Recent content by Extravagance

  1. E

    KONY 2012 [seriously important you guys check this out]. Now with more facts!

    Kony was a real issue around 7 years ago. Now he's starving in the jungle after multiple defeats and sueing for peace. This is a really, really, really, really late outcry by The Internet and it's a little bit embaressing. Mostly because at this point, it's nearly over.
  2. E

    Poll: Do You Think British Accents Are More..."Sophisticated"?

    Ahh, this old chesnut again. The "sophisticated" English accent - referred to as the Queen's English (King's if we have a king on the throne and vice versa)is just one of a plethora of accents here. Every region has one or two at the very least and some regional accents vary between...
  3. E

    Poll: What colour lightsaber would you have?

    Viridian, except it isn't an option. They were damn beautiful in KOTOR2. The handle would be a custom job, not really decided on that.
  4. E

    The Hobbit, you ever read it?

    1. Yes, of course. 2. I'm glad they're staying fairly true. I didn't mind the bits in the LOTR films that diverged from the books because they were so well done. I just hope Jackson doesn't go for the Big Fight Scene Fantasy Epic thing again because the book really isn't like that.
  5. E


    Whether you believe it's wrong or not, it's better to give someone the choice rather than to completely deny it. When it was illegal in the UK, people did it anyway and there were quite alot of deaths because of it. If you have the choice, you can still disagree with it and not go ahead.
  6. E

    Kill 24 people, Get three months in Jail. God Bless America.

    And that's messed up in itself. He said he did it, and doesn't get a maximum sentence? Wow. If he'd stolen something, maybe. This is a murder case.
  7. E

    Skyrim - Two months later.

    For allll the people saying they've stopped without finishing the main quest or doing the faction side quests; Go and do those. Finished the main quest, all the faction quests, most of the "become thane of this place" ones and the civil war story line. Level 30something and most of my used...
  8. E

    Poll: Pokemon MMO

    I'd play it. Unless it turned out really badly. But the basic OP sounds good.
  9. E

    Need to get depressed fast? Come to this thread, we will get you fixed up right quick!

    Pretty much the whole Hindsight album by Anathema. They do some pretty depressing stuff anyway, but re-recording alot of their classics acoustically? Arrrgh. I'm not posting it, look it up. One Last Goodbye and Are You There are probably the biggest depressors.
  10. E

    Poll: Magic! Do. You. Speak it?

    I use a black/red power deck. Not many +life cards, alot of nasty "it's flying now and I just put it's numbers up by 3 each" cards, quite a few artifacts and a ton of life that's quite easy to get out. Most of the beasties need under 6 to summon. It tends to die quickly if I don't get a good few...
  11. E

    why do you listen to music?

    I do fit into the metal stereotype to some extent (long hair, beard, large collection of black clothing), but I also have other musical tastes. I wear the clothes and such because they're comfortable and I don't much like the "trendy" stuff. That doesn't mean I limit what I listen to. It's true...
  12. E

    EA's dissaproval of modded BF3 servers allowing 128 players...?

    Because after a certain point, all game companies like EA are going to consider it as some kind of theft. Possibly there's a clause in the user agreement that inevitably nobody read.
  13. E

    First Person: Skyrim is Soulless

    It has gotten to a point, a couple of times, where the utter divorce from the scripted lines and what I've actually done gets a little depressing. People threatening to set the Dark Brotherood on me, for example, when I'm the damn Listener. I assassinated the Emperor. I robbed the...
  14. E

    The little things that made you not want a game

    Quite often it's the games 'gimmick' that puts me off. Like QTE's or timed challenges or some special new move/button combo/magufin that's announced proudly on the box. It really does depend on the genre of the game though. If I think it's aping a really great game (Two Worlds for example) then...
  15. E

    Poll: Would you use Genetic Manipulation as a Body Modification?

    First off, and this may of already been pointed out, teeth-filling and caps are already a body mod. It's easy to get pointy teeth. You can also get yours ears pointed and if you go for plugs (the big hoop mods in the earlobe), the only way to fix it is by getting your lobe snipped and stitched...