Recent content by Kedcom

  1. K

    Pregnant Woman Gets Pregnant

    My question when I read this was "Whatever happened to patient-doctor confidentiality?" So we might assume she has given permission for this story to be told (be it for money, fame, stupidity, medical science, etc). So.... how many really weird/interesting medical stories DON'T we hear...
  2. K

    Buy a Blu-ray, Watch it on Your PSP

    I actually don't mind watching stuff on my (very very small screened) ipod if I'm on holiday or on public transport or whatever. I thought it'd be really rubbish and I'd rarely use the video option as I'd bought it for music really, but it's not that bad to be honest. I have a PSP too which has...
  3. K

    Poll: I am drinking tea through a Tim Tam...

    I like tea through a Tim Tam, but I also really like milk through one too. Perhaps even more so as you have more time to enjoy the biscuit before it disintegrates. That said, with milk I find that it doesn't taste so chocolately. So which to choose? Depends on your mood and the weather I...
  4. K

    220: Katamari Absurdity

    Kinda interesting that the Katamari picture used contains the old imperialist Japanese flag in the top right corner. Is this a Western promo pic? Most Japanese people don't like to see the old flag as it's a painful reminder of their past. Except to rapid nationalists of course. They like it! :)...
  5. K

    That sneaky Yahtzee

    Haha they used the music from Twin Peaks! Brilliant!
  6. K

    Seriously, America?

    That whole video is comedy gold. Thankfully I think the protesters he interviewed were probably a minority. They mostly didn't even seem like bad people, just very scared and very ignorant really.
  7. K

    Modern Warfare 2's Limited Edition 360 Bundle Does It Big

    Doesn't look as tacky as most, but what's the deal with wanting a console covered in cheap and usually crappy looking decals of a game you happen to like? Does that mean when you play Halo or Prototype that you're cheating on your one true love... Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? .... the...
  8. K

    Snake Discovered With Clawed Foot

    How about with things like new variants of flus and so on? Older people were less likely to get swine flu as they had been exposed to many previous similar strains of flu. And if cancer still kills a lot of people does that not mean that some are still being naturally selected out regardless of...
  9. K

    Japans death row makes prisoners go insane

    You should get a kick in the nuts. I lived in Japan for 3 years and heard so many stories of the police forcing confessions through intimidation from suspects and framing others. It is a much more common occurence there when compared to many Western nations. I also personally know of at...
  10. K

    Snake Discovered With Clawed Foot

    Bottom left kinda staring up at you but upside down. Just in case the foot thing wasn't creepy enough.
  11. K

    Snake Discovered With Clawed Foot

    If I had a siamese twin then I think I too would attack it. Eventually. No matter what species I was.
  12. K

    Snake Discovered With Clawed Foot

    Yeah shame isn't it? If the snake had lived to pass on it's mutated genes then we might have had a whole new evolutionary branch of one-legged snakes!
  13. K

    Snake Discovered With Clawed Foot

    Yes it's true, they found a mutated snake with a foot. "I woke up and heard a strange scratching sound. I turned on the light and saw this monster working its way along the wall using his claw," Fark...
  14. K

    Sick and Tired of Christians and Americans Being Considered the Bane of Humanity

    There's all kinds of reasons why Americans get slated by the rest of the world. Here's a few for starters: 1) America rightly or wrongly became the world's last superpower once the USSR fell apart. Everyone fears the biggest guy in the playground even if he's not a nasty bully. This fear is...