Recent content by darnel64

  1. darnel64

    The worst video game you have ever played

    ghoul school was pretty freaking terrible, as were most of the platformer Simpsons games on the NES. But I'm going with condemned 2 Bloodshot. Just because it doesn't resolve a fucking thing, just sets up for a sequel no-one wants.
  2. darnel64

    What is the most difficult game to finish?

    Zombies ate my neighbours, now that game was hard.
  3. darnel64

    Favorite word

  4. darnel64

    Who would be your arch nemisis....BASED ON YOUR AVATAR?

    Fluffy balls! Or maybe co-ordination.
  5. darnel64

    "Clinically proven" oxymorons and misnomers

    About clinically proven, a proof originally was the testing process hence the expression the 'exception proves the rule.' people tend to regard that saying as a definitive as in there you are see proof. However it means that the exception proves (or tests.) the rule thereby meaning it is a false...
  6. darnel64

    "Clinically proven" oxymorons and misnomers

    I'm from Australia and our news programs always credit Japanese sources as "The Asahi Shinbun Newspaper." and more annoyingly the papers do it too..
  7. darnel64

    Worst level in a good game.

    Hide behind the pool seriously it works for me.
  8. darnel64

    Worst level in a good game.

    Especially majoras mask god damn that's annoying.
  9. darnel64

    So I was playing [Prototype] while some friends were watching when... Bam Racism

    Eh, I have many Asian friends half of them don't care what you say as long as they know we're joking or trying to get a rise out of them, but some people take offense and whether you meant disrespect or not know your audience.
  10. darnel64

    What was the scariest moment in a game that wasn't a horror game.

    All giygus is, is an ever more distorted and warped face I'm pretty sure the baby thing is coincidental. Anyway GTA4 whenever the fucking phone rings.
  11. darnel64

    Whats your home town Famous for ?

    We were founded by Batman!!, no really it's true. Melbourne Australia
  12. darnel64

    Games you are absolutely ashamed of owning.

    Me Tenchu Z. terrible game, or perhaps Doa4.
  13. darnel64

    A Movie that you love that everybody else hates.

    Henry Fool, most people I know hate movies with even a modicum of thought put into them. Although I have to say Meet Joe Black is fucking awful why is it so god damn long.
  14. darnel64

    The most pathetic weapon in gaming history

    Self-defence pistol Resident evil GC one .22 calibur bullet, one! I picked it up once and it screwed me over for inventory space. I hate that gun...
  15. darnel64

    Most Annoying in-Game Enemy.

    gold Terminators from Secret of mana, Level 70 charged to max with light magic sword 0 fucking damage. Still at least you could run past them.