What do you think when you hear the word "transexual?"

Antwerp Caveman

New member
Jan 19, 2010
I draw the line at transsexual.
I believe that a person who thinks he/she is transsexual has a problem and needs help.
I find myself open, tolerant and transparent. But mutilating your body to look like that of the other gender is insane.

I also find the doctors, psychologists and surgeons, who enable this are very irresponsible.
People should accept who they are. You can be straight, bi or gay, but if you are born as a man, then have your body remodelled to look like a woman and then have sex with men? You're just a gay man with a mutilated body.

I also find it insulting to Gay's, lesbians and bisexuals to use the term LGBT because that puts transsexuals in the same catagory as LG&B people.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Fieldy409 said:
I think about how confusing sexuality discussions can get. There sure are a lot of different terms. Though I'm not even sure if transexual is a sexuality or if it's just about identity. Basically it makes my head hurt.
It's the feeling that your identity doesn't match the identity that other people thrust upon you due to the set of genitals you were born with.

OT: I think of a bunch of random images that vaguely resemble genitals. Nothing substantial. If you want my reaction to transsexuals, I don't know what it is in person, because I've never met someone who was transsexual and known about it. Maybe I'd act in a less than politically correct fashion if I met a transsexual in person.


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Dec 22, 2009
Batou667 said:
Ellen of Kitten said:
Transexuality is human wide, not limited to class, wealth, geographical location, etc. Hardly a first world problem. Off the bandwagon you go. :)
Maybe, but I can't remember the last time I heard about Ethiopians campaigning for trans awareness, or an Eskimo in drag, or the Native American Trans community.

Outside of the Western/white world the only other trans issues I've heard of are the trans community in India and Pakistan - which seems to be almost a spiritual thing - and of course Thai ladyboys, which is an overtly sexual subculture.
That's generally because third world countries are incredibly oppressive towards transsexuals, even more so than first world countries. Native Americans, being part of the United States for the most part, don't have "Trans Communities" tailored specifically for their ethnicity. And, even if they did, considering how small a minority they are, said group would be incredibly tiny.

Helmholtz Watson

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Nov 7, 2011
ultrachicken said:
Batou667 said:
Ellen of Kitten said:
Transexuality is human wide, not limited to class, wealth, geographical location, etc. Hardly a first world problem. Off the bandwagon you go. :)
Maybe, but I can't remember the last time I heard about Ethiopians campaigning for trans awareness, or an Eskimo in drag, or the Native American Trans community.

Outside of the Western/white world the only other trans issues I've heard of are the trans community in India and Pakistan - which seems to be almost a spiritual thing - and of course Thai ladyboys, which is an overtly sexual subculture.
That's generally because third world countries are incredibly oppressive towards transsexuals, even more so than first world countries. Native Americans, being part of the United States for the most part, don't have "Trans Communities" tailored specifically for their ethnicity. And, even if they did, considering how small a minority they are, said group would be incredibly tiny.
Like Batou66 typed, its first world problems. Last I checked Palestinians were not concerned about the trans community, nor were the Tibetans who were being oppressed by the CCP. Things like food, water and self sovereignty are what come to mind first, not cutting of one's d**k or mutilating one's vagina.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Frankly the first thing that comes to my mind is to go on google and look up all the trans-terms so I won't get it wrong.

After that though, I remember this video someone posted on tumblr where they showed a M2F operation where they, well, took away the cock and made a vagina. They also followed it up later in the video and it showed it'd been a success. Good video, but I'm bad at gore so I skipped essentially the whole operation part of it.

It doesn't really make me feel or think of anything really specific.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Id give my opinion but it would go down like a tonne of bricks, and I really not in the mood to offend anyone.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
"I'm just a sweet transvestite
From Transsexual, Transylvania." (Horror Rocky - Sweet Transvestite)

Every time I hear the word transsexual I hear that song, I swear on it.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
a girl with a dick,Taiwanese prostitutes and lady Gaga.
I have nothing against transsexuals though.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Antwerp Caveman said:
I draw the line at transsexual.
I believe that a person who thinks he/she is transsexual has a problem and needs help.
I find myself open, tolerant and transparent. But mutilating your body to look like that of the other gender is insane.

