Recent content by KarumaK

  1. KarumaK

    What kind of music fills you with happiness?

    Dissonant music usually. I enjoy when the lyrics don't match the tune.
  2. KarumaK

    The Big Picture: Maddening

    I don't really see why this matters in the least? They were just dogs and this is irrelevant to his athletic performance.
  3. KarumaK

    Poll: Should We let pandas become extinct?

    Now, I'm trying to find a way to handle this gently and utterly failing so I think I'll just say this; Panda's are my favorite animal, die in a fire.
  4. KarumaK

    Karma,is it real??

    Standing right here.
  5. KarumaK

    Poll: Do you have a standard character you create across multiple games?

    A Godmode version of myself.
  6. KarumaK

    Poll: Should There be Gay Characters in Kid's Shows/Films?

    I think there should be whatever characters the writers can reasonably create and develop that fit the story. But yeah sure, we can cram shit in that might make the show suck to prevent accusations of discrimination too.
  7. KarumaK

    Would you still play a game if the main character was gay?

    Well my original answer was always; Sure, what fucking difference does it make? But since I saw this thread I think the answer is now; NO. Because I am at this point tired of seeing these threads and their cousin threads.
  8. KarumaK

    Your Pokemon Gym

    You'd have to pay to enter, pay to advance, pay to fight me, pay to have me stop cheating, and pay to get your badge if you won. ...Then you'd have to pay to stop the hunt.
  9. KarumaK

    Poll: do you believe there is a difference between JRPG and RPG

    There is obviously a difference to anyone paying even a minor amount of attention, one of them contains a "J". Honestly the things people come up with.
  10. KarumaK

    BlazBlue... did I miss something?

    Your problem with BB is that you don't like it... why are you telling strangers about this again?
  11. KarumaK

    Rape jokes, can they be funny?

    You seem to be confused on the issue allow me to state the proper question; Rape jokes, can they NOT be funny?
  12. KarumaK

    Poll: Your own life - Or ten strangers lifes?

    My life is not worth ten lives; It is worth ALL lives. They die and I forget the incident in a week.
  13. KarumaK

    What's the glitchiest mess of a game you've ever played?

    Interesting trivia that is not a glitch that's a feature. In the first gen Rage locks your Pokemon into it until they faint and if it ever misses, EVER, it's accuracy becomes 1/250ish. First gen is best gen my ass.
  14. KarumaK

    You have been transformed into your avatar.

    I do believe it is time I propose a query; Who here is suffering from elevated levels of stress?
  15. KarumaK

    Poll: unmasking Quarians/Tali

    ...What? Are you seriously defining words based on a video game instead of oh say; a dictionary? No, nope, I'm done here.