Recent content by Felis Leo

  1. Felis Leo

    Superman Quits America, Fox News Readers Take the News Badly

    This is so stupid. And by that I mean that the reasons Superman gives for renouncing his American citizenship, as well as the reactions to his renouncing his citizenship are stupid. Apparently, the Man of Steel who was not afraid to wear the love of his adopted homeland on his sleeve during...
  2. Felis Leo

    Jimquisition: Videogames Are Not Movies, Get Over It

    I am guessing that the Escapist felt it needed a hyper-animated Jim to act as the Chris Farley to Yahtzee's David Spadesque snarkiness. I look forward to seeing more.
  3. Felis Leo

    Daily Drop: Xbox 360

    NOW it works.
  4. Felis Leo

    Anyone still play borderlands?

    Rarely have a I played such an expansive game that promised so much and was totally empty, devoid of anything interesting. I got sick of it within a couple days of getting it. No plot; no real characters (at least none who you can really interact with); no story that got me hooked. While the...
  5. Felis Leo

    Israeli Council Releases Videogames as Propaganda

    *Shrugs* The Six Day War was an amazing military victory for Israel, but wouldn't playing it be a little boring? Whether the graphics and gameplay are amazing, I think it would quickly become a bit tedious even for most strategy gamers. There is a reason it was over in six days, after all...
  6. Felis Leo

    This just in: Telling jews they should be gassed is detrimental to your career

    No, he has the right to say absolutely anything he wants. But Dior doesn't have to keep him employed.
  7. Felis Leo

    This just in: Telling jews they should be gassed is detrimental to your career

    I didn't even know who this guy was until these comments were made, but I am happy that he is losing his job over this. And for the record, I hate racists, period. I don't care whether they are bigoted against Jews, Armenians, Asians, Blacks, and, heck, even Caucasians. They are all equal...
  8. Felis Leo

    Boobs Oddly Censored On Samurai Warriors 3 Cover

    Well, there goes my boner.
  9. Felis Leo

    was hitler a great leader? bad leader?

    My sweet non-existent Lord, I have never seen such baffling ignorance pollute a thread like this. Hitler was a terrible leader! Just because someone is good at giving speeches and can unite a country under a banner of racial superiority and hatred for other races does not make one a good or...
  10. Felis Leo

    Escape to the Movies: The Last Airbender

    Further, mr.prickley makes the strange assumption that adults/parents wouldn't enjoy the film or be entertained by it if it had followed the original series' storyline. I was 24 when I first saw the series all the way through, and I thought it was a magnificent series. If a show that was...
  11. Felis Leo

    Escape to the Movies: The Last Airbender

    I'm sorry but that makes little sense in the way of a defense. The characterization, acting and plot structure in this film was terrible, but you say that it is alright because it is possible save character development and good plot structure for the sequel? No. A film has to stand on its...
  12. Felis Leo

    Escape to the Movies: The Last Airbender

    I take it that you have not watched Avatar The Last Airbender, MovieBob? You seem to qualify it as a series that was meant solely to distract bored kids, and while it certainly serves that purpose, it is much better series than you seem to give it credit for. I would go so far as to say that...
  13. Felis Leo

    Zero Punctuation: E3 2010

    I like the addition of audio's song at the end. It was a nice touch.
  14. Felis Leo

    Rebecca Mayes Muses: Love Song for Yahtzee

    Whoa. That was a very good song. I hope Mr. Croshaw appreciates it.
  15. Felis Leo

    Stalin vs. Martians Coming This Fall

    This is going to be so fun.