Recent content by Delta1

  1. Delta1

    Wtf is up with game releases lately?

    Has anyone else besides me noticed the huge lack of decent games coming into the market? I find that there has not been a single good release since at least November, maybe early December at a push. Granted i'm part of the European market so i don't get games as early as some of the users...
  2. Delta1

    Half-Life. Have people forgotten?

    Yes, of course. I mean the series and it doesn't matter what platform you played it on.
  3. Delta1

    Half-Life. Have people forgotten?

    My friends, I have not made many posts but after filtering some other threads I have found that many people have forgotten about the glorius days of Half-Life. People seem to find that Half-Life is an inferior game compared to the modern day fps, such as Halo. But I believe that they have...
  4. Delta1

    Poll: Vote your favourite stealth game!!!(This is related to my other thread)

    Neither of these games were included beacause like I said I selected the most common games mentioned from one of my other threads.
  5. Delta1

    Half Life 2 is not a good FPS

    My friends, have you forgotten about what Half-Life represents! This game marked a revolution in the fps genere. Sure compared to modern day greats this game is rather primitive but come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please reconsider your comments and ponder what I have said.
  6. Delta1

    Poll: Vote your favourite stealth game!!!(This is related to my other thread)

    I asked you, the escapist community, to tell me your favourite stealth games and I have selected the top four most common mentioned. Please vote!!! If you have any comments please don't hesatate to contact me.
  7. Delta1

    What is the greatest stealth game you have ever played?

    I began this thread and if you had read my first post you should recognise that those words are a guideline. But, that said the games you use must be classic stealth games and must be orientated towards stealth to count. Please note, I very much respect your opinion and respect that you would...
  8. Delta1

    What is the greatest stealth game you have ever played?

    I meant to say this, but, although the theme of Asassain's Creed is stealth they incorporated the close combat system so that the A.I could be beaten and escaped from. Beacause of this I do not count this as a classic stealth game.
  9. Delta1

    What is the greatest stealth game you have ever played?

    Okay, I don't think you two get the idea behind this thread. The choesen game must be specifically orientated around stealth. Yes, I know you can make a fair job at playing through Fallout3 as a stealth game but you did not adhere to my rules, the A.I must be virtually imposible to escape from...
  10. Delta1

    What is the greatest stealth game you have ever played?

    Yes I agree on what you have said about Tenchu but the A.I was never hard to fight off if you were caught.
  11. Delta1

    What is the greatest stealth game you have ever played?

    Ahhhh. Your are wise for choosing the hitman series.
  12. Delta1

    What is the greatest stealth game you have ever played?

    Okay, this topic is open to interpretation. When I say stealth game I'm not going to be super strict on the whole stealth side of things. But, that said, the game must involve you killing some sorry ass' soul out of sight of the public eye. This must be the key idea of the game. Also, for...
  13. Delta1

    What game character would you really like to do?

    Really, Tira? If thats what you like.
  14. Delta1

    What game character would you really like to do?

    This is a question we all know the answer to. Be honest. Mine would be Yuna from Final Fantasy X
  15. Delta1

    Should sex be in video games?

    Of course it should. Many of you say that boobs and sex would ruin the aspect of a game but think about the amount of in depth choices you would have to make with a virtual character just to get that far. Besides is everyone here forgetting the enjoyable mini games in God of War 1&2.