Recent content by Datalord

  1. Datalord

    Outrage over taser death at cops hands.

    I happen to like Thomas A. Swift's electric rifle, its a good alternative to actual guns for minor threats at close range. But seriously, if a civilian pulled this, the case would go away, this is probably politically motivated. THANKS MEDIA, your abuse of statistics and context help ruin...
  2. Datalord

    A Glorious Dream...That I Need Help With.

    This is a legend in the making, Soon, similiar pictures will crop up, like a collosis with an afro burning zerglings, captioned, do it for teh lulz, or a templar with dreadlocks captioned "yo dawg, i heard you liked zerglings" can't wait
  3. Datalord

    Where are you? And also wow...

    Im sitting at a computer, reading a time zone map.....
  4. Datalord

    California Gay Marriage Ban Lifted

    Wait, they amended the constitution, with a popular vote, not overruled, but amended, using a legal method, then the federal government claimed that it violated federal law, and overruled the ban? The feds ignoring the 10th, claiming existence of a mythical 64th amendment, and then in response...
  5. Datalord

    California Gay Marriage Ban Lifted

    Does no one understand? a LEGAL RIGHT is a right that the law mandates that you have. You have the right to freedom of speech, expression, and religion; you have the right to bear arms; you have the right to refuse to quarter troops in you house; while it may be fair to let anyone marry anyone...
  6. Datalord

    California Gay Marriage Ban Lifted

    The fourteenth states that all citizens receive the same rights, it does not state that anyone has the right to marry whomever they may choose to marry. So basically, this legal decision states that the government, not the law decides your rights, and if they can add rights as they please...
  7. Datalord

    Star Wars Prequels (a tired perspective)

    Oh no, what visible hairy alien will roar and growl unintelligibly now? Oh screw it, just get Lowbacca on screen, introducing a Jedi wookie outweighs a cherished wookie dying Oh, and that one alien Jedi whose name i can't remember, she talks about hunting, refers to herself as "this one"...
  8. Datalord

    California Gay Marriage Ban Lifted

    Frankly, people are letting their view of gay marriage and fear of being accused of bigotry get in the way of their understanding of this event. There aren't federal laws regulating marriage, and since they are not mentioned in the constitution, they are specifically left to the will of the...
  9. Datalord

    Star Wars Prequels (a tired perspective)

    Actually, why can't they make a movie about the new repblic? It would probably have been more interesting than the prequels, just from the story line, although it would be even better now that the prequel has been released, seeing as Darth Caedus is a direct throwback to Vader. I'd love to...
  10. Datalord

    Poll: Men need to find out that it's good to talk

    This odd phenomena is actually based in tribal mechanics Men would go off for long periods of time, alone, to hunt whatever large prey was near their homes, and as such would often be separated from their friends and families for days or weeks. Women would basically stay in the camp/cave...
  11. Datalord


    I was going to make a bunch of obscure political and social references, but whatever No, i haven't had nightmares, or at least i never remember any when i wake up, nor do i ever wake up with cold sweats or screaming Although i do have morbid existentialist thoughts while lying in bed trying...
  12. Datalord

    In your opinion, who is/was the greatest human being of all time?

    Escapists, i am disappointed in you How the h*ll do we get to page 9 of a thread on the greatest guy ever and have no one at all mention Richard Feynman? Seriously, everyone obsessing over Newton, Einstein, Napoleon, and Jesus, is everyone afraid that if they don't win this thread they have...
  13. Datalord

    What do you think the above users deepest darkest secrets are?

    Secretly is a male clone of justin beiber
  14. Datalord

    You want to kick someone... but a simple kick is not enough! :O

    Actually, that's the axe kick that ends the fight against Arlong, (the merman who holds that one village hostage) If the leg was like an inflated ballon, then it would be from the judgement island story arc. My personal favorite kick though, i have these steel toed boot type things that i...