Recent content by concupiscentcrustace

  1. concupiscentcrustace

    LoadingReadyRun: Friends and Family

    I'd watch ultimate face punch wrestling...just saying. loved the stinger.
  2. concupiscentcrustace

    LoadingReadyRun: Fun With Microwaves 3

    I can safely say I was not expecting you to revisit that. Interesting. The eggs at the end were fantastic.
  3. concupiscentcrustace

    Space Janitors: Episode Two

    I haven't watched this yet, but I would like to say that your 30 second long, unskipable ads before videos are driving me batshit and making me hate your series (I enjoyed the first ep enough to keep me watching). Please ask the escapist to stop forcing us to watch them. The banners are enough.
  4. concupiscentcrustace

    LoadingReadyRun: Mailbag!

    orrr at least the elements version
  5. concupiscentcrustace

    LoadingReadyRun: Mailbag!

    I believe you cand find that here: ..or by tuning into any desert bus.
  6. concupiscentcrustace

    Daily Drop: Ted the Cat

    I think that this kitty is owned by the dropper, who in this case I belive is kim?
  7. concupiscentcrustace

    Daily Drop: Super Mario & Duck Hunt

    In fairness though, there are a few people doing it, so they don't have as much practice as it might seem. It hink the first crowbar here was Kathleen (?) and I don't think we've seen her before so...
  8. concupiscentcrustace

    Daily Drop: Beads

    man, what a FANTASTIC sound!
  9. concupiscentcrustace

    Daily Drop: Fruit Jello

    like the vomit of someone who barely chews. ewwww.
  10. concupiscentcrustace

    Daily Drop: Spam

    ...I instantly thought fetus that probably is not what it is
  11. concupiscentcrustace

    Daily Drop: Pom Poms

    they're fuzzy balls - basically fluff. used for crafts usually.
  12. concupiscentcrustace

    LoadingReadyRun: Getting In Touch

    It would work on me.
  13. concupiscentcrustace

    Daily Drop: Tree Cookie Jar

    did you eat them after?
  14. concupiscentcrustace

    Daily Drop: Tree Cookie Jar

    ineffective and immoral
  15. concupiscentcrustace

    Daily Drop: Two Wolf Moon

    So excited for tomorrow! Also, whoever is in the far right in the drop shot put their safety glasses on a bit too late..