Recent content by Gummimannen

  1. Gummimannen

    Out of these 10. recommend 3

    Infamous Dead space Deus ex All you need.
  2. Gummimannen

    Admit what games you suck at.

    All music and sport games. I'm completely worthless at them.
  3. Gummimannen

    Poll: What alcohol do you prefer?
  4. Gummimannen

    So, how do you think we are going to beat the reapers at the end of mass effect 3?

    We build a Deathstar nice and quick. Problem solved!
  5. Gummimannen

    If you had to invade Hell which fictional army would you use?

    Kratos... Should be enough,
  6. Gummimannen

    It's the apocalypse, and the protagonist from the game you last played is your teammate.

    I'll just bribe him with a cookie and everything will work out just fine. He has a sweet spot for cookies, it's common fact. I might have small problem when I run out of cookies...
  7. Gummimannen

    The last movie you saw combines with the last game you played and the last book you read.

    King Kong+Red Faction:Guerrilla+The Kite Runner= One messed up story...