Recent content by Fineldar

  1. Fineldar

    Ubisoft Eliminating User Manuals

    When I was a kid I loved sitting in the back of the car on the way home and reading the manuals, it built up the excitement even more. Back then the manuals were also pretty big and there were often other feelies as well, the only problem was looking at the enormous dodecafold map in the back...
  2. Fineldar

    Why is Gordon Freeman so popular?

    The beard.
  3. Fineldar

    Things you arent sure help but you do anyway

    For the Pokemon thing I always heard it was B-Down at the same time. I still do it. I also hold down the left stick in Borderlands while sniping, even though I know there isn't any holding your breath.
  4. Fineldar

    Ever Dream This Man?

    It's actually just a sketch. I'm not hyping it up, the fear has subsided but I have no idea what the hell that was about. It's not some screamer site, just people trying to figure out what this thing is and giving some history, stories, and photos. Editz0r: You can just go to...
  5. Fineldar

    Ever Dream This Man?

    He looks vaguely familiar to me, but I don't think I've dreamt him, I've probably just seen his picture or read something about this before. But I must say, something about his face scares the living shit out of me. I am literally quaking right now and I have no idea why.
  6. Fineldar

    What would your power be??

    Form of SALSA!
  7. Fineldar

    Stolen Pixels #120: Her Scandalous Past

    Could you put it up on your site, instead of of just a link to The Escapist? Maybe put it in your image directory and drop us a link in here? You're so talented and handsome, I just want to read your work so badly. Wait, what?
  8. Fineldar

    Higher Game Prices Coming to the U.K.

    So CoD 4 2 costs almost as much as a Wii? Damm Gina, that so expensive. I mean I used to complain when I had to pay $25
  9. Fineldar

    Poll: Any Good Indie Bands You'd Recommend?

    I heard this song by The Format, which was, to me, the epitome of indie. Just total indie sound, lyrics, and voice. Matt & Kim have a record label but some might consider them indie. Really happy drum and keyboard. Others that people have already said.
  10. Fineldar

    Who would be your arch nemisis....BASED ON YOUR AVATAR?

    Goldstein I guess, but he wasn't really a threat or factual. O'Brien maybe but he was probably in on it the whole time. Eurasia most likely. We have always been at war with Eurasia.
  11. Fineldar

    Modern Warfare 2 Re-Adopts Call of Duty Brand

    Why would they waste money getting the brand when they don't need it? I guess even the tiny bit of consumer awareness drop is enough to gamble on getting the franchise name, it's not like they're not going to make boatloads of money anyway. At least it fits more when I call it Call of Duty...
  12. Fineldar

    The Games of Summer

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who loves playing mediocre games during the long summer, everyone else thinks I'm crazy when I mention it. It really is way too hot in Houston, my rubber soles are melting. No, seriously.
  13. Fineldar

    E3 Killjoy

    That was probably the most self-referential article I've read. Was it all a joke or were you actually trying to let people know about that stuff. And I'm sure it will have flying pencils who shoot laser beams and candy out of it's ass and be so great it's mistaken for the seconded coming of...
  14. Fineldar

    Valve Fans Form Left 4 Dead 2 Boycott Group

    Hey, being an old man is a perfectly good behavior! Actually, two of those things you pointed out were actually dumb changes. I'm not saying L4D is the son of God or anything but this like if the Jews were saying "Dude, Jesus only gave us like 1000 loaves and fishes before going on to heal...
  15. Fineldar

    has france ever won a war?

    True but as emperor of France who lead the French armies to other nations and bring them under French dominion by Frenchmen, it counts for a victory for the French in France. French toast.