Recent content by jackdaniel0001

  1. J

    Jimquisition: Xbox One No DRM Emergency Special!

    I am hugely disappointed at this reversal. MS should have stuck to their gun, waited to see the results. I don't agree with their DRM and game policy, but I can buy PS4 instead. There are plenty of people who do agree with MS policy, and I feel those people got robbed of an potentially...
  2. J

    Microsoft Executive Replies To Xbox One Negativity

    1) Halo is just an lazy example I made up. I meant to say that a sizable portion (maybe 20-30%) of the xbox user (for whatever reason) will like stick with MS no matter what Sony has. 2) That depends on people. I think non gamers could be convince to buy xbox1 if MS goes on a media blitz...
  3. J

    Jim & Yahtzee's Rhymedown Spectacular: To Kill a Microsoft-bird

    So Microsoft is Alduin? Sony is Dragonborn?
  4. J

    Microsoft Executive Replies To Xbox One Negativity

    In the US market at least (seems like the only one MS cares about), I wouldn't be surprised is xbox1 do similar level of sales as PS4. There is a reason that they marketed the device as a 'media' device rather than a gaming console, so I expect people who don't care about games to buy it for...
  5. J

    So why are us Brits getting screwed over once again?

    Like people have said, the exchange rate can fluctuate. Maybe today it looks like American consumers got the better deal, things could be reversed by next year. For multinationals like Sony and MS, they can only hope to hedge their pricing against exchange rate. Although I am curious if it...
  6. J

    EA Exec: Xbox One and PS4 Are "A Generation Ahead" Of PC

    I see a sliver of truth in what he says. I mean I'd believe him even more if he weren't a gaming executive, but just on what he said its definitely possible. We just have to wait and see.
  7. J

    Relic Details Company of Heroes 2 Pre-Order Bonuses

    @Therumancer Well, this article is the 1st time heard anything on premium currency, I haven't followed the development very closely. I'd always assumed that the different color skins for tanks would be DLC contents. I hope what you say isn't true, I had enough trouble playing COH with its...
  8. J

    Relic Details Company of Heroes 2 Pre-Order Bonuses

    In Germany, having Nazi symbols showing up is illegal, it would probably be easier to design the the whole game around this restriction rather than releasing a separate version just for Germany.
  9. J

    Steam rating and Top Three Steam games

    Rating 1.7 Past 2 weeks Company of Heroes 3hr Heart of Iron III 0.7 hr Europa Universalis 0.6 hr All time CoH 375 hr GTA IV (not sure why is up there, maybe I left the game launcher on in the background)267 hr Empire TW 239 hr Fallout NV 229 hr My rating is so low because I...
  10. J

    See How Your Mass Effect Choices Compare to Everyone Else's

    On my first play through I ignored him the whole time, thinking that he was just a token muscle head, but on the next run I picked him for all my missions to find out what I missed, and Vega came out to be my favorite character. Writers gave him a lot of funny lines and character depth...
  11. J

    Rumor: Contract Dispute Halted Prey 2 Development

    My brother works of Human Head, and I knew this news a long time ago. There is a lot bad blood between ZeniMax and Human Head, what I hear is that the publisher is trying to squeeze the developer, keep moving the goal post to find ways to say that Human Head is falling behind so they can refuse...
  12. J

    Mass Effect 3 Review

    All I need to say the the game is close to being perfect, and then get screwed royally toward the end. Its not just the endings, but even the quests that lead up to it is pretty crappy and contrived. Act 1 to 2 are the great, Act 3 is amazing, and then the game starts to be mediocre. People who...
  13. J

    Poll: Dragon Age 2 was it that bad?

    Its a good game, definitely didn't deserve all the vitriol flowing around the internet. It is sort of interesting to see that fans turn 180 deg from saying Origin sucks to Origin is perfect, either that or BioWare fanbase is just that divided. I'd say they are going to be better off just...
  14. J

    Poll: Origin v Steam with battlelines drawn, where r u?

    It's good in that as long as Origin even remotely threaten STEAM (Perceived or real), STEAM has to look over its shoulder, which translate to more sales, better service or what not. And really the worst case scenario is that you can't buy EA games on STEAM, which honestly is nothing more than a...