Recent content by Devi Darkside

  1. Devi Darkside

    Favorite Villain Lines

    Love how we both quoted Kefka! *High five*
  2. Devi Darkside

    Favorite Villain Lines

    "What are dreams, where do they come from? ...IT MATTERS NOT!! I WANT TO DESTROY IT ALL!!" -Kefka
  3. Devi Darkside

    Best enemy AI.

    I have to go with the original Pac Man on this. Sure it's an old game but those ghost know how to kill me well....Especially on later levels when they all take meth...
  4. Devi Darkside

    What are you asking Santa for this year?

    I'm asking them to exist and not be a pedophile, that way all the children will be happy. ^_^
  5. Devi Darkside

    Your early days in the internet

    I mostly remember (Later known as and getting on fairly quickly at the time, being able to hook my Dreamcast up to it and everything. And on either the computer or the Dreamcast I happily kept stumbling into porn sites. Then that service provider went to hell and...
  6. Devi Darkside

    Who Still Watches Extra Credits?

    I still watch it even though it has moved. What can I say, I feel that Extra Credits puts out some interesting ideas for the gaming industry. I still go here all the time for my Yahtzee, MovieBob and gaming news fixes...And occasionally for Jimquisition though his "I'm amazing" attitude does...
  7. Devi Darkside

    favorite Yahtzee quote?

    "...And the hammer is made out of wank."
  8. Devi Darkside

    Worst film you have ever seen with a slight twist

    Though I spend time with my best friend discovering new movies to mock for their badness and since I can't list things that are so bad they're hilarious (The Room and Birdemic: Shock and Terror would've been listed otherwise.) I have to say the worst music I ever seen was Paranormal Activity 2...
  9. Devi Darkside

    You are now the opposite gender.

    I'd celebrate, after all I'm saving up my money and taking hormones to make it happen anyway. EDIT: Yes, I took gender to mean the same thing as "sex" on purpose since most view both as the same thing and proof of that is in the responses.
  10. Devi Darkside

    LulzSec Nabs Source Code for Sony Dev Site

    I couldn't have said it better. My original point was just going to be about how I'm tired of being in the middle of all this hacker vs. corporation bullshit but you provided something bigger; a larger perspective of how much this is kicking the asses of so many more victims. I just wish it...
  11. Devi Darkside

    Human Sexuality

    For me it was sometime in highschool (I think I was a freshman or sophomore) I discovered the was both a bisexual and that I had what some call "gender identity disorder". Then in time after I looked into dating both sexes (Unlike most bisexuals I don't have a developing preference to either.)...
  12. Devi Darkside

    Poll: do you believe in any conspiracy theories?

    I found that after watching Loose Change it was hard to come up with a logical way to have those buildings fall the way they did from plane crashes.
  13. Devi Darkside

    Who Can Beat Alex Mercer?

    I'm going to have to go with something that has most of Mercer's power and who was most likely the inspiration of Alex Mercer. Carnage.
  14. Devi Darkside

    Dissapointing CD's

    I agree completely with this. I had some friends telling me it was awesome and I bought it, put it on and...I was very bored of it. It now sits in a CD binder where it hasn't moved for years. Yeah..Me too, I really liked "A Rush of Blood To The Head" and was expecting something as good or...
  15. Devi Darkside

    So, what do you think of the whole "hardcore v. casual" thing?

    I don't see them as two different groups but more as two different gaming styles. I think it would be better to see companies with an emphasis on both rather than one or the other since neither one is truly superior to the other.