I also find the doctors, psychologists and surgeons, who enable this are very irresponsible.
People should accept who they are. You can be straight, bi or gay, but if you are born as a man, then have your body remodelled to look like a woman and then have sex with men? You're just a gay man with a mutilated body.

I also find it insulting to Gay's, lesbians and bisexuals to use the term LGBT because that puts transsexuals in the same catagory as LG&B people.
This is what I didnt have the balls to say.

Although Id like to add an addendum- Ive had arguements/fights with transfolk who demanded to be treated like the gender they identified as even when it was blatantly obvious they were not.
This type of behaviour is a predominant reason for my distaste, as its inflicting their psychosis on other people and is in my mind an unconscionable way to act.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
ultrachicken said:
That's generally because third world countries are incredibly oppressive towards transsexuals, even more so than first world countries. Native Americans, being part of the United States for the most part, don't have "Trans Communities" tailored specifically for their ethnicity. And, even if they did, considering how small a minority they are, said group would be incredibly tiny.
Ah, of course, the Appeal To Uncultured Savages argument.[footnote]I just made that term up, but I'm willing to bet an accepted equivalent exists[/footnote]

We could use similar logic to explain why Ecuador has a proportionally smaller Furry community than America - it's because Ecuador hasn't yet ascended to our level of cultural enlightenment and acceptance! (Nothing to do with Ecuadoreans having better things to do with their time.)


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Volf99 said:
ultrachicken said:
Batou667 said:
Ellen of Kitten said:
Transexuality is human wide, not limited to class, wealth, geographical location, etc. Hardly a first world problem. Off the bandwagon you go. :)
Maybe, but I can't remember the last time I heard about Ethiopians campaigning for trans awareness, or an Eskimo in drag, or the Native American Trans community.

Outside of the Western/white world the only other trans issues I've heard of are the trans community in India and Pakistan - which seems to be almost a spiritual thing - and of course Thai ladyboys, which is an overtly sexual subculture.
That's generally because third world countries are incredibly oppressive towards transsexuals, even more so than first world countries. Native Americans, being part of the United States for the most part, don't have "Trans Communities" tailored specifically for their ethnicity. And, even if they did, considering how small a minority they are, said group would be incredibly tiny.
Like Batou66 typed, its first world problems. Last I checked Palestinians were not concerned about the trans community, nor were the Tibetans who were being oppressed by the CCP. Things like food, water and self sovereignty are what come to mind first, not cutting of one's d**k or mutilating one's vagina.
Way to completely disregard everything I said, but I'll play along.

Basic requirements for survival will always come before mental problems, but that doesn't mean the mental problems don't exist, and they take their toll everywhere. Someone who doesn't have food, water, or electricity is clearly going to seek that stuff out before dealing with their internal torments, but that fact doesn't somehow invalidate the person's mental issues.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Batou667 said:
ultrachicken said:
That's generally because third world countries are incredibly oppressive towards transsexuals, even more so than first world countries. Native Americans, being part of the United States for the most part, don't have "Trans Communities" tailored specifically for their ethnicity. And, even if they did, considering how small a minority they are, said group would be incredibly tiny.
Ah, of course, the Appeal To Uncultured Savages argument.[footnote]I just made that term up, but I'm willing to bet an accepted equivalent exists[/footnote]

We could use similar logic to explain why Ecuador has a proportionally smaller Furry community than America - it's because Ecuador hasn't yet ascended to our level of cultural enlightenment and acceptance! (Nothing to do with Ecuadoreans having better things to do with their time.)
Ah, the age old argument that any issue that isn't tied to basic survival needs is automatically a pointless thing to worry about.

Look, every country has its share of bigots, and third world countries tend to have less law enforcement to prevent violence against persecuted groups. Thus, it is significantly more dangerous and difficult to be publicly homosexual or transsexual or what have you in third world countries. It has nothing to do with "cultural enlightenment." And, please, stop putting words into my mouth if you actually want to have a discussion.


