Recent content by fleurdust

  1. fleurdust

    Poll: Sexual favors for Star Wars memorabilia

    I wonder if I could offer to have sex with someone in exchange for them giving me more than I paid for for my SWTOR collector's edition...
  2. fleurdust

    Poll: Do women find it easier to get into relationships than men?

    It's hard to compare because I haven't been a man :p Although, I was in a long relationship, after that broke up every single time I would go out, it seemed I got people hitting on me. I wasn't particularly interested at first, maybe it's just that being single I gave other people who weren't my...
  3. fleurdust

    God Bless America

    Falling Down was instantly what I thought of... I love that movie, I don't think many could do a similar sort of concept better. It was just awesome. No glorification, I simultaneously hated and sympathised with the guy. Awesome. If this manages to pull that off it would be cool, but I don't...
  4. fleurdust

    Parenting as a gamer.

    If my kids are anything like me, I'd be happy to let them play whatever they want, including online. I played Diablo II online at 11/12, and before that I had happy times ignoring insults of chess players while I beat them. I'd supervise at first I think, try to pass on values of not being a...
  5. fleurdust

    Do you answer why you turn someone down?

    It's pretty difficult to admit to someone you may like as a friend that you're not attracted to them. In my experience there's not a always concrete reason. Also in my experience, when I have said 'well, you do x, or say y, or look like z', that seems to suggest to some people that if they...
  6. fleurdust

    What will you GIFT YOUR SELF in Christmas?

    No games, but I bought myself a Kindle because I'm awesome like that.
  7. fleurdust

    One word I never want to hear from anyone in the gaming community again.

    I think it's the non-contextual use that gets me, and when people have no idea whether the people they're playing with are actually new to the game. I've noticed it most in WoW where everyone takes BGs and stuff so seriously, all they will do is call everyone noobs without bothering to actually...
  8. fleurdust

    What do you think when you hear the word "transexual?"

    I think of a little boy I met once, who I didn't realise until his parents told me that he was actually born a girl. He was only seven or eight, but apparently had always preferred to be called a boy, got very upset if people called him 'she' or anything as if he was a girl. So, they called him...
  9. fleurdust

    What's your game?

    Gauntlet <33
  10. fleurdust

    "Girl Gamer Syndrome"

    Tbh I've never been on the receiving end of any of the flak that girls are supposed to get when playing games. The only time it came close was when some dickhead started following me around Stormwind saying 'hey cutie' 'sex? sex? sex' but a quick ignore was all that needed. Funnily enough I...
  11. fleurdust

    "Girl Gamer Syndrome"

    I don't get how you could play WoW and not like Diablo. WoW's graphics are pretty awful (though I do play on low) but like... my MUM plays it. I'unno, I seem to know more girls who enjoy it actually.
  12. fleurdust

    "Girl Gamer Syndrome"

    I do, my sister does and my mum does. In fact, I signed up for WoW's annual pass to get D3 for free. What girls do you know? o.o
  13. fleurdust

    Yes I smoke.. So I'm the devil now?

    Yes. You smoke so you're inconsiderate, unhealthy, ignorant, untidy, you hate children, you hate old people, you hate the environment, you have bad hygiene... -.- I understand people's grief with inconsiderate smokers. I understand that it's unhealthy, but so is drinking (and before you...
  14. fleurdust

    Poll: Do you think I stand a chance?

    I miss having a uniform, I hate having to think of new outfits every day. Love that I have a work uniform :D
  15. fleurdust

    What's for dinner?

    Peanut butter on toast and a cigarette or five.