Recent content by EdgeyX

  1. EdgeyX

    Why do people want to be immortal?

    Because people are afraid of death.
  2. EdgeyX

    If you are not playing Modern Warfare 3, what are you playing instead?

    Changing between Bioshock and Oblivion.
  3. EdgeyX

    Human Centipede II Refused U.K. Classification

    I'm really not fussed that I can't see it, to be honest it's not my sort of film.
  4. EdgeyX

    Whats your favorite thing on Tv at the moment?

    Personally, I adore Parks and Rec. I especially love Aziz Ansari's role in the show. For the record, Human Giant was severely under rated. What's good DJ Roomba???
  5. EdgeyX

    Whats your favorite thing on Tv at the moment?

    I've just started watching Spaced with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and love it and recommend it to everybody it is really the only thing I watch, even though it's about ten years old.
  6. EdgeyX

    Whats your favorite thing on Tv at the moment?

    I've just started watching Spaced with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and love it and recommend it to everybody it is really the only thing I watch, even though it's about ten years old.
  7. EdgeyX

    Am I the only one who......

    Am I the only one who can't stand the hangover and doesn't find it funny at all.
  8. EdgeyX

    Tiny or strange things that bother you in games. (Gnomes nonewithstanding).

    On fallout 3 it took me 8 rockets to take out a traders Brahmin. This didn't as much annoy me but it did kinda take me out of the game.
  9. EdgeyX

    The weather where you are

    Just gray and dull just as it has been for weeks.
  10. EdgeyX

    Wierdest thing you've ever said out of rage to a game.

    When my girlfriend couldn't catch a Moltres on heart gold she said two things that really made me laugh "fuck you you fucking bird with your fucking fire and your fucking neck" and "why don't you stay in this mountain and bum red if you fucking love it so much". In her defence she was there for...
  11. EdgeyX

    "Your" Game

    Pokemon, i've grown up with it and played every generation and loved them all.
  12. EdgeyX

    Which band do you have the fever for?

    Going to a Weezer concert soon so kinda obsessed with them at the moment.
  13. EdgeyX

    Games you couldn't wait for that turned out to be huge disappointments.

    MW2, I just didn't think it lived up to all it's hype.
  14. EdgeyX

    Poll: Jimquisition: like or dislike

    I'm not the biggest fan. Its like he's trying too hard to be funny.
  15. EdgeyX

    Psychology Study Blames Games for Aggressive Behavior

    I hate these studies, there only done so that they can get media attention. It's funny that you only ever see the negative studies on the news and never the one's that say playing violent games has no affect.