New member
Jul 14, 2011
I think of a little boy I met once, who I didn't realise until his parents told me that he was actually born a girl. He was only seven or eight, but apparently had always preferred to be called a boy, got very upset if people called him 'she' or anything as if he was a girl. So, they called him Harry, let him choose whatever clothes/toys he wanted, and that was it.

And Hedwig, obviously.

kittii-chan 300

New member
Feb 27, 2011
Well the the first thing that popped in to my wind when I saw this thread was TH2 (or the hangover 2. seriously why do people keep writing like that I can't understand what the fuck they're saying!) so I'm gonna say Bangkok...


New member
May 17, 2010
Well in my early teen years I grew up with several transgendered friends so really transgendered is just normality to me so a lot of the first thoughts date back to those friends.

as for my thoughts in order this time it went as:

Hm TG? I remember Jess, I wonder how Jess is, ooh Rocky Horror show *smile*.

Jess was the first TG person I met for reference.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
ultrachicken said:
Ah, the age old argument that any issue that isn't tied to basic survival needs is automatically a pointless thing to worry about.

Look, every country has its share of bigots, and third world countries tend to have less law enforcement to prevent violence against persecuted groups. Thus, it is significantly more dangerous and difficult to be publicly homosexual or transsexual or what have you in third world countries. It has nothing to do with "cultural enlightenment." And, please, stop putting words into my mouth if you actually want to have a discussion.
Ah, the debating technique of calling people who don't jump to embrace your world-view bigots.

I wasn't putting any words in your mouth. If I took issue with anything you said it was the implication (which you repeated in this post) that the reason there are more transexuals in Western coutries compared to the developing world is a result of the superiority of Western law/rights/society.

Just to clarify - from what you're saying, I gather you believe a certain proportion of every society will identify themselves as transgendered. However it's only in developed countries where these people have the opportunity to "come out".

What I'm saying is that Western society is itself the source of much of these social problems. Our society encourages the idea that we have the given right to experiment freely - do whatever you want, be whatever you want, and screw anybody who says otherwise. I used the Furry "community" (*hock, ptuh*) as an example of a way of thinking/being which is clearly the product of a lack of more pressing concerns and also a lack of people who are willing to say "No, you are NOT an astral fox-wolf, pack this childish nonsense in right now". I don't think that it's too unreasonable to assume that the same applies to at least SOME transexuals.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
tr00per7 said:
I cant rememebr if trannys are men that dress like women or men that have had their cock cut into a vagina
Just a heads-up, "Tranny" and it's derivatives are to transpeople as the "N-Word" would be to someone of African heritage. It's very offensive, so try to avoid using that.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Ellen of Kitten said:
So now I wonder; what is the first thing (or couple things) that come to mind when you think of transexual people?
I know a thing or two about transsexualism, but my mind ALWAYS hands me such images :


I don't have a f*ing clue why.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Antwerp Caveman said:
I draw the line at transsexual.
I believe that a person who thinks he/she is transsexual has a problem and needs help.
I find myself open, tolerant and transparent. But mutilating your body to look like that of the other gender is insane.

I also find the doctors, psychologists and surgeons, who enable this are very irresponsible.
People should accept who they are. You can be straight, bi or gay, but if you are born as a man, then have your body remodelled to look like a woman and then have sex with men? You're just a gay man with a mutilated body.

I also find it insulting to Gay's, lesbians and bisexuals to use the term LGBT because that puts transsexuals in the same catagory as LG&B people.
Yeah, you're really open and tolerant...*snicker* And who are you to decide what anyone "should" do? Are you in some position to determine logic? Or the very fabric of the universe itself?

Looks like you failed to read some of the earlier posts where some ignorant sod mentioned the same things, and were debunked. Not all transwomen are attracted to men, so your statement there is not only... ignorant beyond words, it's already been mentioned, and shot down, do try to keep up.

And FYI, a lot of transpeople are trying to get the T taken out of LGBTQA, because being transgendered/transsexual has NOTHING to do with sexual orientation.