Do you wear a hat, and one of those tool belts? Are you shirtless, because maybe they are sexually intimidated! I don't think I've ever seen anything like that happen- maybe its the area you are in?
This is my favourite game of all time for a plethora of reasons, but the cutscenes are absolutely one one them. It's just different taste in what you want out of a game.
Last week a boy asked me to send him a picture of my vagina. VAGINA! I had to log off- what ever happened to breasts, now they are on to vaginas?! That's why I usually party up.
There's nothing worse than trying to squeeze a new player into a slow burning game. When I have everything set up, i might just throw it up on facebook and do first come first serve! It's only really written for a party of 4.
This was clearly a case of fingers going much slower than brain! I was referring to having my breasts 'out' and the first bit was about the internet. Come on hands, keep up!
Writing my D&D campaign- not that I've lined anyone up to play it yet- I'm halfway through the writing, then need to make all the maps/boards/etc. V.Excited!
I'm not at all against using the internet for 'personal reasons', but unless I have them 'out' I am not usually wanting them to have any attention. Hence dressing up to go out.
I really wish that Resident Evil Outbreak had taken off, I was so excited reading the previews, then they just failed on the whole online aspect. It didn't help that the PS2s online wasn't great anyway.
Sadly I haven't been able to find...
I worked there over Christmas a couple of years ago, they made me stand by the door to "attract" customers, made me always man the Wii section despite me 90% of the time no one being there and one guy asked if he could touch my hair... It was a bizarre experience...
Though I did get to ID...
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