the half-wits here
A) what country are you from, he who pretends to know more about my country's history that I? I never said tyrannical oppression was just around the corner, but rather that the Second Amendment exists to prevent it... Sheesh... talk about only hearing what you want to...

B) like I said, if guns are banned then those with intent to kill will find other methods, likely using explosives... but hey, maybe that's what you're going for.

C) just because a country has a low rate of gun crime doesn't make it Paradise. Look at China, they have a standing weapons ban AND one of the worst human rights records in history. Then again, maybe that is paradise to you - a land where Big Brother makes all your decisions for you, undesirables are removed from society... is that the kind of world you want?

D) if you can't make your point without childish insults, you have no point to make.
a) i was merely saying how wrong of me it was not to compare AS YOU DID a gun free america to same as Nazi Germany!

b)yes because if we look at the UK where it quite difficult to get a gun, we are constantly throwing dynamite at eachother and our favourite pass time is finding new and creative ways to murder eachother.

c)are you saying that low gun crime (like most other western countries) results in situations like china? and yes that is so what i want, i cant get enough of that good'ol dictatorship

d)fair enough i should not have used childish insulte, and yes i do have a point to make, im just waiting till one of you gun nuts actually becomes inteligent and open minded to examine another person's argument and not imediately flame them for having a different opinion to yours


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Forgive my ignorance and lack of patience to read 12 pages of posts if I happen to, somehow, repeat something that has already been said.

My thoughts and beliefs on this matter are roughly the same as Bill Hicks'.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
d4rkxy13x said:
macfluffers said:
PS- France's gun ownership rate is 23%. America? 25%. Yeah, such a huge difference. /sarcasm
In France, guns are only allowed for hunting. You can't buy a shotgun or a desert eagle or something non-hunty.
Shotguns are mainly for hunting. Most police and military models are adapted from hunting models. That said, I've heard that you can buy non-hunting firearms, but I could be mistaken.

Knusper said:
So you believe that guns could stop gun crimes? Now I don't follow everything that happens in the news in USA, but when was the last time someone managed to kill/ incapacitate a potential murderer with a gun before the murderer managed to physically harm anyone else?
It happens all the time.

spartandude said:
d)fair enough i should not have used childish insulte, and yes i do have a point to make, im just waiting till one of you gun nuts actually becomes inteligent and open minded to examine another person's argument and not imediately flame them for having a different opinion to yours
That sort of language gets us nowhere. Besides, by saying "gun nuts" and calling people on the anti-gun control side of the debate unintelligent, you are flaming, and therefore a hypocrite.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
th3xile said:
Ham_authority95 said:
Besides self-defense, hunting, and war, I don't see the point of them. My family has 3 of them, including a magnum right next my parents' bed.

When I start living alone, I'll probably just get a Tazer. Guns aren't fun for me to shoot, plus a Tazer would do away with all the nasty killing business if I never needed to defend myself.

Don't ask me about my opinions on gun laws because I couldn't give less of a shit about those.
That seems all well and good about using a tazer, but at some point a firearm might be needed. My dad had a friend (an alcoholic, a bull of a man) who started punching the hell out of a cop who was trying to take him in for driving drunk. It took two cops all unloading their tazers at full voltage to finally take him down.
Lucky your dad's friend didn't have a gun.